1. Equal Access for Multicultural Health Workgroup
Bea McDonough, PHN
Conducted focus groups with recent immigrants and those here for more than 5-10 years, by faith group, men and women separately, for a total of 13 groups
Qualitative research approach; focus groups used a structured interview guide (question answer method) and most were audio-recorded and transcribed
Focus groups led by trained facilitators (2 males, 2 females)
4. Recommendations…. Information/recreation /gathering place centre:
Access to culturally appropriate and sensitive health care providers:
Educational sessions/workshops
Support, programming for Seniors
Information Dissemination
5. Actions to Date………. Women for Women of India Isolated Seniors project: New Horizons grant application in partnership with Catholic Family Services, DARTS, Ontario Early Years Child Care, Recreation Services, and Equal Access for Multicultural Health workgroup for a project to support isolated seniors
Translation of How to Start a Walking Group booklet and Pedometer guide into Punjabi, Arabic, Hindi, Bangladeshi and Urdu.
7. Call us… or go to www.doitwell.ca to find out more……….