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Santa Fe Polarized Drell -Yan Physics Workshop. Feasibility Study of Pion-induced DY Process in FNAL E906. Wen-Chen Chang (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) & Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC) 11/1/2010. Competition and complementarity. DY acceptance @ COMPASS.
Santa Fe Polarized Drell-Yan Physics Workshop Feasibility Study of Pion-induced DY Process in FNAL E906 Wen-Chen Chang (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) & Jen-Chieh Peng (UIUC) 11/1/2010
Competition and complementarity Oleg Denisov
DY acceptance @ COMPASS Sivers Function prediction (M.Anselmino et al) COMPASS Acceptance Prediction for Sivers function as a function of x, COMPASS acceptance in xp and acceptance coverage xπ.vs.xp Oleg Denisov
DY@COMPASS projections I Oleg Denisov
(Dutta, JCP, Cloet, Gaskell, arXiv:1007.3916) W+, W- production in P+A collision is also sensitive to flavor-dependent EMC
Azimuthal cos2Φ Distribution in p+p and p+d Drell-Yan E866 Collab., Lingyan Zhu et al., PRL 99 (2007) 082301; PRL 102 (2009) 182001 Smallνis observed for p+d D-Y Boer-Mulders function h1┴: ν(π-Wµ+µ-X)~ [valence h1┴(π)] * [valence h1┴(p)] ν(pdµ+µ-X)~ [valence h1┴(p)] * [sea h1┴(p)] Sea-quark BM functions are much smaller than valence quarks 6
Advantages of 120 GeV Main Injector The future: Fermilab E906 • Data taking planned in 2010 • 1H, 2H, and nuclear targets • 120 GeV proton Beam The (very successful) past: Fermilab E866/NuSea • Data in 1996-1997 • 1H, 2H, and nuclear targets • 800 GeV proton beam • Cross section scales as 1/s • 7x that of 800 GeV beam • Backgrounds, primarily from J/ decays scale as s • 7x Luminosity for same detector rate as 800 GeV beam • 50x statistics!! Fixed Target Beam lines Tevatron 800 GeV Main Injector 120 GeV
4.9m Station 2 and 3: Hodoscope array Drift Chamber tracking E906 Spectrometer Hadron Absorber Station 1: Hodoscope array MWPC tracking Solid Iron Focusing Magnet, Hadron absorber and beam dump Solid iron magnet • Reuse SM3 magnet coils • Sufficient Field with reasonable coils • Beam dumped within magnet Mom. Meas. (KTeV Magnet) Station 4: Hodoscope array Prop tube tracking 25m • Experimental Challenge: • Higher probability of muonic decay for the produced hadrons. • Larger multiple scattering for the muon traveling through hadron absorber and solid magnet. • Worse duty factor for beam structure. • Higher singles rates. Liquid H2, d2, and solid targets
Extracting d-bar/-ubar From Drell-Yan Scattering Ratio of Drell-Yan cross sections (in leading order—E866 data analysis confirmed in NLO) • Global NLO PDF fits which include E866 cross section ratios agree with E866 results • Fermilab E906/Drell-Yan will extend these measurements and reduce statistical uncertainty. • E906 expects systematic uncertainty to remain at approx. 1% in cross section ratio. Acceptance sitting at large x_beam due to the small beam energy.
Extracting d-bar/-ubar From Drell-Yan Scattering Ratio of Drell-Yan cross sections (in leading order—E866 data analysis confirmed in NLO) • Global NLO PDF fits which include E866 cross section ratios agree with E866 results • Fermilab E906/Drell-Yan will extend these measurements and reduce statistical uncertainty. • E906 expects systematic uncertainty to remain at approx. 1% in cross section ratio.
Fermilab Test Beam Facilityhttp://www-ppd.fnal.gov/FTBF/ E906
Outline of Feasibility Study • Momentum profile of secondary beams from 120-GeV primary proton hitting 400mm Be target. Proton flux is assumed to be 1*1012 /per spill. • Drell-Yan cross sections from beam interacting with LH2 target. • E906 acceptance evaluated by E906 FastMC. • Final yield (= # of beam * # of target/area * DY cross section * E906 Acceptance) as a function of beam momentum for beam. • Repeat the study for the case of 980-GeV proton beam. • Summary table.
Momentum Distribution of Secondary Beam • Primary beam: 120-GeV proton. • Flux: 1*1012/spill. • Target: 400mm Be. • Acceptance: 2 mrad angular acceptance (0.25-2.0). • Momentum bite: 1%. • Use “malensek.f” coded by Chuck Brown. • Reference: Malensek parameterization (http://ppd.fnal.gov/experiments/e907/notes/MIPPnotes/public/pdf/MIPP0008/MIPP0008.pdf)
Positive- and Negative-charged Secondary Beam (120 GeV) Significant contamination from protons.
DY Cross Section, Target and Acceptance • DY cross section is calculated utilizing the proton and pion PDF functions in the CENRLIB “pdflib”. A cut on M>1.0 GeV/c2 is imposed. • 20-inches long LH2 target. • Three configurations of the focusing magnet (KMAG): • I=1000: Low dimuon-mass • I=2000: Intermediate dimuon-mass • I=2750: Large dimuon-mass
Comparison Between Data and Leading-Order Calculation EXPeriment = FNAL-444 REaction = pi- Nucleus --> mu+ mu- X Plab = 225 GeV Author = Anderson et al. Reference = Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 (1979) 944 Target = C http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/cgi-hepdata/drell1/pi-_N_mu/fnal_444/latest_2
Comparison Between Data and Leading-Order Calculation EXPeriment = FNAL-615 REaction = pi- Nucleus --> mu+ mu- X Plab = 252 GeV Author = Conway et al. Reference = Phys. Rev. D39 (1989) 92 Target = W http://durpdg.dur.ac.uk/cgi-hepdata/drell1/pi-_N_mu/fnal_615/latest
Cross Section (nb) of +p Drell-Yan in [M,xf] as a function of Pbeam P=20 GeV P=30 GeV P=10 GeV P=40 GeV P=50 GeV P=60 GeV P=70 GeV P=80 GeV P=90 GeV
Acceptance of +p Drell-Yanin [M,xf] as a function of Pbeam(I=2000) P=20 GeV P=30 GeV P=10 GeV P=40 GeV P=50 GeV P=60 GeV P=70 GeV P=80 GeV P=90 GeV
Final Yield of +p Drell-Yanin [M,xf] as a function of Pbeam(I=2000) P=20 GeV P=30 GeV P=10 GeV P=40 GeV P=50 GeV P=60 GeV P=70 GeV P=80 GeV P=90 GeV
Final Yield of +p Drell-Yanas a function of Pbeam (I=2000) From [M,xf]
Accepted +p Drell-Yan Eventsat Pbeam =80 GeV (I=2000) Mass coverage of 4-6 GeV/c2.
Accepted +p Drell-Yan Eventsat Pbeam =80 GeV (I=2000) Good coverage of large x_pion.
Final Yield of +p Drell-Yanin [M,xf] as a function of Pbeam(I=2000) P=150 GeV P=200 GeV P=100 GeV P=250 GeV P=300 GeV P=350 GeV P=400 GeV P=450 GeV P=500 GeV
Final Yield of -+p Drell-Yanas a function of Pbeam (I=2000) From [M,xf]
Accepted -+p Drell-Yan Eventsat Pbeam =350 GeV (I=2000) Bad coverage of large mass region.
Summary Table *:at a rate of 1*10^12 protons per spill, 60 spills per hour, 100 hours per week, and 26 weeks of running per year. This yields an integrated proton intensity of 1.6*10^17 protons per year. (FERMILAB-TM-2108)
Measurement of Low-Mass Pion-induced Drell-Yan Low pion beam intensity Less hadron absorber Better mass resolution
Accepted +p Drell-Yan Eventsat Pbeam =80 GeV (I=I000) An enhancement of yield x30, compared to that of I=2000.
Summary • A extremely small yield of pion-induced DY measurement (~1/per year) at intermediate-mass region is estimated under the current beam and detector configuration for FNAL E906. • Possible ways for increasing the production rate: • Increase of beam intensity: x10 • Increase of momentum bite: x5 (1% 5%) • Increase of target length: x2 • Usage of NH3 target: x5 • Optimization of detection acceptance: x2 • Measurement of low-mass DY events is possible and interesting.