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ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions. Early Learning Data Institute - Day 2. Moving Toward Action. esd113.org. Overview of the Two Days. Day 1. Day 2. The big picture. Digging Deeper. Getting Ready and Issues. Plan and Evaluate. Diagnosing Causes. Application to your context.
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions Early Learning Data Institute - Day 2 Moving Toward Action esd113.org
Overview of the Two Days Day 1 Day 2 The big picture Digging Deeper Getting Ready and Issues Plan and Evaluate Diagnosing Causes Application to your context
Today’s Agenda Evaluating Results
Today’s Objectives • Learn concepts related to: • Team readiness for use of data • Creating focusing questions • Gathering, displaying and analyzing data • Understanding underlying causes • Apply these concepts and related tools to real-life data and begin construction of data action plan.
Analyze Data • Identify Useful Data • Display Data Checking Back In • Data Capacity • Vision for Data Use • Formulate Initial Questions • Diagnose Root Cause
Checking Understanding: ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions What do your recall are the major topics and possible outcomes from: • Getting Ready • Identify Issues • Understand Issues • Diagnose Causes
Now it’s your turn Create a graphic organizer of the Cycle of Inquiry • Label each stage • Be creative!
4.0 Diagnose Causes – cont. • Display Data • Identify Useful Data • Analyze Data • Data Capacity • Vision for Data Use • Formulate Initial Questions • Diagnose Causes • Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause 4.2Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions 4.2 Identify the Problem of Practice • It is the adults who create and maintain learning opportunities for the children they serve. • The outcomes that children experience, therefore, are determined by the practices of adults in the learning environment.
4.2 Identifying the Problem: Two Sides of the Same Coin Problem Statement - Expressed in terms of what children are having difficulty with. E.g. Our children are having difficulty following multi-step directions. Problem of Practice - Expressed in terms of the teaching, administrative, organizational, and structural practices related to the learner-centered problem. E.g. We do not give our children enough practice with multi-step tasks.
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions 4.2 Developing the Problem of Practice Review sample problem of practice Select a root cause from Day 1 Brainstorm practices that result in root cause Select the practice that is most likely to have the greatest positive impact if changed Complete Problem of Practice Worksheet NOTE - This process may (and should) include review of additional data, research, conferences with peers, etc.
Debrief with Team/Journal: Complete Process Summary, Stages 3 & 4 Questions?
Two Paths Diverge… Applying Your Learning As a group, come to consensus to either: • Apply the learning of yesterday and today to a problem of practice from your program - or - • Consider how to implement the Data Institute processes as your ‘problem of practice’
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions 5.0 Plan & Take Action
Data Capacity 5.0 Plan & Take Action: • Vision for Data Use • Formulate Initial Questions • Identify Useful Data 5.1 Describe Preferred End State • Display Data • Analyze Data Describe Preferred End State • Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause
5.1 Descriptions of Desired End State (goals) What will it “look like” when the problem of practice has been solved, and the underlying problem has been addressed? All stakeholders need to have a common understanding of this picture.
A rose by any other name… Objective Impact End State Target Outcome Goal
Describing the End State (goal) The challengeis to provide evidence of change.
5.1Writing End Statements (goals) Elements: • What will change? • Who will it impact? • By how much? • By when?
5.1 SMART Goal Statement To (insert the change here), as measured by (insert instrument here), from (insert current status here), to (insert desired status here) by (insert date here).
5.1 Describing the Desired End State Purpose: To develop a shared vision among the data team and all stakeholders of what the desired end state will look like. 30 minutes of team meeting time and additional time for stakeholder collaboration. Time:
5.0 Plan & Take Action: • Data Capacity • Vision for Data Use • Formulate Initial Questions 5.2 Select Strategies & Write the Plan • Identify Useful Data Select Strategies & Write the Plan • Display Data • Analyze Data Describe Preferred End State • Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause
A means to an end… Strategy = Means Goal = End State
5.2a Selecting Best Practice Strategies Feasible Strategy Feasible Strategy Potential Strategy Potential Strategy Potential Strategy High Impact Strategy High Impact Strategy High Impact Strategy HIGH IMPACT STRATEGIES High-impact strategies that are feasible and have been demonstrated to be effective in similar situations.
5.2a Identifying Potential Strategies Purpose: To identify a variety of strategies that could feasibly address the identified problem(s) of practice, and to identify strategies that will support the implementation of the initiative and set the stage for scaling-up and sustainability.About 30 minutes. Time:
An action plan… …is a roadmap for change. …defines a path. …bridges a gap.
But action planning is often… …tedious. …filling out boxes. …an exercise in documentation. …hopeful aspirations.
What's an Improvement Initiative? Desired End State (goal) Strategy C Strategy B Strategy A Underlying Problem
5.2b Developing an Action Plan Purpose: Develop a plan that will guide the specific steps of the strategy. About 30 minutes to introduce and additional time to complete. Time:
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions 6.0 Evaluate Results
6.0 Evaluate Results: • Identify Useful Data • Display Data • Analyze Data • Data Capacity • Vision for Data Use Develop Evaluation Plan • Formulate Initial Questions Select Strategies & Write the Plan 6.1 Develop Evaluation Plan Describe Preferred End State • Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause
Quality of Implementation . Billions spent on research-based best practices “Science of implementation”
Quality of Implementation From: Fixsen, D. L., Naoom, S. F., Blase, K. A., & Frances, W. (2007). Implementation: The Missing Link Between Research and Practice. The APSAC Advisor . “The quality of the implementation process is the key link between sound research and desired outcomes.” “A sound intervention isn’t enough, those who will make it happen and the systems that they work within must be shaped to support implementation.”
What is an Evaluation Plan? • Provides the evidence necessary to answer two basic questions: • Did the initiative have the desired impact? • How effective was the initiative, and why (or why not)? • Provides the following information: • Success indicators (desired end states) • Data needed to provide evidence of success • How/when the data will be gathered & analyzed • How findings and conclusions will be shared with stakeholders
Data Capacity • Vision for Data Use Evaluation Report & Next Steps 6.0 Evaluate Results • Formulate Initial Questions • Identify Useful Data Develop Evaluation Plan 6.2 Evaluation Report & Next Steps • Display Data Select Strategies & Write the Plan Describe Preferred End State • Analyze Data • Identify Problem of Practice • Diagnose Root Cause
Evaluation Report Outline Overview:a) Priority issue b) Focusing question c) Underlying issue and root cause d) Problem of practice e) Improvement targets Implementation: a) Narrative of strategies and major steps taken in the action plan b) A table with status updates of the action steps taken Results:a) Data displays b) Narrative of findings from the data analysis c) Conclusions based on findings Recommendations: a) Modifications b) Sustainability strategies c) New focusing questions d) Immediate next steps
What Comes After Evaluation? • Possible courses of action: • Revise & re-implement the the initiative • Expand the initiative to impact a broader population • Develop initiative sustainability • Act on another priority issue
ESD 113 Your partner for learning solutions Team Planning
6.1 Developing an Evaluation Plan Purpose: Develop an Evaluation Plan Prepare a short presentation of your Implementation (Action) Plan & your Evaluation Plan. About 2 hours to develop the evaluation plan & prepare the presentation. Time:
After Your Work Session You Will Report Out On: • How you feel about what you have created? • What parts of the process worked well? What parts didn’t work so well? • What recommendations do you have for the ESD 113 team? Think about how you would use this process with your program.