“Turning the Corner” 1 Kings 2:1-12
It is my sincere desire to help the individual through the dispensational change that took place for the Body of Christ over the last generation. It is never easy to pass through the major changes that God places upon the Wife of Christ and I believe that my purpose and leadership is to help transition the Wife of Christ from the second to the third coming of Jesus Christ..
This change was dispensational and transformed us from a bloody age of the Lamb to the victorious age of Leo the Lion as he has prevailed to open the seals. He revealed the entire second testament to us and opened to us a new field that we have never known before but exactly with the continuity of the Word. I pray that you are able to see and understand as I do these great changes.
It is an exciting time for the believers in this great day and my desire is that each of you might catch a glimpse of exactly what has been accomplished. Please take the time to stop, to rest, and think upon each of the things that God has given to me. It is only for you that I have expressed my revelation entrusted to me by Jesus Christ
Look at our prophet's words when we turned a corner from the Pentecostal age into the Bride Age. He was very plain that a new message and dispensation had arrived fulfilling Malachi 4, Revelations 10 and Luke 17:30. We have now matured into the Age of the Wife as we are now sitting as Queen with our King in this age. The Son of David brings the fullness of all three Sonships on the scene.
WHO.DO.YOU.SAY.THIS.IS_64-1227 26 Now, see, we are building a building, not a wall. The builders want to take a line of blocks and just go straight down. Now any builder can build that. But it takes a real master mechanic to turn a corner. See? When you got to cut the corner, that's the time it shows whether you're really a stone mason or not;
when you can turn the corner with it, and keep the continuity of the rest of the building, but turn the corner. Now it's on these corners is when trouble comes. The builders want to keep building on down. But we're not building a wall; but, a building.
TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE 65-1127 113 We have false impersonators rise up. What's that to do? To deceive. The Bible said they would. "As Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these in the last days." See? They're the same thing, come right along impersonating it, just exactly. See? Be careful. Watch the doctrine of the Bible. Watch the message that follows them signs. Still the same old school of message? Forget it.
GOD'S.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP.65-1128 175 073 Now, verse 4, notice, "Leave no bread, leave none of the sacrifice," or, take one from one age to another. Try to go back and say, "Well, now, we're Lutherans, we want to come up here," you've got to die to the Lutheran age to be borned in the Wesley age.
You have to die in the Wesley age to be born in the Pentecostal age. And you have to die in the Pentecostal age (See?); leave nothing of it left; burn it with fire; because it's going to be burnt like the stalk that the wheat comes up out of. The stalk, the denomination, it's got to be burned. So don't bring your denomination over in the new message. This is the Word now.
The prophet himself tells us we turned a corner and we entered into the Wheat Age, the capping of the pyramid. He then shows us what corner we turned, we can't build on the Lutheran wall, we can't build on the Wesleyan wall and we can't lay our foundation in the Pentecostal age. It all has to be burnt; it's a new message now! So what age were we in then at that present time? Let's let the 7th angel, the leadership of the age, name the new age that they entered.
I.HAVE.HEARD.BUT.NOW.I.SEE.65-1127 Then they begin to form the oneness organization, the trinity organization, the twoness organization, and Church of God organization, and all organized, and just death exactly. And now what happens? But it's a shelter for the wheat; it's been growing through it all the time. Now, it's begin to pull away, the wheat's begin to be seen.
This is not a Pentecostal age; this is the latter-day age, this is the Bride Age, this is the Evening Light, this is when Malachi 4 must be fulfilled to follow God's pattern; this is Luke 17:30 to be fulfilled; this is the book of the--Jeremiah and all the rest of them, that Joel has spoke of these days. This is that day. "I have heard, Lord, that It was coming, but now I see It with my eye."
MODERN.EVENTS.MADE.CLEAR.BY.PROPHECY.65-1206 55 023 We're not living in a Pentecostal age; we're living in another age. See? We're not living in a Methodist age; we're living in another age. We're living on up here to the Bride age, the calling out of the church and getting it together for the rapture. That's the age that we're now living.
The Bride Age was the Son of Man Age when Christ and His Bride United and she came beneath the Token of the Messiahship, the great ministry that Daniel revealed for the end time? The Bride Age people put on the Wedding Garment and took on the beauty of a perfect Bride in the day of the Son of Man.
She was arrayed in fine linen in a beautiful white gown as she circled in the heavens with her King at Sunset Mountain. Many people are trying to identify the Bride Age people as “now”, but we have matured beyond the Wedding Day parade and the beautiful reception. The Bride has moved into the King’s domain and is become one on the Throne of David in all of her glory. She is now a Queen before the public and a King at home in the King’s domain. That is the Son of David manifestation.
The Bride Age Wedding Day of the Son of Man was a grand day as the prophet united the two together and identified the Ring on her finger in the August moon of 1963, Life Magazine. She is now living, walking and proving herself as she brings forth Children of the Word Body in the earth. Her message is calling children of the Word Age from the Cloud into these dust bodies to live and gain their experience for a season.
MAN.THAT.CAN.TURN.ON.LIGHT.63-1229 162 079 Luther's manna was the message of justification. Wesley's message was the manifestation of sanctification; Pentecostal was the restoration of the gifts. But this is introducing the Headstone, the last day, the Bride Tree. It's contrary to all of it.
And yet It's the same Light for the matured, like the same sun shine today will be ripening the grain for the harvest in July. See what I mean? But the Light today won't do any good back there in July. It's stronger; the wheat's more advanced. It's ready to take it.
We introduced The Headstone, The Bride Tree, which was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and yet we are contrary to all of it. The same Light is shining. We matured in the Son of Man Age and were married to him. We are now more advanced in this Age of the Wife as we are bringing forth the Children from the Mystery Cloud in this witness of the Third Coming.
We matured in the evening time Light and we were harvested. We are in the garner now as Mature Wheat and we can take the Word of our Day. We are the Wheat, not the shuck. We received a 7th angel prophet with a message opening the seven seals. The message called and sealed us as the eleventh hour workers and we received the same Revelation (pay) as the first hour workers.
We received a new message, a fresh message, a message that matured us from the Bride Age into the Son of David’s Wife upon the Throne of Israel – Royal Seed! We have raptured and are now in a new message of the Rising of the Sun. Remember the prophet gave us a sign when he said, “After the signs, wonders, and miracles, a message is to follow”!
After the super sign of Mark 16 was a Bride Age that revealed a super seed operating the super sign of the Bride Age. After the Son of Man ministry of the Bride Age comes the Acts of the Holy Spirit in continuation within the Wife of Christ. The full word brings to us the Wife of Christ in her full maturity.
BIRTH.PAINS_ PHOENIX.AZ_65-0124 112 We're not building a wall, like we start off with Luther's message, go right down a straight line, or a Pentecostal message. Right. We are turning a corners. We're building a building. God's Word is the blueprint. Anybody can run a straight line, but it takes a mason to turn the corner.
It takes the power of God to do that. It takes an anointed one from Heaven, to be sent down to do that. It has, in every age. And in the prophets' age, the Word of the Lord comes through those prophets, and they turn those corners, made those difference. But the builders wanted to build a wall. It's not a wall, at all. It's a building, a building of God.
THE.RAPTURE_ YUMA.AZ_65-1204 18 We're at a corner. It's easy when somebody turns a corner, of a brick mason, turns a corner. Starts, everybody laying their bricks right down the same row, like a certain denomination starts, and starts rolling down the row, it's all right.
But, when you get to them turns, where you have to turn back the other way! Now, God isn't building a wall. He's building a house, see, and there's many cuts and turns that He's predicted here in the Bible. And the turns, anybody could try to make a turn, but it must be according to the blueprint. If it isn't, it's got to be torn down again.