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ENSURING LASTING CHANGE FOR CHILDREN. CRY CHANGE AGENTS. MAKING A DIFFERENCE See how CRY Volunteers spread the message of Child Rights globally. ANIL SETHI. A Yoga instructor in Japan , raises funds for CRY by contributing part proceeds from his fees.

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  2. CRY CHANGE AGENTS MAKING A DIFFERENCE See how CRY Volunteers spread the message of Child Rights globally

  3. ANIL SETHI A Yoga instructor in Japan, raises funds for CRY by contributing part proceeds from his fees. Anil makes it a point to visit a project when he visits India. He has been donating to CRY since 1994.

  4. V.MAHADEVAN Volunteer in Indonesia, organised a CRY walk to support the cause of Child Rights in India

  5. CRY STALL AT DUBAI SHOPPING FESTIVAL, 2000 Stall was given to CRY free of cost by Indian Association, Dubai

  6. Eat as much as you can, pay as much as you wish! MR. UZAIR Owner of Woodlands Restaurant in Hong Kong, organized a fund-raising event for CRY on 2nd October 2001.

  7. FRIENDS OF CRY, KUWAIT Supporting CRY since 1996 “ CRY is an organisation which has been doing laudable work for the welfare of homeless and under-privileged children…” PRABHU DAYAL, Indian Ambassador to Kuwait

  8. STUDENTS OF UNITED WORLD COLLEGE, SINGAPORE Started a ‘CRY Global Concern’ cell in their school in 2009 to raise funds and generate awareness about CRY’s work.

  9. MADHU KUMAR A volunteer from Oman • Made a Difference by: • Putting up a CRY stall at all Get-togethers of the Indian Community • Selling CRY cards • Giving presentations about CRY

  10. ‘FRIENDS OF CRY DUBAI’ IN ASSOSCIATION WITH INDIA CLUB Organized CRY-Kids Colouring and Drawing Competition ON 12TH AUGUST, 2005

  11. DR. BALA SAHEB KALE and DR. V. KIRAN CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! They put CRY’s name on the Everest Base Camp

  12. FRIENDS OF CRY (BOTSWANA): An “Indian youth of Botswana” initiative to raise funds for charity. Organised a dinner and show in 2005

  13. CRY UK TRADITIONAL DIWALI CELEBRATIONS were organised by volunteers; dressed in their fineries, burst fire crackers, made rangoli, lit diyas / lamps and enjoyed Indian food while dancing to Bollywood music! STANDUP COMEDYThis is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in UK. For the first time an Asian Standup Comedy show was organised which ran to a full house.

  14. CRY UK HOLI was celebrated in a traditional way by organising an Indian classical dance performance accompanied with dinner from the 4 regions of India INDEPENDENCE DAY WALKA guided walk was organised in London to grace the occasion. The group was led by the guide to all the historical monuments in central London linked to the British Raj

  15. CRY UK CRY CORPORATE CRICKET CHALLENGE16 team corporate tournament was organised in London with the help of volunteers. The tournament lasted for 4 weekends and helped CRY UK raise funds and awareness about the cause of children

  16. CRY AMERICA Volunteers at CRY America’s 25 Action Centres conceptualise and organize innovative awareness and fundraising events like CRY Walk for Child Rights, the CRY America Cricket series and the My vision and dream for children campaign

  17. Manoj Mathew – VP Real Media FZ LLC / Zee Dubai – helped CRY with free TV spots on Zee (Middle East) • RINKOO BHOWMIK gave CRY space for a free banner on her website www.buzzzar.com for over 2 years 2% • VJ Baladonates to CRY 2% of the sales of his company- Megalith in Canada

  18. MAKE CHANGE THAT STAYS “ If we all do something, then together there is no problem we cannot solve. Because the responsibility for change lies with us all” RIPPAN KAPUR FOUNDER - CRY, 1954 -1994

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