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IBC233 Lecture 3 Updated Fall 2011

IBC233 Lecture 3 Updated Fall 2011. Homework. Finish up Lab 2 Work on Lab 3. Agenda . Review Edit Words The Printing Story Library Lists Display Files RPG. Edit Words. Used to make numbers more readable Example Your number is 01234 The default display is 1,234

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IBC233 Lecture 3 Updated Fall 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IBC233 Lecture 3Updated Fall 2011

  2. Homework • Finish up Lab 2 • Work on Lab 3

  3. Agenda • Review • Edit Words • The Printing Story • Library Lists • Display Files • RPG

  4. Edit Words • Used to make numbers more readable • Example Your number is 01234 The default display is 1,234 You want it displayed as 012-34 Then the EDTWRD would be (‘0♪♪♪-♪♪‘) (♪ means 1 blank space)

  5. The Printing Story • Why is printing so darn difficult? • Printing at home

  6. Playing with your Library List • ADDLIBLE – Add library List Entry • RMVLIBLE – Remove Library List Entry • EDTLIBL – Edit Library List • CHGLIBL – Change Library List • CHGCURLIB – Change Current Library

  7. Display Files

  8. Display Files • File objects • hold screen design • constants or literals • system constants (date, time, user) • fields

  9. Display Files and Programs MARKSDSP *FILE MARKSRPG *PGM

  10. Demo

  11. RPG Report Program Generator

  12. Indicators • Boolean variables – predfined • *IN00 - *IN24 function keys • *INLR – last record indicator • How we end RPG programs • Have the values: • ‘0’ or *OFF • ‘1’ or *ON

  13. F-spec • How we define files File Type: I/U/C File Designation: F/P File Addition: A or blank File Format: E or F Record Address Type: K or Blank Device: Disk/Printer/Workstn

  14. EXFMT • Displays a screen and waits for input eg. EXFMT RECORD1;

  15. WRITE • Writes a record format to a file

  16. Loops - DOU dou X > 10; Total = Total + Array(x); X = X + 1; enddo;

  17. Loops – DOW dow (a <= 5) and (b + c = 0); exsr nextRecord; enddo;

  18. Subroutines • Blocks of logic • Execute a subroutine – EXSR • Define a subroutine BEGSR subName; ENDSR;

  19. IF Statements IF condition; ELSE; ENDIF’

  20. Select Statements SELECT; WHEN condition; statements; WHEN condition; statements; OTHER; statements; ENDSL;

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