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Unit 6, Lesson 5 Political Campaigns

Unit 6, Lesson 5 Political Campaigns . Essential Questions: What can I do to impact my government and community? Learning Target: (C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications.

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Unit 6, Lesson 5 Political Campaigns

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  1. Unit 6, Lesson 5Political Campaigns • Essential Questions: What can I do to impact my government and community? • Learning Target: (C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • Formative Assessment(s): How do you think the media and propaganda influences people in their participation in government? Homework: Vocabulary • Daily Rubric: 4 – I fully understand the learning target and I am ready to move on • 3 – I feel like I have a good understanding of the learning target but I need to cover it a little more • 2 – I feel kind of lost on the learning target and I need a lot of review before I can move on • 1 – I am completely lost and feel like I need to completely cover this learning target over

  2. Flashback (3.12) What lessons did future U.S. leaders learn from the 1974 U.S. Supreme Court case United State v. Nixon? • The president is accountable for obeying laws • The president is responsible for enforcing the law • The president is not allowed to hold secret talks with foreign governments • The president is not allowed to have private meetings with cabinet members

  3. PreviewLearning Target: ((C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • What does Obama say the NSA is doing? • What does he want you to think about the NSA? • Could your opinion be changed about this issue if you had information from other sources? • One "legitimate critique" of the National Security Agency programs designed to track suspected terrorists by culling US phone records and mining data from the servers of major Internet companies, the president conceded, is that because they're classified, "the public may not fully" understand them. "That can make the public kind of nervous, right?" he said. "Because they say, 'Well, Obama says it's OK, or Congress says it's OK. I don't know who this judge is. I'm nervous about it.’ - Obama on the NSA

  4. VocabularyLearning Target: ((C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • Bias: • Symbolism: • Propaganda: • Mass media: • Public opinion:

  5. VocabularyLearning Target: ((C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • Bias: having a view about something based on your own personal beliefs or experiences • Symbolism: use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities • Propaganda: ideas used to influence people’s thinking or behavior • Mass media: forms of communication that transmit information to large numbers of people • Public opinion: the total of opinions held concerning a particular issue

  6. ActivityLearning Target: ((C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • What do you believe the influence of this propaganda was meant to be? Does it influence you in any way? • http://www.politicalcartoons.com/cartoon/99b410aa-277f-4650-a9ec-b320da69307c.html • http://www.corbisimages.com/images/Corbis-IR001145.jpg%3Fsize%3D67%26uid%3D4c849cd3-a54e-41bc-8c93-a68e6a30a5b8 • http://urbanbellemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/beyonce-role-model-obama.jpg • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gspElv1yvc • http://www.whitehouse.gov/sotu • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z8t5ZJh5M7s/T9aKSTKkyQI/AAAAAAAABD8/rUtWfTdcI2g/s1600/propaganda%2Bwoman.jpg • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPbCSSXyp0

  7. Formative Assessment • Learning Target: ((C.2.11) IWBAT analyze media and political communications. • Formative Assessment(s): How do you think the media and propaganda influences people in their participation in government?

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