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Zainul Abideen: Du’aa for His Well-Being. Du’a.org Slideshow by Dr. Hashim. Du’aa: Invocation. Du’aa is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (swt). Du’aa can change fate, while no action of ours ever can. Du’aa is the essence of Ibadah or worship.
Zainul Abideen:Du’aa for His Well-Being Du’a.org Slideshow by Dr. Hashim
Du’aa: Invocation • Du’aa is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (swt). • Du’aa can change fate, while no action of ours ever can. • Du’aa is the essence of Ibadah or worship. • With Du’aa we can never fail; without it, we can never succeed. • In the proper scheme of things Du’aa should be the first and the last resort of the believer. • With all his plans and actions coming in between, Du’aa is conversation with Allah, our Creator, our Lord and Master, the All Knowing, the Almighty.
And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer):Surah 40, Ayah 60 • وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ
Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya • Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya is a collection of supplications and whispered prayers • It was composed by Zainul Abideen, the great-grandson of Prophet Muhammad. • The title "Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya" means "the book of Sajjad", • Sajjad being the epithet of Ali ibn Husain, the fourth Shi'a Imam.
Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya as considered • Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya has several titles, such as • "Sister of the Quran", • "Gospel of the Holy Household" and • "Psalms of the Muhammad dynasty", • In the form of supplication, it expresses Islamic knowledge and thought and • It involves all aspects of individual, social, economical, political and cultural life. • Reason, human feelings, emotions and conscience are all addressed by it
Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya • Narrations state that Sajjad composed Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya after the Battle of Karbala (680 AD). • Imam Sajjad used rich and meaningful supplications to reconstruct society and distribute Islamic knowledge. • It seems Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya (which was protected from government agents by Imam Sajjad’s sons and companions) • was a sectarian and organizational booklet, which if the access of the government agents to it would nullify all Imam Sajjad's efforts.
Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya • Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya was at the forefront of the uprising against the Umayya. • Salutations to Muhammad and his dynasty are repeated in most of its supplications, • while the Umayya Khilaafah consistently tried to wipe out the name and memory of Muhammad and his family. • In several supplications Imam Sajjad explains what Imamate means, • who is allowed to be an imam (leader), and • what the conditions of Imamate are, • because the subject of prophet succession and the concept of Imamate were faced with serious challenge after the death of Muhammad and particularly after the Battle of Karbala.
دُعَاؤُهُ بِالْعَافِيَةِ • Zainul Abideen’s Supplication for his • Well-Being
أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ،وَأَلْبِسْنِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَجَلِّلْنِي عَـافِيَتَكَ، • O God, bless Muhammad and his Household and • clothe me in Your well-being, • And wrap me in Your well-being,
وَحَصِّنِّي بِعَـافِيَتِـكَ، وَأكْـرِمْنِي بِعَافِيَتِكَ، • and fortify me through Your well-being, and honor me with Your well-being,
وَأغْنِنِي بِعَافِيَتِكَ، وَتَصَدَّقْ عَلَيَّ بِعَافِيَتِكَ، • and enrich me through Your well-being, • Enhance me by Your well-being,
وَهَبْ لِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَأَفْرِشْنِي عَافِيَتَكَ، • and bestow upon me Your • well-being, • And spread out for me Your • well-being,
وَأَصْلِحْ لِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَلا تُفَرِّقْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ عَافِيَتِكَفِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ. • and set right Your well-being for me, and separate me not from Your well-being • in this world and the next!
أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ، • O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
وَعَافِنِي عَافِيَةً كَافِيَةً شَافِيَةً عَالِيَةً نَامِيةً، • and make me well, sufficient, wholesome, sublime, and on the rise, with Your well-being
عَافِيَةً تُوَلِّدُ فِي بَدَنِي الْعَافِيَةَ، • a well-being that will give birth to a well-being in me,
عَافِيَةَ الدُّنْيَا والآخِرَةِ، • a well-being not only in this world but also in the next world!
وَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِالصِّحَّةِ وَالأمْنِ وَالسَّلاَمَةِ فِي دِيْنِي وَبَـدَنِي، • and sustain me in health, security, and • safety in my religion and my body,
وَالْبَصِيرَةِ فِي قَلْبِي وَالنَّفَاذِ فِي أمُورِيْ وَالْخَشْيَةِ لَكَ، • and insight in my heart, wisdom in my affairs, and the fear of Thee,
وَالْخَوْفِ مِنْكَ وَالْقُوَّةِ عَلَى مَا أَمَرْتَنِي بِهِ مِنْ طَاعَتِكَ • and the apprehension of Thee, • and strength to carry out obedience to Your commands for me,
وَالاجْتِنَابِ لِمَـا نَهَيْتَنِي عَنْهُ مِنْ مَعْصِيَتِـكَ. • and avoidance of the disobedience to what You prohibit for me!
أللَّهُمَّ وَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِالْحَجِّ وَالْعُمْرَةِ، • O God, oblige me through the Hajj, the Omrah,
وَزِيَارَةِ قَبْرِ رَسُولِكَ صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِوَرَحْمَتُكَ وَبَرَكَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ، • and visiting the grave of Your Messenger (Your blessings, mercy, and benedictions upon him and upon his Household)
وَآلِ رَسُولِكَ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّلاَمُ أَبَداً مَا أَبْقَيْتَنِي،فِي عَامِي هَذَا وَفِي كُلِّ عَام، • and the graves of the Household of Your Messenger (upon them be peace) for as long as You let me live, • in this year and in every year,
وَاجْعَلْ ذَلِكَ مَقْبُولاً مَشْكُوراً مَذْكُوراً لَدَيْكَ،مَذْخُوراً عِنْدَكَ، • and make that accepted, thanked, and mentioned before Thee and stored away with Thee!
وَأَنْطِقْ بِحَمْدِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَذِكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ الثَّناءِ عَلَيْكَ لِسَانِي، • Make my tongue utter Your praise, Your thanksgiving, • Your remembrance, • and Your superb Praise,
وَاشْرَحْ لِمَرَاشِدِ دِينِكَ قَلْبِي، • and expand my heart toward the right goals of Your religion!
وَأَعِذْنِي وَذُرِّيَّتِي مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيم • Grant me and my progeny the refuge from the accursed Satan,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ السَّامَّةِ وَالْهَامَّةِ وَالْعَامَّةِ وَاللاَّمَّةِ • And the evil of venomous vermin, threatening pests, • swarming crowds, • and evil eyes,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ شَيْطَان مَرِيد ،وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ سُلْطَان عَنِيد ، • the evil of "every damned Satan" • and the harm of every refractory ruler
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ مُتْرَف حَفِيد،وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ ضَعِيف وَشَدِيد، • And from the harm of everyone living in ease, • And the harm of everyone • strong or weak,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ شَرِيف وَوَضِيع،وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ صَغِير وَكَبِير، • And the harm of everyone born high or low, • the harm of everyone • Great or small,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ قَرِيْب وَبَعِيد،وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ مَنْ نَصَبَ لِرَسُولِكَ وَلأهْلِ بَيْتِهِ حَرْبَـاً مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإنْسِ، • the harm of everyone near or far, • the evil of every one, jinn or mankind, who declares war on Your Messenger and his Household,
وَمِنْ شَرّ كُلِّ دَابَّة أَنْتَ آخِذٌ بِنَاصِيَتِهَاإنَّكَ عَلَى صِرَاط مُسْتَقِيم. • and the harm of "every crawling creature that You have taken by the forelock! • Surely You are on a straight path"
أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وآلِهِوَمَنْ أَرَادَنِي بِسُوء فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّي وَادْحَرْ عَنِّي مَكْرَهُ، • O God, bless Muhammad and his Household and if someone desires ill for me take him away from me, and drive his deception away from me,
وَادْرَأ عَنِّي شَرَّهُ، وَرُدَّ كَيْدَهُ فِي نَحْرِهِ،وَاجْعَلْ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ سَدّاً حَتَّى تُعْمِيَ عَنِّي بَصَرَهُ، • and avert from me his wickedness, • send his malice back to him, • and place before him a barricade, • so You may blind his eyes toward me,
وَتُصِمَّ عَنْ ذِكْري سَمْعَهُ، وَتُقْفِلَ دُونَ إخْطَارِي قَلْبَهُ،وَتُخْرِسَ عَنَي لِسَانَهُ، وَتَقْمَعَ رَأسَهُ، • And deafen his ears toward my mention, • lock his heart toward recalling me, • silence his tongue against me, • And restrain thinking,
وَتُذِلَّ عِزَّهُ، وَتَكْسِرَ جَبَرُوتَهُ،وَتُذِلَّ رَقَبَتَهُ، وَتَفْسَخَ كِبْرَهُ، • and abase his adulation, • break his arrogance, • abase his neck, • And disjoint his pride,
وَتُؤْمِنَنِي مِنْ جَمِيْعِ ضَرِّهِوَشَرِّهِ وَغَمْزِهِ وَهَمْزِهِ وَلَمْزِهِ وَحَسَدِهِ • and make me immune to his injury, • his harm, his slander, his backbiting, his faultfinding, and his envy,
وَعَدَاوَتِهِ وَحَبَائِلِهِ وَمَصَائِدِهِ وَرَجْلِهِ وَخَيْلِهِإنَّكَ عَزِيز قَدِيرٌ. • and immune to his enmity, his snares, his traps, his foot soldiers, and his cavalry! • Surely You are the Mighty, the Powerful!
Western Scholars • Philip Woolley, a professor and researcher from Germany, asked for a copy of Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya to be sent to him after his friend, a Roman CatholicCardinal, saw the book in his library, studied part of it, and impressed with its novelty insisted on taking it away with him. • When the Vatican Library in Rome received an English version of Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya, it said in its letter of acknowledgment: "This book contains great mystical themes, so we place it for researchers in the best position of the library."
Western Scholars • A leader of Germany's Social Democratic Party wrote to a friend, Professor Singler, saying: "This book had a profound impact on me and changed my view about Islam. I invite my friend to study this book", • In Poland, Christian Scientist Andre Kowski said of the book: • "I am deeply impressed by the ideas of Imam Sajjad, whose noble thoughts are manifested on the pages of the book Al-Saheefa al-Sajjadiya. It is so attractive, to the extent that I feel this book has given me a complete sense of the mystical and divine."