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The Conspiracy Theories of the Moon landing. By Line, Johanne & Emma. Background knowledge. The Cold War John F. Kennedy’s speach The Space Race Sputnik vs. Vanguard 1969. President J. F. Kennedy. President Kennedy the 25th of May 1961 :
The ConspiracyTheories of the Moon landing By Line, Johanne & Emma
Background knowledge The Cold War John F. Kennedy’sspeach The Space Race Sputnik vs. Vanguard 1969
President J. F. Kennedy President Kennedy the 25th of May 1961: ”I believethatthis nation shouldcommititself to achieving the goal, beforethisdecade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returninghimsafely to the earth.”
The main arguments • A flag wavering • Strange shadows • Noduston the lander • Spotlight • Lack of stars A conspiracytheorist, Bill Kaysing, calculated, thattherewas a 0,017 % chance for USA to land succesfullyon the moon.
More arguments Onsome of the pictures from the moon, youcansee the same moonmountain. That must mean, that NASA re-used the background. NASA said, that it wasbecause the non-existantatmospheremakesthings, whichare far away look near.
NASA’s defence • The flag had just been set. • The groundwasuneven. • There is ”earth-shine” on the moon, and the surface of the moon is veryreflective. • The lack of stars is caused by the cameras. • It’sverydifficult to re-create the physicson the moon. Thingsmovedifferently. Buzz Aldrin, Mike Collins and Neil Armstrong
Capricorn One Peter Hyams made a film in 1978 about a fake Mars landing made by NASA. He said, thatifhecouldmake a fakespace-landingwith a small budget, then NASA, withtheirhuge budget, couldalsomake a fakeone. NASA has saidthatHyams had borrowed a lot of free tapes from NASA’s achives.
Mythbusterstested the conspiracytheories to see, if the things, that the theoriessayarefaked in a studioreallywas. Theytested the flag, the bootprints, the jumping and the shadows. All of the conspiracytheorieswereprovenwrong. Mythbustersalsoproved, that the astronauts put a laser-reflector at the Moon.
TheCrazy ConspiracyTheory USA did get a man on the moon, but the governmentdidn’twantpeople to see the aliencities so they made fakephotos.
Conclusion If the moon landing reallywasshot in a studio, NASA would have made it more believeable to the public. Fx, it would have been stupid to makeshadows in differentdirectionsonpurpose, becausethat is easily visible to the common public. Webelieve, thathumen have beenon the moon in 1969. Mainlybecause of the evidence put forth by Mythbusters.