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If the World Were 100 People If we could shrink the Earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all of the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like this: There would be: 60 Asians 12 Europeans 9 South Americans 5 North Americans 1 Oceanian
If the World Were 100 People If we could shrink the Earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all of the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like this: There would be: 60 Asians 12 Europeans 9 South Americans 5 North Americans 1 Oceanian 13 Africans 73 non-whites 27 whites 50 female 50 male 67 would be non-Christian 33 Christian 60 percent of the world’s wealth would be in the hands of 6 people 33 would live in substandard housing 16 would be unable to read 33 would suffer from malnutrition 93 would be heterosexual 7 would be gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgender 10 people would own a computer 1 person would be near death 1 person would be near birth 6 people would have a college education
“When one considers our world from such an incredibly compressed perspective, the need for both tolerance and understanding becomes glaringly apparent.”
Socially Together And Naturally Diverse STAND presents STAND UP’s "Experiences" Los Osos High School in Rancho Cucamonga
STAND UP is a a part of the STAND program at Los Osos High School in Rancho Cucamonga. • Nationally, STAND has scores of chapters coast to coast. • At Los Osos High School, the multicultural club STAND unites 20 cultural clubs and performing groups under its banner. • Student leaders from these clubs and performing groups are part of STAND’s leadership team, which puts on cultural activities every month, as well as diversity workshops, college tours, field-trips, and assemblies throughout the year. SociallyTogetherAndNaturallyDiverse
How does STAND promote diversity, tolerance, and acceptance on campus? • STAND gives diverse students a reason to be together! STAND trains students on how to handle diversity adversity! • STAND helps make your campus a unity community! • STAND has received human rights awards from the NEA, CTA, and the YWCA, as well as community awards by KNBC News, the L.A. Times., and the Rancho Cucamonga City Council. Starting a STAND Multicultural Club at Your School
STAND UP is an award-winning multicultural performing group of students from Los Osos High School that performs an original play called “Experiences.” • Their performance confronts the issues of prejudice, racism, homophobia, and religious intolerance while making audiences laugh, cry, and think. • Most importantly, they will help your school find solutions to intolerance and hatred on your campus through positive means. So, then, what’s up with STAND UP?
In an age of standardized tests and API scores, diversity has taken a seat at the back of the school bus. • Unless we are proactive, we face criticism for being reactive to the next racial emergency. • To thrive as a state, we must embrace and promote diversity and acceptance. Where are we now, and how can STAND UP help?
Allows students to see the dangers of prejudice, racism, and homophobia from other students’ experiences, rather than a textbook or a lecture by a teacher or adult. • Following the play, student performers answer provocative questions addressing your school’s cultural environment. • STAND UP will help establish a STAND chapter on your campus. • Helps your campus become proactive by teaching students and teachers how to address issues of discrimination, rather than be reactive to them. “Experiences” Will Help Your School Reduce Racial and Cultural Conflict
Book STAND UP now for next year! • For the price of a hypnotist or magician, STAND UP can appear. Get community sponsors and involvement! • Start a STAND club on your campus in preparation of STAND UP appearing. Getting STAND UP to Your School
STAND UP 6001 Milliken Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737 • E-mail: mrj@mrjeffrey.com • Internet: joinstand.com • Phone: (909) 477-6900 extension 2337 • Cell: (909) 553-9392 • Fax: (909) 460-5872 Snail Mail, E-Mail, Internet, or Phone
Socially Together And Naturally Diverse STAND presents STAND UP’s "Experiences" Los Osos High School in Rancho Cucamonga