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SBCTC Advisory Group. Monday, May 12, 2014. Agenda:. 2014 Meeting Schedule: goo.gl/Y882i State Authorization Blackboard Collaborate Check-in Panopto Check-in WAOL ITT reminder ANGEL Check-in Canvas Check-in Project I-DEA Check-in
SBCTC Advisory Group Monday, May 12, 2014
Agenda: • 2014 Meeting Schedule: goo.gl/Y882i • State Authorization • Blackboard Collaborate Check-in • Panopto Check-in • WAOL ITT reminder • ANGEL Check-in • Canvas Check-in • Project I-DEA Check-in Next meeting – June 9– same time, same place, May 26 meeting canceled due to Memorial Day
State Authorization • News: Department of Ed negotiated rulemaking to revive federal state authorization is underway. DOE will reinstate federal regulations that require institutions to be authorized in each state in which the institution has a presence. http://wcetblog.wordpress.com/ • WSAC will apply to SARA in April http://www.wiche.edu/sara • Washington institutions will be able to apply to WSAC in May or June. Cost $1250 per institution per year • Another cost to national SARA based on college size (between $2000 and $6000 per year) • All colleges are required to provide information to ALL students on the complaint process in their home state. You can use a link to the SHEEO list, available here: http://www.sheeo.org/stateauth/Complaint%20Process%20Links.pdf
State Authorization • Military programs: • 76% of military who are seeking a degree (while in service) are working fully at a distance • The Dept of Defense is drafting language on tuition assistance policies that will ask colleges in what states the students in their military programs reside and whether the college is authorized to deliver instruction in those states. DOD assumes the DOE will re-instate federal rules that colleges must comply with state authorization in order to get access to federal funds (although this has not yet been reinstated), and it appears DOD plans the same policy. • There is a general belief that DOD funds for tuition assistance will be reduced in the future • DOD is very interested in “swirling” students who take courses but do not get degrees—they want to fund for completion
State Authorization • WCET State Authorization Network: • We are signed up as a system for another year • I will send updates and information both to ELC listserv and to the list of college contacts. Check your college for accuracy. • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjaEP5Aq-0dqdFgyTU9uazZYZ25nd0JuNG9zeHgzX2c&usp=drive_web#gid=0 • More information on this wiki: http://stateregulations.wikispaces.com/
Blackboard Collaborate Renewing Collaborate for another term.
Panopto Check-in • For more information on Panopto: http://panopto.com • Timeline and important info posted here: http://www.waol.org/panopto • Help & Training Resources http://support.panopto.com/ • Documentation: http://support.panopto.com/documentation • Videos: http://support.panopto.com/documentation • Forums: https://helpdesk.panopto.com/forums • Basic Training Webinars: http://support.panopto.com/webinars
WAOL ITTs • Summer and Fall ITTs now open • Please get ITTs in and approved ASAP (if they’re not approved, students can’t register)
ANGEL Check-in • Contract for ANGEL ends 6-30-14 Oh, yeah, just blink & it’s gone.
Canvas Update • Zendesk move for the rest of the participating colleges is being schedule. Once Kevin is back from vacation and Rick has scheduled a date you will be contacted with the timeline for the move. • Deadline May 22 for turning on trusts. • Email Mark if you DO NOT want to turn on the trusts. • We will schedule and report a date after memorial weekend to have them turned on.
Project I-DEA • 3 year grant from Gates to use flipped model for lower level ES. Students work 50% online; colleges supply devices and connectivity
Next meeting June 9, 11:00 to noon on Blackboard Collaborate information on this web site: http://waol.org/faculty_and_staff/WAOLAdvisory.aspx Recordings on WAOL Blog: http://waol.org Please forward invitations to others on your campus who might be interested.