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Evaluation of transport models using radon concentrations at Freiburg, Schaunisland and Mauna Loa 25,April, 2007, TransCom Purdue Meeting. Shoichi Taguchi/AIST Acknowledgements Hartmut Srtorius/Bundesamt fur Strahlenschutz, Germany
Evaluation of transport models using radon concentrations at Freiburg, Schaunisland and Mauna Loa25,April, 2007, TransCom Purdue Meeting Shoichi Taguchi/AIST Acknowledgements Hartmut Srtorius/Bundesamt fur Strahlenschutz, Germany Wlodek Zahorowski/Austraian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Contents • TransCom/Models • Freiburg(FRB) and Schauinsland(SCH) • Planetary boundary layer/Diurnal variations • Mauna Loa (MLO) • Long range transport • Events
Emissions0.005atom/cm2/sec 60N-70N Land/Ocean1atom/cm2/sec 60N-60S Land
SCH/FRB 1.AM2 2.AM2t 3.CCAM 4.CCSR 5.NICAM 6.NIES05 7.PCTM.CSU 8.PCTM.GSFC 9.STAG 10.STAGN 11.TM5_eur1x1 12.TM5_glb3x2
Freiburg • Protocol 276m • All.xx.nc file is a mixture of surface and upper layer concentrations • --> Lowest model level from radon.xx file • O=coefficient of correlation • +=standard deviations
FRB_r 1.AM2 2.AM2t 3.CCAM 4.CCSR 5.NICAM 6.NIES05 7.PCTM.CSU 8.PCTM.GSFC 9.STAG 10.STAGN 11.TM5_eur1x1 12.TM5_glb3x2
Schauinsland • Protocol 1205m • 1205m in SCH-B in Chevillard et al., Transport of 222Rn using the regional model REMO: a detailed comparison with measuremnts over Europe, Tellus, 2002. • 900m in Oliveie, D.J.L. et al., Evaluations oarchived and off-line diagnosed vertical diffusion coefficients from ERA-40 with 222Rn simualtions.Atmos. Chem . Phys. 4. 2313-2336, 2004 • All.xx.file is a mixture of surface and upper level --> interpolation to 1000m from radon.xx file + Z in Model_info file
SCH_r1000m 1.AM2 2.AM2t 3.CCAM 4.CCSR 5.NICAM 6.NIES05 7.PCTM.CSU 8.PCTM.GSFC 9.STAG 10.STAGN 11.TM5_eur1x1 12.TM5_glb3x2
MLO • Protocol 3397m • daily minimum of observed data Zahorowski, et al., Radon-222 in boundary layer and free tropospheric continental outflow events at three ACE-Asia sites,Tellus, 57B, 124-140, 2005 • Simulations at levels nearest to 3397m
MLO_r 1.AM2 2.AM2t 3.CCAM 4.CCSR 5.NICAM 6.NIES05 7.PCTM.CSU 8.PCTM.GSFC 9.STAG 10.STAGN 11.TM5_eur1x1 12.TM5_glb3x2
MLO_q 1.AM2 2.AM2t 3.CCAM 4.CCSR 5.NICAM 6.NIES05 7.PCTM.CSU 8.PCTM.GSFC 9.STAG 10.STAGN 11.TM5_eur1x1 12.TM5_glb3x2
NICAM2002March Z=ModelInfo file