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News from Mrs. Jao’s Class. Curriculum Corner. Teacher’s Corner.

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  1. News from Mrs. Jao’s Class Curriculum Corner Teacher’s Corner Reading: We have been learning and practicing the procedures for Independent Reading Time. The children are learning to choose just right books to read independently. Researchers say “The best way to grow as a reader is to spend lots of time reading and the majority of that time needs to be with good-fit books.” Writing: All the children have chosen their own fiction or non-fiction topic and have been busy writing in their Writer’s Notebook every day. Each child will take a piece of writing through the steps of the writing process: planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. It was exciting to have our first book published last week and we look forward to adding many published books to our library this year. Math: We have been working on Unit 1, which is a review of the concepts the children studied in the Grade 1 Everyday Math Program last year. The children have also been learning the routines and devices we will use in our math classes to promote an active and cooperative learning environment. We have been practicing counting United States money, telling time and counting patterns on the number grid. Topic Study: Our unit for the beginning of the year is Frogs, Friends and Change, which focuses on friendship through the study of literature including the Frog and Toad series by Arnold Lobel. The enduring understandings we want the children to acquire are: People and animals have differences and similarities. Friends are important. We need to use skills to make friends and be a friend. Stories have literary elements (character, setting, problem, solution, ending). The essential questions we will be talking about are: What is a friend? How can I be a good friend? How are we different? How are we similar? The school year has gotten off to a smooth start. The 19 boys and girls in Room 2A01 have busy getting to know each other and learning the routines and procedures for second grade. It was wonderful to meet most of you at the Hopes and Dreams conferences last week. I learned lots of valuable and interesting information about your child. It’s important for the teacher and parents to work together so please don’t hesitate to tell me about any important happenings at home that might influence your child's feelings or performance in school. You can send me an email at: jaok@tas.edu.tw, send a note with your child or call the school at: 2873-9900 Ext. 105-~108. The secretary will tell me you called and I will get back to you as soon as I have free time. Also please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Sept. 5 10:30 Individual and class photos taken Sept. 11 7:00P.M. Second Grade Open House Sept. 13 and 14 No School for Students Dates to Remember Next Page

  2. Homework Clarification TAS policy states that second graders should spend a total of 20-30 minutes on homework each night. They are to read a book and write in their Reading Log every night. Even days they should also have Mandarin homework and odd days they also have Math Homelinks. If your child chooses a long book to read, it is not necessary to complete it in one night. They may comment on what was read in their reading log. There is no homework on Fridays but they can choose a book to read for enjoyment. Occasionally we will have some special homework projects. Students will be given plenty of time to complete these projects. Birthday Policy: We celebrate birthdays during the last 15 minutes, from 2:15-2:30. Parents are welcome to send/bring a cake, drinks or any other small food treats. If you are bringing food from home, please remember plates, napkins, forks, and candles. Cakes can be also be ordered from Food Services. The TAS policy states that gift bags and gifts are not allowed Birthday Policy: We celebrate birthdays during the last half hour, from 2:30-3:00pm. Parents are welcome to send/bring a cake, drinks or any other small food treats. If you are bringing food from home, please remember plates, napkins, forks, and candles. Cakes can be also be ordered from Food Services. The TAS policy states that gift bags and gifts are not allowed An IMPORTANT MESSAGE from: The Life Skills Teachers Dear Parents of Second Grade students, It is very HOT out there and all students in Life Skills, especially those having their PE classes outside, need to bring a water bottle. It is very helpful to have their names written on the bottle, or better still, purchase a 'special' water bottle for your son or daughter. Thank you for helping your children stay hydrated throughout the day! Ms. Julie Strait Pictures

  3. Mrs. Jao’s Photo Gallery Mrs. Jao’s Second Grade Class 2007-08

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