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IBC233. How’s assignment 1 coming? Winter 2007. Agenda. Test 2, Feb 19 Assignment 1? Due Feb. 23 Telephone number editing Order Date Some more CL Programming %SST, *CAT and basic math Database Files Physical files Logical files. %SST - Substring. %SST(&FIELDA offset length).

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  1. IBC233 How’s assignment 1 coming? Winter 2007

  2. Agenda • Test 2, Feb 19 • Assignment 1? Due Feb. 23 • Telephone number editing • Order Date • Some more CL Programming • %SST, *CAT and basic math • Database Files • Physical files • Logical files


  4. Concatenate *CAT – Puts two character strings together as is the receiving string variable has to be declared with the combined length else truncation will occur. *BCAT – Puts two character strings together by deleting the trailing spaces in the first field, inserting a blank space and then adding the second field *TCAT – Puts two character strings together by deleting the trailing spaces in the first field.


  6. CHGVAR - Math DCL &TOTAL *DEC LEN(7 2) DCL &FLDA *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(10) DCL &FLDB *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(2) DCL &FLDC *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(60) CHGVAR &TOTAL (&FLDA * &FLDA / + (&FLDA - &FLDB) + &FLDC) What is the value of &total?

  7. SUBSTRING program

  8. Database Files

  9. iSeries Database Files • Physical Files *FILE PF-DTA • Logical Files *FILE LF

  10. Physical Files • It is an iSeries file used to store data or source code. • Physical files have members. • The members contain data or source code. • Source physical files have many members eg. One for each program • Data physical files usually have 1 member (but can have more)

  11. Data FilesFiles, Records, Fields • A file member contains one or more records • A record is made up of one or more fields which give it its record format or file description • Each field contains a unique piece of information e.g. student no, first name, last name, address, telephone no, etc. • Looks like a spreadsheet with rows and columns (rows = records, columns = fields)

  12. Examples of Files, Records, Fields • A customer file is made up of customer records (1 per customer). Each customer record has fields containing unique pieces of info about a particular customere.g. customer name, address, sales territory,billing info, shipping instructions,credit information • Student file - student records (1 per student)- student info: name, address...

  13. More Examples of Files, Records, Fields • Parts file - parts records - info about part:part number, description, warehouse location, supplier, quantity on hand, • Payroll file - payroll records - payroll info for employees: employee number, name, date of hire, hourly or salary, hourly rate or annual salary, income tax info….

  14. How do we create data physical files?

  15. Creating Physical Data Files • Creating an iSeries data file is very similar to creating a program: • Write the source code (the source code will describe what the file will look like). The source code is stored in a member in a source file. • Compile the source code (this creates a *file object).

  16. Tools for Describing Database Files • Data Description Specifications (DDS) • iSeries language to create source code for Files • Others: • SQL (Structured Query Language) – next week

  17. Using DDS • Source code is entered into a source physical file member in the form of DDS statements. This is done using the iSeries editor LPEX • The DDS statements describe each field of the record in detail e.g. field name, data type (numeric, character, packed numeric, etc), standard column headings, etc. • The source file for DDS is QDDSSRC.

  18. Layout of a Data Definition Specification member (DDS) • File level keywords • Eg. UNIQUE • Record format name • Shouldn’t be the same name as the PF • List the fields • Name, type, size and functions • TEXT (used by DFU and DSPFFD) • COLHDG (used by Query/400) • Access Path information

  19. Example of DDS Columns . . . : 1 71 Browse DMENKEN/QDDSSRC SEU==> STUPF FMT PF .....A..........T.Name++++++RLen++TDpB......Functions++++++++++++++++++ *************** Beginning of data ************************************* 0001.00 UNIQUE 0002.00 A R STUPFR 0003.00 A SOCINS 9S 0 COLHDG('Social' 'Insurance' 0004.00 A FNAME 15A COLHDG('First' 'Name') 0005.00 A LNAME 20A COLHDG('Last' 'Name') 0006.00 PHONE 10P COLHDG('Phone' 'No.') 0007.00 A ADDR1 25A COLHDG('Street' 'Address') 0008.00 A ADDR2 25A COLHDG('City') 0009.00 A POSTAL 6A COLHDG(‘Postal Code') DTEHIRE L COLHDG(‘Date’ ‘Hired’) K SOCINS ****************** End of data ****************************************

  20. Creating a Physical File • Create the source file (CRTSRCPF) which is named QDDSSRC (only done once) • Create a source member, type PF • Enter the source code using SEU • Save source code and compile to create the file • Put code into the file.

  21. The source type: • tells OS/400 what type of source you are creating e.g. TXT, PF, LF, etc. Used by the editor for prompting and syntax checking • will tell OS/400 which compiler to use when creating the object.

  22. Entering DDS code • First statement is the Record Format statement. Put an R in the Name Type field and the record name in the Name field. • Then enter the field info (field name, length, data type, decimal positions, standard column heading) (nothing in Name Type field)

  23. Demo

  24. Compiling the Source members Code into an usable object • CRTPF Takes the source code and creates the object i.e. the physical filethe physical file is what holds the data

  25. Unique feature of iSeries Files • The record description is stored with the file object (externally described file) • It can then be used by iSeries utilities • The record description does not have to be coded in programs that use it. • Can be viewed using DSPFD, DSPFFD

  26. Entering data • If the compile was successful, you will have a new object in your library, a physical file. • To enter data into that file, use DFU, Data File Utility

  27. DFU • STRDFU, then option 5 or… • PDM option 18 • F10 to enter new records (entry mode) • F11 to change records (change mode), page up and down to find records • F23 to delete a record (F23 again to confirm)

  28. Viewing records • RUNQRY QRYFILE(filename) • DSPPFM filename

  29. Access Paths Allows us to sort or select/omit data

  30. Logical Files

  31. Logical Files • Resort data in a physical file • Select/Omit specific sets of data • Hide data • Join or Merge physical files together

  32. Why a logical file • A customer file is made up of customer records (1 per customer). Each customer record has fields containing unique pieces of info about a particular customere.g. customer name, address, sales territory,billing info, shipping instructions,credit information • If we want to make sure that the customer id is unique • If we want to display customer records sorted by name • If we want to select customers in a specific territory • If we want to provide a maintenance screen hiding Credit Information

  33. Creating a Logical File • Create the source file (CRTSRCPF) which is named QDDSSRC (only done once) • Create a source member, type LF • Enter the source code using SEU • Save source code and compile to create the file • Put data into the file.

  34. Create a logical file that sorts STUDENTS by LNAME, FNAME

  35. Next Week • Programming with Database files

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