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QUARTER CENTURY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. Ken Simpson, W8EK Executive Administrator and National Director. 1. • Thanks for coming. • Please ask questions. 2. Your Officers are. President Ken Oelke, VE6AFO, Calgary, Alberta VP Larry McCalvy, WA9JMO, Racine, WI

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  1. QUARTER CENTURYWIRELESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. Ken Simpson, W8EK Executive Administrator and National Director 1

  2. • Thanks for coming. • Please ask questions. 2

  3. Your Officers are • President Ken Oelke, VE6AFO, Calgary, Alberta • VP Larry McCalvy, WA9JMO, Racine, WI • Secretary Vic Culver, W4VIC, Virginia Beach, VA • Treasurer Mort Cohen, WA2ARS, Orlando, FL

  4. Directors: • Val Erwin, W5PUT, Dallas, TX • Ken Simpson, W8EK, Ocala, FL • Jeff Beals, WA4AW, W Palm Beach, FL • Gerry Gross, WA6POZ, Tallahassee, FL • Myron Cherry, K4YA, Greeneville, TN • Howard Cunningham, WD5DBC, Washington, DC • Sue Simpson, N8AJU, Ocala, FL

  5. Report of September 24, 2012 Board of Directors MeetingReno, NV 5

  6. Remember the song from years ago “The times, They are a changing” • Many positive changes were made 6

  7. QCWA • The board made some “Tough Decisions” in order to keep QCWA as a viable organization • Financially, we project that QCWA will be in the black in 2013. 7

  8. QCWA What are some of these changes? 8

  9. QCWA • • The committee structure has changed: • Administration and Finance • Chapter and Member Relations • Publications and Publicity 9

  10. Administration and Finance Committee • POSITION MEMBER CALL • Chair Ken Simpson W8EK Executive Administrator • Vice-Chair Gerry Gross WA6POZ • Member Myron Cherry K4YA • Member Mort Cohen WA2ARS Treasurer • Member Larry McCalvy WA9JMO VP • Member Vic Culver W4VIC Secretary • Advisor Roberta Cohen WA2FRW Disbursement Admin • Advisor Tim Donovan W4CLK Scholarship Chair • Ex-officio Ken Oelke VE6AFO President

  11. Chapter and Member Relations Committee • POSITION MEMBER CALL • Chair Val Erwin W5PUT • Vice-Chair Howard Cunningham WD5DBC • Member Jeff Beals WA4AW • Member Sue Simpson N8AJU Exec Assistant • Member Larry McCalvy WA9JMO VP • Member Vic Culver W4VIC Secretary • Advisor Bob Buus W2OD QSO Party Log Checker • Advisor George Roach VE3BNO HF Net Manager • Advisor Ted Edwards W3TD Activities Manager • Ex-officio Ken Oelke VE6AFO President

  12. Publications and Publicity • POSITION MEMBER CALL • Chair Myron Cherry K4YA • Vice-Chair Gerry Gross WA6POZ • Member Jeff Beals WA4AW • Member Vic Culver W4VIC Secretary • Member Ken Simpson W8EK Executive Administrator • Advisor Amber Pelletier K1AMP Journal Editor • Advisor Bob Roske NØUF Webmaster/Reflector Admin • Advisor Rue Stuteville Jr W4RUE Audio Recording Coordinator • Liaison Al Pickering KJ9N Proof Reader • Liaison Ron Fish KX1W Proof Reader • Liaison Terry Finn VE6TF Proof Reader • Ex-officio Ken Oelke VE6AFO President • Ex-officio Larry McCalvy WA9JMO Vice-President

  13. Jim LaPorta N1CC • our General Manager, has chosen not to renew his contract which expired December 31, 2012. QCWA has “decentralized” the General Manager Position 13

  14. QCWA We will be requesting help from QCWA members. (YOU) Some of these changes have already taken place and include the following: 14

  15. Executive Administrator • Responsible for processing membership applications and funds • Deposits checks in Checking Account • Accepts Donations, deposits & sends out thank you letters • Keeps membership database up to date • Stores and maintains Records • Answers member communications, both e-mail and phone • Coordinates general operations • Provides a physical address for IRS tax purposes 15

  16. Executive Assistant • Assists the Executive Administrator as needed • Same responsibilities as Executive Administrator 16

  17. Disbursement Administrator • Pays bills from Checking Account • Posts to accounting software program • Responsible for day to day financial transactions • Provides reports as needed • Manages PayPal Account and Transfers Funds • Uses PayPal QCWA Account to operate as well as checking accounts 17

  18. Certificate Custodian • Receives applications for all certificates • Confirms Membership status • Confirms eligibility for age and term based awards • Sends certificates to members by Email and US Mail • Records information in database • Designs Award Certificates 18

  19. Membership Supplies Coordinator • Recommends vendors for supplies such as QSL Cards, hats, shirts, mouse pads, cups, etc. • Handles members requests • Processes and ships orders, if not shipped direct from vendor • Stores items of inventory that are not sub-contracted out (Stamps, Buckles, decals, mouse pads and caps on hand) 19

  20. Membership Renewal Coordinator • Responsible to send renewal notices to members, both e-mail and USPS mail • If e-mail notices are automated, confirms with webmaster that notices are being sent properly • Works with Executive Administrator and Executive Assistant (and may be the same person as Exec Admin and/or Exec Asst depending on the work load) 20

  21. QCWA The previous positions are critical to the operation of QCWA. People have been identified to fill these positions, and have been volunteering in these positions since Nov 15. 21

  22. QCWA • Executive Administrator – Ken Simpson, W8EK • Executive Assistant – Sue Simpson, N8AJU • Disbursement Administrator – Roberta Cohen, WA2FRW • Certificate Custodian – Vic Culver, W4VIC • Membership Supplies Coordinator – Myron Cherry, K4YA 22

  23. Treasurer • Our Treasurer, Frank Harris, WA4PAM, has been wanting to retire for some time, waiting until we could find someone to replace him. • Our new Treasurer is Mort Cohen, WA2ARS 23

  24. QCWA Although the previous positions are critical for our operation, we also have a “Wish List”. 24

  25. Development Director • Must be a US Citizen residing in the USA • Presents opportunities for long term gifts • Wills and bequeaths • Annuities • Tax Advantages • Interfaces with members • Registers Corporation with those States that require Registration or Exemption • Works with Exec Admin and A & F Committee 25

  26. CPA / CPA Coordinator • Must be a US Citizen residing in the USA • Completes IRS Form 990 • Completes Financial Statements and other related CPA duties • Ideally would be a retired or semi-retired CPA or has other significant accounting experience • Responsible primarily to the Board of Directors 26

  27. Lawyer • •Looks over QCWA legal documents • Advises QCWA in legal matters 27

  28. QCWA • There may be other positions to be determined • All of these positions are VOLUNTEER positions, but will have expenses reimbursed 28

  29. Changes already made in 2012 • Using E-mail for most communications • We need E-mail addresses for ALL members • Reducing snail mail and thus reducing postage costs • Members only web pages with enhanced data available • On-line membership processing • Use of Pay Pal for most transactions • Digital Journal available 29

  30. IMPORTANT QCWA will NEVER sell e-mail addresses 30

  31. QCWA Bulletin Service Presently we have • QCWA Reflector for all members • QCWA Hotline for Chapter Officers • Adding QCWA Bulletins, similar to ARRL Bulletins 31

  32. Financial Information QCWA Has three Invested Funds • Scholarship Fund – about $720 K • Life Membership Endowment Fund – • about $ 68K • Contingency Fund – about $17 K • From January 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012, our invested funds have earned an average of over 10%, or 13.5% per year 32

  33. Financial Information • Scholarship Fund is in good shape. $14K awarded in 2012. • Life Membership Funds are now being accounted for properly. • Only the Contingency Fund can be used for day to day operations. This means only $17K in reserve. • In 2012, our income did not cover our day to day operational expenses. We project only a $35K loss for 2012. For January 2013, we have about a $5K gain for the month, so the plan is working. 33

  34. Financial Changesfor 2013 Expense Saved Spend Journal $30K $ 5K General Manager $35K $10K CPA $ 9K $ 2K Editor $ 2K Totals $74K $19K Net result = saving of $55K (Projected loss for 2012 of $35K.) 34

  35. QCWA How do we get in to the black? 35

  36. Positive changes in the Journal • 12 issues of the Journal per year instead of four • Quality high resolution color pictures • Embedded hyper links • Possible sound in the future • Enhanced chapter reports • Information much more current (short lead time) • All digital • Saves cost of printing and mailing Saves $65K compared to 2011 and $30K compared to 2012

  37. Executive Administrator andExecutive Assistant • Volunteer Position • No salary or Management Fee • Expenses reimbursed 37

  38. CPA • We have relinquished the services of the expensive MA CPA • Looking for retired or semi-retired CPA or someone with extensive accounting experience 38

  39. Editor • Only paid position • Slight increase in fee due to 12 monthly issues instead of four quarterly issues • Fee is still $700 less than the 2011 editor 39

  40. QCWA With these changes, QCWA can become a more viable organization, but we need your help. 40

  41. QCWA Headquarters

  42. Ken, W8EK, at computer

  43. Ken at QCWA desk

  44. Sue, N8AJU, at computer

  45. We need Recruitment Retention

  46. QCWA • Power Point Presentations are available at the QCWA web site • We need your help to present these 46

  47. QCWA • • Please be certain that your own membership is current with national QCWA • That means you have paid your dues! • Be certain we have your e-mail address. 47

  48. Questions?Thanks for coming and for your support.See us at http://www.qcwa.org

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