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Summary of 2012 Activities. The Vision – Equal Employment Opportunities
The Vision – Equal Employment Opportunities To create an employment environment which promotes equality and is willing to employ Arab university graduates; and to significantly increase the number of Arab university graduates who are integrated within the business sector (within private and public companies) within positions which are commensurate to their skills. Equality for All
Circles of Activity Consolidating Group of Leading Companies Workshops and Changing Attitudes Career Training Individualized Guidance Career Guidance in High Schools Collaborations with Human Resource Agencies Atida
Circle of CEOs and Senior Management Goals • Strengthening the commitment of management to diversity. • Developing a strategy and objectives for employing Arabuniversity graduates. • Promoting organizational dialogue and openness regarding employment diversity. • An encouraging influence on professional managers. • Identifying obstacles throughout the process and creating solutions. • Creating a group of leading companies – impact on the market.
Circle of Human Resource Managers Goals • Promoting awareness and openness about employing Arab university graduates. • Acquiring knowledge and tools for increasing the employment rates of Arab university graduates. • Identifying obstacles throughout the process and creating solutions. • Improving the processes of recruiting, integrating and providing guidance to ensure successful, long-term employment of Arab university graduates. • Increasing the number of job placements of Arab university graduates that are employed within companies.
Feedback from Employers Quotes regarding the multi-cultural job interview workshop: “Becoming familiar with Arab culture, learning about what motivates the employees, and learning about their coping mechanisms within a new employment setting.” “Becoming personally acquainted with Arab culture.” “Acquiring skills for direct and indirect management of employees from different sectors of society.” “Becoming familiar with the Arab community makes it possible to create better relationships with the job candidates.” “Skills for interviewing and conversing with Arabic-speaking job candidates.” “Leading questions for interviews.” “Wearing different ‘glasses’ for interviews with Arab job candidates and approaching these interviews with a different perspective.”
Providing a Continuum of Services from High School through Employment
Goals Career Guidance in High Schools Increase in the number of students selecting high-demand professions. Increase in the number of students who study in colleges and universities which are highly valued by the business market. Decrease in the drop-out rates during freshman year of college and decrease in the number of students who change their college majors during freshman year. Improvement in students’ academic achievements beginning in freshman year of college. Increase in self-confidence and sense of competence in being able to successfully integrate within the business job market. Increase in the quality of job candidates (university graduates) who are seeking employment in the business job market. Increase in the number of Arab university graduates who succeed in integrating within the business job market. Influencing the dialogue within high schools regarding careers and academic excellence.
Quotes from Program Alumni “At the beginning, I wanted to study law because I thought that there are jobs in this field, but after I completed the program, I changed my mind because the job market doesn’t need more lawyers. I discovered that there are many other professions which are in demand which I could study in the future and which are particularly advantageous for individuals from the Arab community.” “It was interesting to hear about different study methods, about academic institutions, about how to accumulate experience from every situation, and about different internships for our selected professions. The meeting at SanDisk: I liked the company and I felt more optimistic regarding future employment when I saw women from Nazareth in the company who told us how they studied hard and selected an appropriate profession and that they had achieved impressive results.”
Quotes from Program Alumni (Continuation) “The program helped me a lot…previously I didn’t know what I wanted to study even though I like computers…My parents wanted me to study medicine but I didn’t give in and I enrolled in a major which I like. Everything I learned from the program I have implemented. For example, I looked at websites in order to understand admission prerequisites, I participated in orientations at universities, and I asked a lot of people as well as school counselors.” “I wanted to study to be a pharmacist like my brother and now I’ve decided to study something else in the engineering field.” “In the beginning, I wanted to study education and teaching. Through the program, I learned that this is not a profession which is in high demand…so I looked for other professions and I became interested in the graphics field. Thanks so much to KavMashve for the guidance which you gave me.”
Quantitative Measurements - High Schools • The program operated within 25 schools during 2011 and 2012. • A contract was signed with the Ministry of Education for 2012-2013. • The program operated in 24 schools from October – January and in 28 schools from January – March 2013. • Close monitoring is carried out of each series of groups and lessons are learned along the way. • Total for 2012-2013: 52 high schools - 1,275 program alumni.
Academic and Career Guidance for High School Program Alumni • Initiating academic and career guidance for alumni and developing a data base of more than 2,000 alumni. • Creating a questionnaire which is tailored to the stages which high school graduates go through following graduation. • Identifying the needs of program alumni and appropriate assistance: assistance with college registration; general questions; consultation and guidance regarding professional direction – stage 1: consultation by the Career Training Center, stage 2: currently being established (occupational psychologist + testing to assess abilities and strengths). • Ongoing e-mail and phone contact with alumni.
Career Center - Training Center which Prepares for Job Placements Goals • Selection process, instruction and trainings in order to increase successful, long-term job placements. • Inculcating the concept of a “career” among young Arab university graduates and promoting their understanding of the business job market and its diverse opportunities. • Teaching applicable skills to college students before they enter the job market. • Learning to think about employment horizons – meetings with freshman college students. • Guidance and support in seeking out appropriate employment.
Alumni of Career Training Courses - Testimonies Very little time has passed since the course has ended and we already miss you. In this letter, we wanted to say thank you for your willingness, investment and professionalism. The course was organized and transmitted in an excellent manner and there is no doubt that we learned many important and practical things. The wonderful way in which you treated us and your desire to help each one of us is what made the course successful. We have nothing more to say except thank you, thank you and thank you very much. Thank you very much for the course. It was really very fascinating. It was very useful, I clarified my thoughts, and I figured out how to present myself during an interview.
Continuation of Testimonies I learned how to join and become part of a group dynamic and I learned how to express myself in an interview. How to prepare for a job interview and how to interest the interviewer so he will select me; how to create a good connection with the interviewer and understand how he thinks and what he wants to hear. A successful experience. I participated in simulations and I really felt the experience. I was tense and I did not react like I had planned. Previously, I did not know what a job assessment center was and now I understand what will happen in the center and now I’m more focused. The course woke me up to a lot of things that I didn’t pay attention to at the beginning. I hope to be able to adopt the tips which I learned here.
Continuation of Testimonies The facilitator contributed practical information in that he provided me with tools and emphasized considerations for building a career and particularly regarding a place for an internship – information which you can’t get via theoretical law lectures. An enriching workshop which contributed a lot and prepared me in the best way possible for interviews. This workshop taught me many things which can be useful in the future – how to interview and live up to the standards, ways in which to organize things in my head.
Job Placement Center - Suitable Employment • Integrating job candidates within appropriate positions which are suited to their college majors. • Connecting the employer and job candidate. • Providing guidance to the employer and the job candidate during the selection and recruiting processes and while the latter is integrating within the employment setting. • Providing consultation, guidance and information to employers and job candidates and answering their questions. • Continuing to provide guidance following the job placement.
Partner Human Resource Agencies
Human Resource Agencies • We have built a new model in collaboration with a number of leading human resource agencies because our goal is to work towards creating a society which is based on equality and in which each individual is able to secure employment which is in line with his/her abilities and talents in his/her selected profession. • This model includes the implementation of the operational aspects of the Job Placement Center within human resource agencies while providing ongoing guidance, facilitation and professional instruction by KavMashve staff. • In practice, KavMashve will continue to identify job candidates, while the human resource agencies will maintain contact with these candidates and will refer them to available job positions. KavMashve staff will continue to provide guidance to job candidates in preparing for the job interview and screening processes. • KavMashve will continue to specialize in developing and providing professional knowledge regarding diversity and the employment of Arab university graduates.
Inculcating the Job Placement Center • Collaborations are currently being carried out with the following human resource agencies: Hever, Manpower, ORS, Danel and JobInfo. • Leveraging collaborative activities in a number of ways, emphasis on preparation for job interviews (both individual preparations and preparations within a group context). • Existing collaborations are based on a signed agreement and work with each agency is based on a model which is tailored to its particular needs. • KavMashve will likely be working with a number of additional agencies (Tafkid Plus, Etgar, etc.). • The objective by the end of 2013 is to partner with 10 human resource agencies. • Leveraging activities with employers.
A Thank You Letter from an Arab University Graduate who Secured Employment with Kav Mashve’s Assistance When I was a small child, my mother taught me to say thank you very much, whether in situations where it was warranted or unwarranted. Because of this, I believe that saying thank you has power. In my opinion, this power stems from the ability to be full of appreciation for my own self-worth and my awareness towards situations, events and individuals in my private, family, social and professional life.To be full of happiness is not enough in order to feel the appreciation that I currently experience because the additional element is necessary, which is my enthusiasm. I currently feel what I experienced recently and how these things are being realized in a clearer and better manner. As a result of all of this, my life is improving much more than what I had expected. At this time, when I am full of joy, I want to say a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to KavMashve’s staff members who have guided me on a long journey in securing employment (approximately 15 months). This journey is complex, long, and in many instances particularly depressing given the reality of the Israeli job market. Without a doubt, after every conversation with KavMashve staff members, I felt relief, especially after we developed a deep friendship during my journey of looking for work. Despite how busy they are, KavMashve staff members always listened to me and I discovered how loving, giving and caring they are and how they are willing to do so much for me.
A Thank You Letter from an Arab University Graduate who Secured Employment with Kav Mashve’s Assistance - contine Ufortunately , over the last year I sent dozens of CVs for different job positions. Some of the employers didn’t even respond to me for unknown reasons. Other employers invited me to undergo their job screening processes and even though I passed these tests, I was not offered a single position. This difficulty became a crisis for me and I suffered. Malak (a KavMashve staff member) was always convinced that I would find my dream job. And now, because of the assistance which I received from KavMashve staff, I have been offered not one, but several positions. After a lot of frustration, I believe that the journey of looking for work was an opportunity for growth and learning and in the end I was enriched with deep insights that will be with me my whole life. Now I need to also express my appreciation for the difficult and frustrating journey because it allowed me to get to know the KavMashve staff.I want to wish you all of the good which is in this world…and a great deal of success, health and love…TweebaMajdov, M.A. in social psychology from Bar Ilan University
Achievements 2012Primary • Beginning to implement the Job Placement Center within the following human resource agencies: Hever, Manpower, ORS, Jobinfo. • Successful collaborations with government offices. • Expanding the career guidance program within Arab high schools and creating a formal partnership with the Ministry of Education. • Beginning to implement career training courses in universities – pilot at Tel Aviv University. • Establishing a center for job placement counselors which will provide guidance to partner human resource agencies.
Primary Achievements Continuation • Creating new workshops for employers. • A strategic plan for working with employers in a comprehensive manner. • Creating and carrying out training for KavMashve staff regarding the new challenges. • A leading and professional authority in partnership with Ma’antech. • Increasing collaborations with civil society organizations. • Continuing activities within the Israeli Diversity Forum and Shutafut-Sharakah. • Successful collaboration with the Economic Development Authority for the Arab, Druze and Circassian Sectors.
2013 Target Core Issues Expanding collaborations with human resource agencies. Inculcating knowledge within companies about multi-cultural integration and advancement of Arab employees. Carrying out a stage 2 career training course – developing employment horizons and career advancement for employed Arab university graduates. Expanding the high school program and the partnership with the Ministry of Education – initiating the program in tenth grade and developing a training program for school counselors. Expanding the “Adopt a High School” model for businesses. Inculcating career training courses within leading universities and colleges. Collaborations through future employment centers – pilot on employer relations. Carrying out a human resource course for Arab job placement coordinators. Developing and promoting diversity policies, objectives and measurements within companies – focused work.
Who is doing all this? Yael Kohn-Sharon, Executive Director Kheir Abdel Razek, Deputy Director General of Marketing Orly Chen, Deputy Director General of the Business Sector and Career Training Yana Neumann, Director of Business Relations and Consultation Malak Masalha, Director of the Career Training Center Ramizaya Sroji Saghir, Director of the Job Placement Center Rula Mazzawi, Director of Content Development Alhan Ghanaim, Coordinator of theCareer Training Center Yelena Berkovitz, Coordinator of the Career Training Center Luna Khury Abed, Consultant to Human Resource Agencies Hanan Talhami, Consultant to Human Resource Agencies Maram Jubran, Coordinator of the Career Guidance Program for High Schools Lorainne Zakine, Office Manager Yonit Frank, Director of Digital Media Lotty Camerman, Fund Raising