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Critical Components of Early Learning Data Day - Kindergarten. February 8, 2012. Our Day. Why is data necessary? How does the quality of our environments improve learning? How do we use data to make improvements? How do we collect data from the learners in our classroom digitally?
Critical Components of Early Learning Data Day - Kindergarten February 8, 2012
Our Day Why is data necessary? How does the quality of our environments improve learning? How do we use data to make improvements? How do we collect data from the learners in our classroom digitally? How do I prepare for learning/intervention, when I have data collected?
Seven principles of mastery teaching • Start where your students are. • Know where your students are going. • Expect to get your students to their goal. • Support your students along the way. • Use feedback to help you and your students get better. • Focus on quality rather than quantity. • Never work harder than your students. How to plan rigorous instruction: Mastering the principles of great teaching, Robyn R. Jackson, 2011
Teachers blaze the path to knowledge generation when pairs, small groups and entire faculties intentionally and purposefully use data as a source for analyzing progress and proactively planning for improvement. - Wellman & Lipton, 2004
Document Your Learning Today • Photographs • Videos • Tweets • Blog: www.blogger.com • Facebook • NESD Parking Lot
Four Driving Forces of School Change Shifting To • A learning focus • Teaching as a collaborative practice • School improvement as a requirement • Responsibility Shifting From • A teaching focus • Teaching as private practice • School improvement as an option • Accountability
The Learning Environment The Third Teacher
The Learning Environment • How does your classroom reflect your image of the child? Your views about families and communities? Your beliefs about children’s learning? • What have you done so far to make your Kindergarten classroom environment welcoming for all children and their families? • How is your classroom space divided? Does it enable a variety of activities? • Does your environment invite the children to explore the contexts of the curriculum? • What elements in the classroom support children in developing a sense of well-being and belonging? • What attractive and engaging materials are present in your classroom that invite children to explore, inquire and investigate – PLAY?
Ensuring “Quality and Developmentally Appropriate” Programming for Young Children As we strive to provide quality and excellence in our programming with children, there is a critical need for resources and tools that help us measure our practices and our environments. Accurate measurements help us to integrate sound practices that are responsive to child, family, and community.
Our Commitment and Responsibility • Knowing what we do from the research, then we should feel compelled to support what we know……. “ that our programs – what we do, what we offer, how we practice …..are all crucial to children’s development and learning.”
Our responsibility….. • a commitment to our own learning…so we can continually strive for excellence in our own practice and own programs. • To understand the latest research that will show us that our words, our actions, and our programming will greatly influence a child’s development and learning capacity.
There is compelling evidence that regular connections with the natural world can support children’s healthy development and assist them in meeting daily challenges. • Children develop enhanced powers of observation and creativity through appropriate interactions with nature (Crain, 2001) • Children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder who have regular, appropriate connections with the natural world show an improvement in concentration (Taylor, Kuo, & Sullivan, 2001). • With teacher support, nature-filled spaces become safe places where children can express positive emotions, begin to manage negative emotions, learn courage and confidence, and explore the wonders of nature with others (Miller, 2007).
Creating Responsive Environments – Video • Record ideas that you can adapt to implement in your program. • List various materials that you notice in the video environments that you could add or change in your program to make your space more inviting to children.
Inspiring Spaces • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RD9XOow20E&feature=related • ECERS-R Materials/Centers Checklist
Evaluating our programs It is essential that evaluations and assessments be based on credible, realizable and evidence-based tools that provide a baseline in regards to the level of quality . The results of such evaluations can provide us the information to improve programs and learning outcomes for children.
The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised (ECERS-R)
Evaluating Early Childhood Programs The ECERS-R is a tool that can be used to evaluate the level of quality within early learning environments. Evidence based research outline quality indicators that determine the level of quality which is closely related to learning outcomes for children.
ECERS-R Basic Training Understanding the Scale
The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale – Revised Edition The ECERS-R is a tool for both research and program improvement. The original ECERS tool was published in 1980. In 1998 the revised edition was published. It was updated and expanded (ECERS-R) to: • be more attentive to family concerns and individual children's needs • reflect the changes in early childhood, particularly Developmentally Appropriate Practice • be inclusive of children with disabilities • include greater emphasis on cultural diversity • Similar tools include ITERS-R, SACERS-R, FDCRS. • NEW: 2011 ECERS-E focusing on Literacy, Math, Science & Diversity
Environment ECERS-R defines ENVIRONMENT in a broad sense and includes: • the arrangement of space both indoors and outdoors • the materials and activities offered to the children • the supervision and interactions (including language) that occur in the classroom • the schedule of the day, including routines and activities • the support offered to parents and staff
ECERS-R Scale Each item is expressed through a 7 point scale with descriptors : 1 for inadequate 3 for minimal 5 for good 7 for excellent. • Levels of program quality are based on current definitions of best practise and on research relating practise to child outcomes.
Quality….What does it look like? • And how do we measure it?
Overview of the Subscales of the ECERS-R The seven sub-scales of the ECERS-R are: • Space and Furnishings • Personal Care Routines • Language-Reasoning • Activities • Interaction • Program structure • Parents and Staff
Space and Furnishings • Indoor space • Furniture for routine, care, play, learning • Furniture for relaxation and comfort • Room arrangement for play • Space for Privacy • Child-related display • Space for gross motor play
Personal Care Routines 9. Greeting/Departing 10. Meals/ snacks 11. Nap/Rest 12. Toileting/Diapering 13. Health Practises 14. Safety Practices
Language-Reasoning 15. Books and pictures 16. Encouraging children to communicate 17. Using language to develop reasoning skills 18. Informal use of language
Activities 19. Fine Motor 20. Art 21. Music/movement 22. Blocks 23. Sand/water 24. Dramatic Play 25. Nature/Science 26. Math/number 27. Use of TV, video, and/or computers 28. Promoting acceptance of diversity
Interaction 29. Supervision of gross motor activities 30. General supervision of children (other than gross motor) 31. Discipline 32. Staff-child interactions 33. Interactions among children
Program Structure 34. Schedule 35. Free Play 36. Group Time 37. Provisions for children with disabilities
Parents and Staff 38. Provisions for parents 39. Provisions for personal needs of staff 40. Provision for professional needs staff 41. Staff interaction and cooperation 42. Supervision and evaluation of staff 43. Opportunities for professional growth
Practice with ECERS-R • Space & Furnishing: (4) Room Arrangement for Play • Activities: (22) Blocks • Activities: (23) Sand/Water
And So? Now that you have this information/knowledge about ECERS and some practise in using it, how do you think this tool can benefit K programs?
Advantages of the Environment Rating Scales – article from Child Care Exchange Sept/Oct 2005 Program improvement tool Comprehensiveness Process measure Research based Efficient Easy to use Transferable Popular measure in early childhood Quantitative data Popular with decision makers
Where Do We Go From Here? How do we use the information from the ECERS-R For PROGRAM direction and planning BUDGET preparation COMMUNICATION to Boards, Parents, Community Self EVALUATION and LEARNING
Developing a Plan Collaborative : needs to be developed by those who will have involvement in the implementation Based on information gathered through the ECERS-R
Resources All About the ECERS-R Play and Exploration: Early Learning Program Guide Inspiring Spaces for Young Children YOU You are your best resource! Plan for Annual Evaluation
Collecting Data Digital Documentation
Data Collection Assessment evidence
Quality Assessment Events • Assessment Events are the opportunities or activitiesthat allow you to formatively or summatively assess a student. • We collect data (documentation) during these assessment events and measure our findings through the assessment tool (rubric).
What are quality assessment events in Kindergarten? • How does the environment impact our assessment event? • Does the assessment event match the criteria as outlined in the rubric? Does this experience match the criteria? • Does this assessment event seem more formative or summative? How do you know? • What are other possible ways to assess this same criteria? What changes in the environment needs to occur? • What happens when children are not engaged in the event? How do we measure their developmental readiness with an outcome?
Learning from each other... • Twitter #nesdele #kinderchat • http://blogs.gssd.ca/smuir/?tag=kindergarten • http://blogs.gssd.ca/smuir/ • Pinterest
Clarifying the rubric A metaphor