1. UNIX 4 ‘U’Suchitra KomandurPradeep Kumar S UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.
- Dennis Ritchie
2. Agenda What is an OS?
History of Unix
Features of Unix
Components of Unix
Getting started
Unix Commands
Important tools and utilities
Introduction to the scripting languages
3. What is an OS? The Operating System (OS) is the interface between User and Hardware.
It is the first thing loaded onto the computer.
Manages the hardware and software resources of the system.
These resources include such things as the processor,
memory, disk space, etc.
Provides a friendly environment within which applications can do useful work.
4. OS Features Process Management
Storage Management
Memory Management
Disk Management
Application Interface
User Interface
I/O Management
5. Different types of OS Batch Systems
Desktop Systems
Real Time Systems
Multitasking Systems
MultiUser Systems
Real-time operating system (RTOS)
Single-user, single task
Single-user, multi-tasking
Multi-userReal-time operating system (RTOS)
Single-user, single task
Single-user, multi-tasking
6. History of Unix Creators of Unix
Dennis Ritchie
Ken Thomson
Started off with the name Multics – 1965
MultiUser system – 1969
This gave birth to the language ‘C’
Berkeley came up with BSD Unix
Unix has been feverishly evolving for over 20 years,
sort of like bacteria in a cesspool, only less attractive.
- John Levine Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
7. Different Flavors of Unix HP-UX
BSD Unix
AT & T Unix
Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
8. The Unix Philosophy KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.
Files have places and processes have life.
Kernel and Shell.
The building block approach.
The Featureless File.
Open systems.
Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
Bell labs, MIT and GE
Christened by Kerningham as Unix
Also gave birth to B by Thomson and Ritchie modified it to C
9. Salient Features MultiUser Multitasking Programming facility System calls and libraries Security GUI Documentation