Who is Weatherford? • One of the largest oilfield services companies, Weatherford operates in more than 100 countries and employs more than 58,000 people worldwide. With a product and service portfolio that spans the life cycle of a well— drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention— and a robust research and development effort, we are well positioned to meet the ever-evolving needs of the oil and gas industry. • A multinational organization, we are committed to pursuing the highest standards of excellence in all of our business processes and partnerships. We provide a common safety culture, performance management and quality system across all product/service lines and geographies. We also are dedicated to benefiting the local communities in which we operate by participating in programs and initiatives that positively impact the local economy. 1
What's Weatherford Like? • Imagine the resources and opportunities you’ll have in a company with over 50,000 people in more than 100 countries. At Weatherford, you’ll find opportunities to work on hundreds of different products and services that assist customers in all aspects of their well. These products and services cover everything from planning and drilling a new well, using new ways to see what’s really happening inside, actually getting a reservoir to produce more oil, to shipping that oil off for refinement. • You’ll work in a dynamic, high-energy environment where many groundbreaking, award-winning advancements in oilfield technology are being made. You’ll have lots of support, encouragement, room to grow and responsibility. You’ll get to learn new skills, work with people all over the world and launch a high-powered career. • You’ll find help in mapping a dynamic career path and access to some of the industry’s best training facilities and instructors. • Are you ready? We are. So let’s get started. 2
Career Options • Summer intern programs are locally available. Forward resume through Sonya Grant, Assistant to the Director Industry & Alumni Liaison, Mewbourne School of Petroleum & Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma,100 East Boyd, SEC T-310, Norman OK 73019-1003 Direct 405.325.6822, dept. 405.325.2921 sdgrant@ou.edu • Weatherford needs field engineers and technicians in virtually every one of its numerous product and service lines. Our people in these positions are provided with good, solid training to back up the enormous responsibilities that they are given in the field at an early stage in their careers. We fill many of our field engineer and field technician positions from the following, and other, disciplines: • Petroleum • Mechanical • Electrical/Electronics • Civil • Chemical • Mining/Geological • Petrophysics • Geosciences 3