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In this lesson you will learn about the Elements of Art. Line Shape/Form Space Texture Value Color. In this lesson you will learn about the Elements of Art. DEFINITION = the basic visual tools artists use when making an artwork. The Elements are:
In this lesson you will learn about theElements of Art Line Shape/Form Space Texture Value Color
In this lesson you will learn about theElements of Art DEFINITION = the basic visual tools artists use when making an artwork. The Elements are: color, line, shape, form, texture, space, value
Line = A mark made by a moving point; a mark with length and direction Ways to change a line: Direction, Length, Thickness, Solid/Broken
Shape • An enclosed space or area • Shapes are 2D, which means they have NO depth • Implied by an area of color • Can be Geometric or Organic
Geometric= shapes that follow mathematical law; has a distinct shape like a square, triangle, rectangleOrganic = any natural shape that is not geometric; has irregular edges; like an amoeba Shapes
Form • An enclosed space or area • Forms are 3D, they have depth • Implied by an area of color
Space • Distance between lines and shapes, or the illusion of depth • Shown by: • Converging lines • Overlapping shapes • Changing brightness of color • Position on the page • Decreasing size (foreshortening) • Use of shading and shadows
An example of decreasing size, overlapping shapes, position on the page, change in brightness
Positive Space: FIGURE. Space taken up by objects that the artist wants the viewer to see. • Negative Space: GROUND. Space that is around the objects or the leftover, empty space.
Texture = the feel of the actual surface • Can be created using lines, shapes, and values. • Real texture = you can actually physically feel the texture of the artwork • Implied texture = the artist created the texture, but you can not feel it.
Color Produced when light strikes an object and reflects back to the eyes
Color • Red,Yellow, &Blueare Primary Hues • Orange, Violet ,Greenare Secondary Hues
Color Primary & Secondary Colors Primary Colors
Value • Lightness or darkness • TINTS, made by adding white • SHADES, made by adding black
Hatching Cross-hatching Stippling
Can you find each of the elements illustrated? [Color. Line. Shape. Form. Texture. value.]
In this lesson you will learn about thePrinciples of Art Contrast Proportion Movement Rhythm Emphasis Balance Unity
Principles of Design= the organization of a work of art • Rhythm • Movement • Balance • Proportion • Variety • Emphasis • Unity
The Design Principles of Visual Arts help ORGANIZE the Elements of Art Remember the Elements? *line *texture *shape *space *color *value
Unity = everything fits together as a whole; AKA “harmony” • Your work should not appear disjointed or confusing. • Composition appears to be a whole not a collection of parts
Unityin the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Color Value Space
Examples of UNITY/Harmony: WAYS TO CREATE UNITY: Simplicity, Repetition, closeness, Limited color scheme
Variety Variety is the spice of life!!! = Differences in artwork; You can achieve variety by using different shapes, textures, colors and values in your work. WHY? Adds visual interest; keeps your eye looking; avoids boredom
Contrast = the arrangement of opposites in artwork • This creates a focal point; adds interest & excitement • What is the opposite of black? • What’s the opposite of smooth? • What’s the opposite of a straight line?
Contrastin the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Color Value Space
Emphasis = One object or area that stands out or attracts attention, an area of interest that is important • AKA “focal point” • Created with strong contrast, highlights, large size • ONLINE ACTIVITY: Find the FOCAL POINT!
Emphasisin the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Color Value Space
Rhythm = Repeating an element over and over in a work of art; similar to pattern; * like the beat of artwork THINK: Music, dance -beat. • * bum bum bum • Occurs when movement is repeated • Used to direct your eye • See how RHYTHM is created
Rhythmin the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Color Value Space
Movement • Using the elements to direct the viewers eye along a certain path What path does your eye follow in this painting?
Movementin the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Color Value Space
Balance = asense of stability in the body of work; a feeling of equal weight, looks like it’s been arranged well See Balance in Art
An experiment with balance Not Balanced
Symmetrical Balance Formal or Symmetrical = when the 2 sides are equal
Informal or Asymmetrical = • There is balance, but the two sides are not the same Asymmetrical Balance
Balancein the Elements of Art Line Shape Texture Formal Informal Informal Formal Informal Informal Space Color Value
Radial Balance = Radiates from a central point
Proportion = (scale) refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a work of art. Artists learned that distorting or exaggerating proportion could alter the effect of a work on the viewer Artists can show what is important by changing the sizes of objects ** DRAW a person with an exaggerated feature