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World War II

World War II. Germany Faces Economic Collapse. A troubled Germany after the Treaty of Versailles . Lost territory Limited military Pay war reparations Extreme inflation Spirit of revenge Weak gov’t : Weimar Republic. US Response. US involvement in WWI a mistake

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World War II

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  1. World War II

  2. Germany Faces Economic Collapse

  3. A troubled Germany after the Treaty of Versailles • Lost territory • Limited military • Pay war reparations • Extreme inflation • Spirit of revenge • Weak gov’t: Weimar Republic

  4. US Response • US involvement in WWI a mistake • Isolationism towards new problems in Europe • Forced Germany to continue to pay war reparations

  5. Rise of Adolf Hitler

  6. Early years • Born in Austria • High school drop out/ failed artist • Soldier in World War I-Germany • Extreme nationalist

  7. Hitler and the Nazi Party • National Socialist German Worker’s Party • Blamed Weimar Republic and Treaty of Versailles for economic woes • Led uprising in Munich/arrested/imprisoned/wrote Mein Kampf: proclaimed Germans as Master Aryan race

  8. Hitler becomes Dictator • Rebuilt Nazi Party after imprisonment • Nazis regained control of German Government (Reichstag) • Hitler becomes Chancellor • Hitler becomes “Fuhrer” (leader of leaders) when German President dies

  9. Anti-Semetic Policies • Hitler expels German Jews from government jobs and teaching positions • Nuremburg laws deprive Jews of German citizenship, Star of David to be worn on clothes • Kristallnacht: Anti-Jewish campaign in retaliation to a German ambassadors death at the hand of a Jew. Synagogues, homes, businesses destroyed.

  10. Hitler’s policies • Promised economic recovery • Territorial expansion • Military build up • Defend Germany from Soviet Union

  11. US policies • Focus on New Deal • Disarm aggressive Nations

  12. Fascism in Italy

  13. Turmoil in Italy • Italy facing Political and economic problems • Mussolini gains favor with ruling family and suggests turning to a fascist form of Government • Mussolini takes control of Italian Government promising economic recovery by using a cooperative system • Mussolini encourages an aggressive foreign policy and promises territorial expansion

  14. US response • Neutrality Acts of 1935, 36, 37 • Forbade sales of arms to militarily aggressive nations • Prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of countries at war • No loans to countries at war

  15. Spanish Civil War

  16. Spain under Francisco Franco • Franco fights socialism and communism and establishes Fascism in Spain after a civil war • Spain enters an alliance with Germany and Italy known as the Rome-Berlin Axis

  17. Militarism in Japan

  18. Japan under Hideki Tojo • Military leaders rise to power seeking to expand Japanese Empire • Attacked Manchuria for coal and iron deposits to support industry • Joined Germany, Italy, and Spain to create the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis (Axis Powers)

  19. US response • Stimson Doctrine: moral lecture • Cancelled commercial treaty with Japan • Quarantine Speech: FDR invites peace keeping nations to keep aggressive nations in check

  20. Violation and Appeasement • Hitler Violates Treaty of Versailles • Rebuilds military in Rhineland (French Border) • Claims territory in Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) • Claims all of Czechoslovakia - even after Munich Agreement with Britain to stop aggression

  21. US response • Praises British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain for using peaceful measures • British leader Winston Churchill disagrees with decision made by Chamberlain

  22. Invasion! • Nazi Soviet Pact: Germany promises not to invade Soviet Union if they do not oppose Germany when she tries to take Poland • Hitler and Nazis invade Poland

  23. WWII begins! • Hitler invades Poland on Sept. 1, 1939 • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany Sept 3, 1939 • War continues with Submarine warfare, air raids, navy battles

  24. US response • Cash and Carry policy to prevent war from spreading to US. Allies could come and pay for supplies and take them home

  25. US is Pro British • Britain isolated and Germany controls Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, France, and Eastern Europe • Britain and US sign Atlantic Charter outlining war aims: defeat Germany first, and go after Japan full force • Lend Lease Act: US to lend or lease supplies to allies • Germans begin attacking US ships

  26. Bombing of Pearl Harbor • Japan and US attempting Peace Negotiations • Japan secretly planned to attack US and Japanese leader General Tojo ended Peace talks • Japanese attack Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941 • FDR asks Congress to Declare war on Japan on Dec. 8, 1941…they do • US enters war

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