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New Zealand M ā ori Tourism Action Plan: Enabling leadership and collaboration in the M ā ori tourism sector July 2011 - June 2014. New Zealand M ā ori Tourism Society May 2011.
New Zealand Māori Tourism Action Plan:Enabling leadership and collaboration in the Māori tourism sectorJuly 2011 - June 2014 New Zealand Māori Tourism Society May 2011
The Action Plan focuses on the following strategic areas, selected for their potential to maximise impact and value for the Māori tourism sector: These strategic areas are supported by the following enablers: Clear priority initiatives will be identified and implemented within the Action Plan. Introduction • Major cities/centres • Events • Regional • Conservation Estate • Trade Enabling Strategies Core Strategies • Quality & Capability • Information & Research • Branding & Promotion
Key Stakeholders There is a wide group of stakeholders who participate in the development of Māori tourism. Māori tourism sector: New Zealand Māori Tourism Society (NZMTS), Māori Tourism Businesses, Māori Trusts & Incorporations, Iwi and Hapu, Federation of Māori Authorities, Poutama Trust. Ministers: Tourism, Economic Development, Māori Affairs (Te Puni Kōkiri). Inter-departmental Implementation Group (IDIG): NZMTS, Ministry of Economic Development (MED), Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK), Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH), Department of Conservation (DOC), New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), Tourism New Zealand (TNZ), other government agencies. Wider tourism stakeholders: International airlines, tourism industry bodies, regional tourism organisations (RTOs), Māori regional tourism organisations (MRTOs), local government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), broader cultural institutions, e.g. Te Papa.
Principles The following principles with guide the implementation of the Action Plan: Maximising leverage of the available $4.5 million by: Working with Māori and other tourism stakeholders to identify and commit resources to jointly build on existing or develop new practical and accessible tourism initiatives that maximise investment impact. Extracting synergies from cooperative and coordinated efforts between government departments. Timely identification and implementation of a clear set of priorities. The NZMTS will do this by: Providing proactive leadership Operating in a consultative and transparent manner Establishing collaborative partnerships Critically evaluating initiatives Minimising duplicative efforts Maximising impact of investment by working with key stakeholder organisations, not individual businesses.
Roles and Relationships The New Zealand Māori Tourism Society represents and supports the Māori tourism sector and its development. • The NZMTS is responsible for implementing the Action Plan. It will provide the leadership, management and administrative support to implement the Plan. It will be the key interface with the broader stakeholder community. The Inter-departmental Implementation Group (IDIG) will assist the NZMTS in: • Developing priority initiatives to give effect to the Plan. • Coordinating and being accountable for government activities to deliver on its members responsibilities under the Plan. • Monitoring the effectiveness of initiatives under the overall Plan. Te Puni Kōkiri will: • Contract manage the $4.5 million Māori tourism appropriation over 3 years. Stakeholder Roles and Relationships will be developed as initiatives under the Plan take shape.
Stakeholder Inter-relationships NZMTS TPK IDIG Wider Stakeholder Groups Lead Broader Māori Economic Development Strategy
Māori Tourism Outcomes New Zealand tourism embraces Māori culture as a core part of the visitor experience. Recognised and measurably higher quality Māori product and tourism experiences. Increased visitor numbers through Māori tourism businesses. Increased yields for Māori tourism operators. Increased levels of consumer satisfaction. A stepped increase in business capability. Increased investment in the sector.
Major Centres Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions Major cities, in developing strategies to become destinations in their own right, for example Auckland, provide a platform for the Māori culture and tourism operators to leverage and position themselves in the developmental stage. In this context, there is considerable potential to further develop and maximise Māori tourism product. Synergies with events and proximate regional strategies. Can be aligned with Māori export sector. Potential to fill shoulder/low season. Gateways to New Zealand, i.e. ports and airports, have a distinct Māori dimension and product offerings. Establish with tangata whenua, local government and key tourism entities in the major cities robust processes to further develop Māori tourism propositions and facilitate their implementation. Processes established with three major centres – between July and December 2011 Establish a formal process with Auckland stakeholders, including ATEED (Auckland Tourism, Events, and Economic Development), to explore particular potential in Auckland. Initial engagement by 30 July 2011 Māori culture and tourism is recognised as a distinct and integral part of the major cities’ tourism offerings. Identify specific capability enhancement/mentoring initiatives in the major cities to support Māori tourism operators. Identified new Māori tourism offerings, e.g. around the volcanoes of Auckland and the Wharewaka in Wellington. Facilitate networks that bring businesses together to identify specific opportunities for extracting more value out of Māori tourism product and experiences.
Events Strategy Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions The Government’s major events strategy recognises the longer term economic, social, cultural and international profiling benefits to New Zealand. Opportunity to further leverage off and promote Māori tourism and culture through existing and new events. Opportunity to create new and or support existing Māori events that could fill shoulder seasons and leave a lasting Māori tourism legacy. Key national major events have a distinctive Māori dimension which can be leveraged to support Māori tourism. For example, the Society of American Travel Writers‘ Conference in November 2011, and the 2012 Olympic Games. • NZMTS, in consultation with IDIG and the major events strategy team in MED, identify and prioritise target events. • Process begun by 1 June 2011 Undertake a formal stakeholder engagement programme to secure support for the proposition(s). At least one further Māori cultural tourism event is recognised as iconic, with the capacity to maximise Māori tourism value and fill shoulder low season potential, e.g. Matariki. NZMTS and IDIG unlock and co-ordinate resources across agencies and other stakeholders. Process commenced Formalise for each event the interagency commitments to achieving the objectives, including by encouraging and supporting stakeholder leadership. Key New Zealand offshore events have a distinctly Māori flavour that promotes and enhances New Zealand’s uniqueness. Develop implementation and evaluation plans with the specific event stakeholders (NB ex-ante and post-event).
Regional Strategy Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions There is unrealised Māori tourism potential in the regions. • Maori tourism operators are predominantly located outside large centres. • Disparate approaches pose real constraints on the ability of all tourism businesses to maximise value. • Increased collaboration and co-operation between the RTOs, the MRTOs, DOC and the i-SITEs can overcome these constraints and provide a basis to exploit new business opportunities. Managers of RTOs, MRTOs, DOC and i-SITEs have developed processes and are engaged in strategic and operational collaboration, thereby enabling businesses to maximise their potential. NZMTS, supported by IDIG, to facilitate in each region an enduring leadership forum and processes to encourage collaboration and support new business opportunities. Process commenced in Northland. Three other regions by 30 November 2011 NZMTS to work with RTOs, MRTOs, local government and other key stakeholders and businesses to identify opportunities for collaborative marketing and promotional opportunities on and offshore. Process commenced in Northland. Three other regions by 30 November 2011 Effective communication, marketing and promotion of Māori culture and tourism opportunities in regional, inter-regional and international campaigns that maximise the unique value of New Zealand’s tourism offering. NZMTS, MED and TNZ to identify and deliver key information and research to support regional deliverables objectives. Identification and research programme commenced by 30 September 2011 Improved information and data on the value of existing Māori tourism and its potential economic contribution to the regions. Identify specific capability enhancement/mentoring initiatives in the regions to support Māori tourism operators.
Maximising Māori cultural value of the conservation estate Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions Maximising Māori cultural value of the conservation estates. There is a strong relationship between Māori history and values to the land and the values that underpin the management of the conservation estates. The opportunity exists to build effective and authentic engagement with the landscapes through tangata whenua and to develop and support high yield Māori tourism products on conservation land. Value would be further maximised if integrated with regional strategies. New high quality and high yield tourism products of significant scale that leverage the iconic values of the conservation estates and reflect engagement with tangata whenua, their values, stories and connections with the land. For example, Northland, Hauraki Gulf, Taranaki/Whanganui River, West Coast, Central Plateau. NZMTS to establish an effective and enduring process with DOC, Māori stakeholders and MCH to identify “product” on the conservation estates that will support authentic high value Māori tourism opportunities. Commenced Engage and support tangata whenua to develop their stories that connect with the land in a way that will ensure the delivery of a high quality experience whilst maintaining cultural integrity. Commenced A forward programme identified with stakeholders based on continuing partnerships. Support existing Māori tourism operators on public conservation land to deliver a quality experience with improved access to DOC visitors and more effective distribution channels, management and support. Commenced
Trade Actions Focus and rationale Deliverables Māori cultural values are recognised as supporting deeper and sustainable off-shore business relationships. Identify and implement a process to ensure that: • Information on trade events is shared with NZMTS and IDIG. • Opportunities are maximised to leverage international cultural diplomacy initiatives, for example MCH’s Cultural Diplomacy International Programme, to support Māori tourism. By 31 July 2011 Maximising synergies between promotion of trade, and Māori cultural and tourism Māori cultural values and practices have potential to support NZ Inc trade promotion. NZ Inc trade promotion effort has potential to promote Māori culture and tourism propositions to offshore business stakeholders. NZMTS to liaise with NZTE, MFAT and TPK to further facilitate: • The promotion of Māori culture and tourism into trade promotion efforts. • Māori tourism engagement in the development and implementation of NZ Inc trade strategies. By 30 September 2011 Māori tourism benefits from the trade promotion effort offshore and onshore. NZMTS and IDIG to work with MFAT and NZTE to: • Develop a process to ensure that Māori business interests are represented on trade missions where appropriate. • Further leverage opportunities to use trade missions to promote inbound marketing initiatives that showcase Māori culture, tourism and broader Māori business interests, including investment. On-going Māori tourism reaps significant benefits from the growing Chinese and Indian tourism market. Liaise with Māori tourism stakeholders to further inform the ongoing implementation of the China and India Strategies.
Business Propositions to build quality and capability Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions • Quality of cultural and tourism experience • To achieve high value returns Māori tourism products and services need to be authentic and of high quality. • Building the highest quality around a set of key products can in turn drive improved quality down the supply chain. • There is an opportunity to build on the quality initiatives supported by the Rugby World Cup 2011 and current TPK initiatives. • Collaboration with whānau, iwi and hapū, and MCH opens the opportunity to develop high quality Māori culture and tourism product, including stories. • Building capability through networks • Growing Māori tourism business requires an understanding of where and how to extract unrealised value from competitive supply chains. This is supported by effective business networks. • Effective networks will also support Māori tourism businesses to gain greater access to government and other services. Improving quality recognised by increasing examples of excellence in the delivery of services and products as demonstrated, for example, by uptake of standards such as Qualmark marae. NZMTS to work with relevant agencies and businesses to promote examples of excellence to Māori toursm businesses, for example through websites, media and other means, with a focus on Māori tourism businesses but also including other Māori businesses and non-Māori tourism businesses where relevant. Discussions underway with Poutama Trust to design and deliver this action Quality Māori cultural and tourism experiences are identified as unique by a Māori mark that identifies a quality experience. Establish a process with stakeholders, including RTOs and MRTOs, to explore the potential ways to develop a unique quality experience mark designed to attract high value tourists, both international and domestic. Process established by 30 Sept 2011 Demonstrated new business capabilities to allow Māori tourism businesses to extract maximum value from supply chains. Increased Māori business understanding of, and access to, the wider business networks. NZMTS, MCH and DOC to work with stakeholders to support the development of quality benchmarks for Māori tourism product on the conservation estates. On-going “Marks” of quality and authenticity reflected in TNZ and regional tourism promotion efforts internationally and domestically. Further promote uptake and participation in industry initiatives by providing targeted information about relevant research, training, and existing industry standards such as Qualmark. By 30 November 2011
Information, Research and Evaluation Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions • It is important to have reliable and robust research about the Māori tourism sector to support business development, and evaluate the impact and return on investment. • There is a need to build the quality of Māori tourism data sets at the economy wide and regional basis, and at a more targeted and granulated level. This information is vital to informing more coordinated approaches, supporting new business opportunities, and managing risk. • Good information bases are required to undertake robust evaluation and establish performance benchmarks. • Improved and targeted research, informed by the industry, will also be central to supporting effective business decisions. • There are opportunities for key stakeholders to collaborate and exploit synergies to strengthen the body of research on Māori tourism to benefit Māori tourism businesses and the broader tourism sector. The government’s core tourism data sets will include more detailed information on the performance and value of the Māori tourism sector. NZMTS and IDIG to work with MED to ensure that the pending review of the government’s core tourism data sets in the Tourism Satellite Account incorporates key Māori tourism performance and value information. By 30 July 2011 Other key research needs and gaps are identified and met through engagement and consultation with Māori tourism businesses and key stakeholders. • NZMTS to establish a process with IDIG members and Māori tourism business stakeholders within the context of this Plan to: • Identify key information and research gaps. • Develop methodologies and pathways for collecting, analysing and disseminating information. • Develop performance benchmarks. • Establish evaluation frameworks. • By 30 September 2011 Research benchmark for Māori tourism established and channels to disseminate information to businesses in the sector strengthened. NZMTS and key Māori tourism business stakeholders to identify and leverage existing web and online tools (including social media) to support business information sharing and networking, including current work by NZMTS, Poutama Trust and Regional Tourism Organisations New Zealand (RTONZ) developing a Māori tourism online booking portal and database. Stocktake and preliminary assessments done by 30 September 2011 An effective online database for Māori tourism businesses.
Branding and Promotion Focus and rationale Deliverables Actions • An opportunity exists to further brand and promote Māori tourism as a unique point of difference and value to the current New Zealand tourism proposition. • We need to maximise synergies between existing and developing Māori brands and existing national tourism brands. • There is considerable scope to coordinate and better leverage current disparate tourism strategies to collectively market Māori product and services offshore. Māori cultural imagery, values and practices are integrated as a unique point of difference into national tourism marketing activities and campaigns. NZMTS, working with TPK and Māori tourism stakeholders, to develop a framework and processes for inclusion of Māori culture and experiences in existing national tourism marketing campaigns. Commenced Māori language supports and reflects Māori tourism branding and promotion. NZMTS to work with TNZ to develop a co-ordinated Maori presence on www.newzealand.com which will showcase Māori tourism and enable Māori tourism businesses to market themselves directly to overseas consumers. Commenced Māori enterprises and brands are more visible and accessible through existing offshore promotion campaigns as a definable segment. NZMTS, TPK and TNZ to collaborate with the Māori Language Commission to identify and implement at least one major campaign in partnership with the private sector, for example Māori signage at airports, reflecting the unique cultural offering of New Zealand. By 30 Oct 2011 National Māori branding, a high level introduction to Māori New Zealand and Māori enterprise, embraces Māori tourism and is leveraged in our offshore marketing activities. NZMTS and TPK to work with other partners on Māori branding to ensure that it supports the achievement of outcomes under this Action Plan. Commenced TNZ, RTOs, i-SITEs and tangata whenua promotion and marketing strategies are aligned.