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Should / ought to / had better. Should / ought to. Should / ought to yapılarını, öğüt vermek, bir şeyi tavsiye etmek, nasihat etmek için kullanırız. You should take your umbrella. “It’s a good idea.”
Should / ought to / had better
Should / ought to Should /ought to yapılarını, öğüt vermek, bir şeyi tavsiye etmek, nasihat etmek için kullanırız. You shouldtake your umbrella. “It’s a good idea.” You ought to take your umbrella.“It’s a good idea.”
Had better Had betteryapısını da, öğüt vermek, bir şeyi tavsiye etmek, nasihat etmek için kullanırız. ANCAK • Daha acil, özel, durumlarda • Konuşmacının “söz söyleyen kişinin” daha güçlü olduğu –bizden büyük – veya yetkili olduğu durumlarda. Youhad bettertakeyourumbrella, otherwiseyouwillgetwet. (It’srainingoutside at the moment.)
WeSHOULDsavemoney. (in general) YouHAD BETTERsavemoneyoryoucan’t buy thatbicycle. (particular) WeSHOULDpractice to learn a languagebetter. YouHAD BETTERpracticeEnglishwiththosetourists. It is an opportunity.
We SHOULDpay our taxes. You HAD BETTERpay your tax. Tomorrow is the last day. One SHOULDdrive carefully. You HAD BETTERdrive carefully there is a lot of traffic.
We SHOULDrest for sometime while travelling. You HAD BETTERrest for sometime. You are going to sleep. We SHOULDeat healthy food. You HAD BETTEReat healthy food you are over seventy.
YouSHOULDtakeyourumbrellawithyou in RİZE. YouHAD BETTERtakeyourumbrellawithyyou. It is raining. WeSHOULDN’Ttelllies. YouHAD BETTER not telllies. He knowsthetruth.
WeSHOULDN’Tmakenoise. YouHAD BETTER not makenoisetheteacher is coming. WeSHOULDhelpoldpeople. (theold) YouHAD BETTERhelpthatoldman. He can’tcrossthestreet.
We SHOULDclean our environment. We HAD BETTERclean the room. There are pieces of glasses there. We SHOULDwash our hands. You HAD BETTERwash your hands dear. You have touched lots of things.
We SHOULDread a lot of books to improve our knowledge. We HAD BETTERread a lot of books to solve these kind of questions. We SHOULDbe kind to other people. We HAD BETTERbekind to them or they will get angry.
Students SHOULDstudy regularly. Those students HAD BETTERstudy. They have an exam tomorrow. A patient SHOULDstay in bed until he feels well. You HAD BETTERstay in bed.Your temperature is high.
When we are ill. We SHOULDsee the doctor. I’ve got a headache NOW. I HAD BETTER see the doctor. The students SHOULDrevise their lessons. (general) The students HAD BETTER revise their lessons. They have an exam tomorrow. It is generally rainy in England. You SHOULDcarry your umbrella there. It is rainy today. You HAD BETTER take your umbrella.
I have to meet Semih in ten minutes. • I HAD BETTER go now or I will be late. • Shall I take my umbrella? • Yes, you HAD BETTER take it. It might rain today. • We have almost run out of petrol. • We HAD BETTER stop to buy some. • You don’t look very well. • You HAD BETTER not go to work today.