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Principles of Environmental Science

Principles of Environmental Science. Prof. Ge Ying Nanjing Agri. Univ. Major contents of the course. Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Population and environment Chapter 3 Energy and environment Chapter 4 Air pollution and its control Chapter 5 Sustainable development

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Principles of Environmental Science

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  1. Principles of Environmental Science Prof. Ge Ying Nanjing Agri. Univ.

  2. Major contents of the course Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Population and environment Chapter 3 Energy and environment Chapter 4 Air pollution and its control Chapter 5 Sustainable development Chapter 6 Water pollution and its control Chapter 7 Soil pollution and its control Chapter 8 Noise and solid waste

  3. Energy • Energy Sources • Energy Crisis • Solutions to the energy crisis

  4. Important concepts Energy (能量): The capacity to do work. Work (功): The application of force through a distance. Power (功率): the rate of flow of energy, or the rate at which the work is done.

  5. We need energy to:

  6. 2025 2005 1970 Energy Demand IncreasesAs World Population Grows 1 BTU =1055joules(焦耳) Source: U.S. Department of Labor 2001 Occupational Employment Statistics; EIA, International Energy Outlook, 2004

  7. Per capita energy use and GNP

  8. China in 1999 World average in 1998 2.6% 8.1% 20.9% 2.8% 6.7% 23.4% 24.5% 67.1% 41.1% 煤炭 石油 天然气 核水电 煤炭 石油 天然气 核电 水力 Energy Consumption in China

  9. Declining Coal Use in China: Coal consumption by sector (in Mton) Source: International Energy Agency

  10. 可再生能源 常规能源 不可再生能源 一次能源 可再生能源 新能源 不可再生能源 二次能源 能源的类型 能源

  11. Types of Energy • Primary Energy (一次能源) 自然界中能提供现成形式能量的能源 • Secondary Energy (二次能源) 需要依靠其他能源来制取的能源

  12. Primary Energy Conventional Energy Renewable — Hydropower Non-Renewable— Coal (煤), Petroleum (石油), Natural gas (天然气) New Energy Renewable — Solar, Biomass, Wind, Geothermal, Ocean Non-Renewable— Nuclear

  13. Worldwide Commercial Energy Production oil (石油), coal (煤), gas (天然气), solar (太阳能), hydro (水能) wind (风能), wood (木材), peat (泥煤), charcoal (木炭), manure (堆肥)

  14. Where are the coal reserves?

  15. Where are the oil reserves?

  16. Where are the natural gas reserves?

  17. Principles of Environmental Science Prof. Ge Ying Nanjing Agri. Univ.

  18. Review of Last Class Type of energy: primary and secondary energy conventional and new energy renewable and nonrenewable energy Energy consumption growth

  19. Secondary Energy Non-Renewable— Electricity (电能), gasoline (汽油), Coal gas (煤气), etc. Primary to Secondary Energy: conversion efficiency is very low.

  20. Review of Last Class Type of energy: primary and secondary energy conventional and new energy renewable and nonrenewable energy Energy consumption growth

  21. Energy and environment WHAT Types of energy; energy crisis WHY Current status of energy consumption (能源消费的现状) HOW Solutions to energy shortage and pollution (能源短缺和污染问题的对策)

  22. Fossil fuels (化石燃料) • Solid: coal, world deposits 10 times greater than oil and gas resources combined • 可燃成分: carbon and hydrogen

  23. Increasing heat and carbon content Increasing moisture content Peat泥炭 (not a coal) Lignite褐煤 (brown coal) Bituminous Coal烟煤 (soft coal) Anthracite无烟煤 (hard coal) Heat Heat Heat Pressure Pressure Pressure Partially decayed plant matter in swamps and bogs; low heat content Low heat content; low sulfur content; limited supplies in most areas Extensively used as a fuel because of its high heat content and large supplies; normally has a high sulfur content Highly desirable fuel because of its high heat content and low sulfur content; supplies are limited in most areas

  24. Surface Mine: 露天采煤

  25. Underground Mine: 地下采煤

  26. Advantages Disadvantages Ample supplies (225–900 years) Very high environmental impact High net energy yield Severe land disturbance, air pollution, and water pollution Low cost with huge subsidies(补助) Mining and combustion technology well-developed Severe threat to human health High land use Air pollution can be reduced with improved technology (but adds to cost) High CO2 emissions when burned Releases radioactive particles and mercury into air 煤的优缺点

  27. Fossil fuels (化石燃料) • Liquid: petroleum, most used fossil fuel in developed countries

  28. Heated crude oil Gases 天然气 light 石油的分馏 汽油 Gasoline 航空油 Aviation fuel 燃料油 Heating oil 柴油 Diesel oil 石脑油 Naphtha Grease and wax 油脂、蜡 Furnace heavy Asphalt 沥青

  29. Disadvantages Advantages Ample supply for 42–93 years Need to find substitute within 50 years Low cost (with huge subsidies) Artificially low price encourages waste and discourages search for alternatives High net energy yield Easily transported within and between countries Air pollution when burned Low land use Releases CO2 when burned Efficient distribu- tion system Waterpollution 石油的优缺点

  30. Fossil fuels (化石燃料) • Gas: natural gas, world’s 3rd largest commercial fuel; produce less CO2 compared to coal and oil • Main component: methane (甲烷)

  31. Advantages Disadvantages Ample supplies (125 years) Nonrenewable resource High net energy yield Releases CO2 when burned Low cost (with huge subsidies) Methane (a greenhouse gas) can leak from pipelines Less air pollution than otherfossil fuels Difficult to transfer from one country to another Lower CO2 emissions than other fossil fuels Sometimes burned off and wasted at wells because of low price Moderate environ- mental impact Easily transported by pipeline Needs pipelines Low land use 天然气的优缺点

  32. 可燃冰 (flammable ice) CH4·H2O(水合天然气), new energy in 21st century Formation: similar to oil and natural gas, but low temperature and high pressure are necessary. 1 m3 = 164 m3 natural gas total energy = 2-3 times of the sum of coal, oil and natural gas.

  33. Precautions Difficulty with extraction of flammable ice. May speed up global warming if CH4 is released into the atmosphere.

  34. Disturbed land; mining accidents; mine waste; oil spills, etc. Mining (开采) Air, water, soil pollution; solid waste; noise, etc. Processing (加工) Air, water, soil pollution; solid waste; noise, etc. Using (使用) Environmental Effects

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