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Planning the Île-de-France region of 2030: A framework for realizing the sustainable development of Île-de-France. Sandrine BARREIRO – Project manager. Intro. THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE REGION . The key figures: 11.8 million inhabitants (19% of mainland France )
Planning the Île-de-France region of 2030: A framework for realizing the sustainable development of Île-de-France Sandrine BARREIRO – Project manager
Intro THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE REGION • The key figures: • 11.8 million inhabitants • (19% of mainland France) • 12,000 km2 (or 4,638 sq mi) 80% occupied by farming, forest and natural areas • average population density in 2010: 982 inhabitants/ km2 • Regional authorities and administrative divisions: • 1 Region • 8 departments(including Paris), • 1,281 towns • Interconnected municipalities and technical structures of intercommunalcooperation Paris’ urban area Urban area Groups with their own tax Community of towns Community of urban areas SAN IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
Intro THE REGION’S SPATIAL PROJECT FOR ÎLE-DE-FRANCE (or so-called SDRIF) The SDRIF in the planning and programming documents of Ile-de-France Article L. 141-1 and following of the Urban Planning Code National level compatible with • The SDRIF is a long-term strategic planning document at regional scale issued by the Regional Council in association with the State, which will guarantee its implementation. • "The master plan's purpose is to control the demographic and urban growth and the use of space while providing the international influence of the region”. • It determines, in particular, the general purpose of the different parts of the territory, the means of protecting and enhancing the environment, the localization of major transport infrastructures and amenities, the preferential localization of urban growth, as well as industrial, agricultural, forestry, handicraft and tourism activities. • It is submitted to assessment within 10 years after its entry into force. • Town planning documents should be compatible with the guidelines of SDRIF. Takenintoaccount Regionallevel Infraregionallevel DUP: declarationof public usefulness/ DT: statement of work/ OIN: national interestoperation/ PDUIF: Greater Paris urban travel plan/ PGRI: flood risk management programme/ PIG: General InterestProcedure/ PLD: local travel programme/ PLH: Local Housing Programme / PLU:LocalUrbanDevelopment Plan/ PNR: Natural RegionalPark/ Scot: Regionalintegrateddevelopmentplan/ SDRIF: the master plan of Ile-de-France/ SRCE: regional scheme of ecological coherence/ SSC: Public Service Plan IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
Intro THE SDRIF AND THE GREATER PARIS LAW The law on Greater Paris The SDRIF 2008 project • Housing objectives: 70,000 dwellings per year, • A transportation project: the GreaterParis transportation network • Territorial Development: Plateau de Saclay, Seine Axe. • Housing objectives: 60,000 dwellings per year • A transportation project: Arc Express, • All territories contributing to the development of Paris Ile de France. (airport) IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
Intro INSTITUTIONNAL PARTNERS ENGAGED IN THE REVISION PROCESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT • The Planning Control Procedure: • adocument issued by the Regional Council in association with the State, • Collecting views from Departments, consular chambers, • a project submitted to the associated public authorities, • a project submitted to public inquiry. The revisionprocess Project ownershipRegion Project supervisorIAU IdF Working groups challenges, aims, rules, CDGTthematics Working group environmentalassessmentRegion, IAU IdF Drafting the Project Blueprint STEERING SUPPORTING SERVICES SteeringcommitteeRegion, State, CESER Project teamRegion, IAU IdF of the State TechnicalcommitteeRegion,IAU IdFCESER,State ExpandsteeringcommitteeRegion, State, CESER,departmentcouncils, regionalconsularchambers, AMIF, Paris Métrople(a semipublicagency) of the Region CONSULTATION of IAU îdF • Between 2011 and 2012 : • 4 steeringcommittees, • 32 technicalcommittees, • Approx. 50 institutional meetings, • 2 days of deliberation and 377 amendments before its adoption by the Regional Council. Regional territorial conference Meeting of territorial cooperations Citizens’round tables Territorial debates International workshop on Greater Paris Collecting views from the associated public authorities Public enquiry IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
2 SETTING UP THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE 2030 PROJECT 3 challenges 3 pillars The regionalspaceprojectThe Ile-de-France frameworkfor sustainabledevelopment Linkingand Organizing Local scale objectives Metropolitan scale objectives Focusingand Balancing Environmentalassessment Strategicgeography Preservingand Enhancing Normative guidelines and theircartographic translation (CDGT) Implementationtools IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
3 THREE POINTS TO ADDRESS « THE CHALLENGES » FACING ÎLE DE FRANCE BY 2030 Reinforcing Île-de-France attractiveness and supporting the ecological conversion and social economy Taking action for a better and more unitedRegion Anticipatingenvironmental changes International organizations The climatic challenge Rise of temperaturesfromnow to the end of the century in Ile-de-France Second city in the world for the welcome of head offices. Mobility inequalities Socialinequalities Summer Winter Sanitoryrisksmultiplied 4,900 patents Environmental inequalities (published in 2010), European leader in R &D expenditure (€16.9 million) HeatwaveAtmospheric pollution Water pollution High scenario2.1 childrenby woman, net migration at150,000 per year and lowmortality Its population Fromnow to 2060 91,600 researchers Vulnerable water resources European leader in terms of total R&D personnel (full-time employment) Biodiversity Groundwater recharges Level of the rivers 15.6 million of inhabitants 12.2 million of inhabitants More extremeweatherevents 9 competitiveness clusters Low scenario1.8 childby woman,net migration at50,000 per yer and high mortality Drought Violent stormsFires 17 universities and 55 prestigious schools. IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
THE SPATIAL PROJECTDensity, polycentrismand linkbetweentown planning/ transportation structure 4 The spatial project Front doors International airport Existing and planned high-speed strainsTGV stations Railway stations generatinggrowth Habor Link-Organise Metropolitangateways Fine meshed metropolitan transportation system Network transit strengthened and made more reliable and optimized Main road network of major radial roads The large regionalterritories Urbanized areas Catchment areas in rural region Focus-Balance RegionalNature Park A multipolarregion Pole of regionalsignificance Pole of centrality Set limits to new urbanization of the conurbation The greenbelt UrbanDevelopmentBoundary Preserve-Enhance Ensure major ecological and agricultural continuities Major ecologicalcontinuity River valley IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
5 THE OBJECTIVES Improve the dailylivesof Ile-de-France residents Whya goal of 70,000 dwelling units? • Build70,000 dwellings a year and improve the existing stock to solve the housing crisis, • Create 28,000 new jobs per year and improve the housing/ employment mixed-use development, • Ensure accessibility to amenities and quality public services, • Design transportation for a less car-dependent way of life, • Improve the urban space and its natural environment. Compensate for the loss of housing Accommodate new households per year per year Catch up the accumulated deficit Maintain vacant housing per year per year Variation of total employment and SDRIF estimates by the year 2030 Annualvariations in number of jobs Hypothesis SDRIF IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
5 THE OBJECTIVES Consolidatingthe metropolitanoperating of Ile-de-France • Restructure the Ile-de-France economic dynamism, • A transportation system fosteringattractiveness, • Enhanceattractive amenities, • Sustainably manage the natural ecosystem and reinforce the robustness of Ile-de-France. 10 IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
6 REGULATORY GUIDELINES Map of general destination of the different parts of the territory IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
6 REGULATORY GUIDELINES Linking and organizing • Preserve the networks andfacilitiesrelatedto resources • Anticipate the realization of the transport infrastructures • Maintainthe airportsystem • Give structure to logistic Focusing and balancing • Manage the expansion capacities • Makedenserurbanized areas • Urban areas to optimize • > Densification:10 % • Make denser neighborhoods near stations • > • Densification: 15 % • Preferentialurbanizationareas. • Conditionalurbanizationareas. Preserving and enhancing • Put limit tourbanization with urban fronts. • Preserve and restore the continuities Preserve woodlands and forest edges and natural areas Preserve farming areas IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
7 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The iterative process of environmental assessment INPUT Regional Council project Environmental ASSESSMENT DEVELOPMENT of the SDRIF Underlying and initial state of the environment, Measures to avoid, reduce and offset the effects, Analysis of predictable impacts of the project. Challenges, goals, space project, regulatory guidance, CDGT, implementation monitoring and assessing the SDRIF OUTPUT Follow up of the implementation and its effects Quantitative and qualitative indicators , justification of choices monitoring framework * Definingperimetersof the SDRIF Preliminary focus on AE-CGEDD IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
8 PROPOSALS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE ILE-DE-FRANCE MASTERPLAN • Strategic Projects (PDUIF, mobilization plan for transportation, pricing policy, metropolitan boulevards ...); • Programmingtools (CPER, CDT ...); • Tools to increase land offer, structuring housing supply and support economic development; • Plans to reduce pollution, hazards and nuisances. IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030
9 THE ÎLE-DE-FRANCE 2030 PROJECT Challenges, regional spatial project and objectives Expressing regional ambitions to define sustainable development for Ile-de-France Regulatory guidelines + Map of generaldestination of the differentparts of the territory (CDGT) All the normative provisions + EnvironmentalAssessment Justification and explanation of the choices made / impact on the environment Proposals for implementing the IDF regionalDevelopmentScheme (appendix) Public policies that contribute to implement the Ile-de-France masterplan Regionalvision The new blueprint for society IAU-îdF/Projet de SDRIF Île-de-France 2030