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APEC SUMMIT ON EDUCATION REFORM STRIKING BALANCE:SHARING EFFECTIVE PRACTICE FROM EAST AND WEST. Review of Governance and Systemic Reform in Education . 12 January 2004. Governance Reform in Education. CONTEXT 21 ST Century Skills
Governance Reform in Education CONTEXT 21ST Century Skills Both East and West – good effective governance structures underpin and support education policy and program delivery for improved education outcomes – underpins maths and science, languages, ICT and teacher quality issues etc Addition to Skills list – entrepreneurial skills, skills in getting a job; and learning how to learn continuously over lifetime
Key Research Findings • Governance structures are based on historical, economic, political, legal and cultural systems • Decentralisation may not equal real reform and will not by itself lead to improved outcomes, complex • Decentralisation/centralisation debate may distract from important reform issues • Rationale for reform may differ across East/West with East driven by pragmatism West by ideology but in reality both driven by practical issues, eg resource constraints, improved quality • Convergence as both east and west move towards a middle ground of mix of centralisation/decentralisation • Reform strategies must be bedded in research, contemporary issues and cultural and political contexts for success • Reform is difficult, needs to be confidence in improved outcomes, is long term
Current Policy Reforms and Progress Some economies are decentralising others recentralising . Policies to increase local community and other stakeholder involvement • To address equity and access • Introducing national assessment, standards and accountability frameworks • Improving teaching quality • Higher education reform – funding/expansion/international competitiveness
Challenges • Government structures and culture may be incompatible with decentralisation and other aspects of reform • Need to balance local autonomy with national goals and aims • Local infrastructure and resources may not be adequate for devolution to result in positive change • How to address major changes in demographic and economic shifts eg rise in higher ed enrolments, closing of schools, industry shifts • Balancing the drive for excellence in education with the need to support access and equity for all • Ensuring changes in government structures are based on real transfers of skills, resources and infrastructure • How do governance structures affect and how can they improve teaching quality
Promising Practices • Empowerment of schools – community involvement eg Maori schools in New Zealand • Comprehensive school leadership training eg principal training Hong Kong and Singapore • Access and equity strategies eg Chile • Teacher support and training programs eg China • Different levels of government working together to achieve outcomes • eg Australia and Japan • Access and equity through providing multiple pathways in education • eg New Zealand • School development and accountability framework eg Hong Kong and Singapore • Flexible learning, lifelong learning strategies eg Thailand • Curriculum development eg China
Recommendations for Ministers • Economies need: • Capacity building at the individual, local and central levels • Life long learning – expansion of learning opportunities for all age groups including adults • Building on local strengths using local culture and knowledge while developing new strengths • Appropriate levels of resourcing • Recognition that teachers in 21st century have changing role • Strengthening of ties between schools and local communities
Recommendations • Investigate benefits of new public and private partnerships eg UK, or industry support • Promote school networking among national and international levels and regions and different kinds of schools • Anticipate demographic and economic changes • Find ways to pursue excellence in education while balancing access and equity issues • Encourage governments to work cooperatively with stakeholders eg labour groups in Chile
Higher Education Reform • Introduction of improved quality assurance frameworks eg accreditation and assessment systems • Greater transparency in management of universities and setting of standards • Increasing need for qualifications recognition to improve student mobility
Research agenda • Effects of competition and collaboration within systems • Outcomes of school networking programs • Outcomes of reform moves within cultural context • How has community involvement worked? • School based management in eastern economies • Examples of leadership teacher programs that work