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The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy. Dan.2 – the great image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream Dan.7 – vision of the 4 beasts Dan.8 – vision of the ram and he-goat Dan.9 – vision of the 70 sevens Dan.10-11 – vision of kings of North and South Then add:
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Dan.2 – the great image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream Dan.7 – vision of the 4 beasts Dan.8 – vision of the ram and he-goat Dan.9 – vision of the 70 sevens Dan.10-11 – vision of kings of North and South Then add: Rev.12-13,17 – the Satanic beast
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.2: Head of gold – Nebuchadnezzar (2:38) Breast & arms of silver – an inferior kingdom (2:39) Belly & thighs of brass – a kingdom of brass follows (2.39) Legs of iron – 4th kingdom strong as iron (2:40)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.2 (ctd.): Feet/toes of mixed iron& ceramic – 4th kingdom divided; partly strong & partly brittle (2:41-42) Stone cut without hands – God’s unending kingdom destroys all other kingdoms (2:44) Nebuchadnezzar’s confession – “your God, He is God of gods and Lord of kings” (2:47)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy The meaning of theiron 1st occ: Tubal-Cain taught men to work brass and iron(Gen.4:22) 2nd occ: Curse – “I will make your heaven as iron and your earth as brass.” (Lev.26:19)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy The meaning of theiron A Figure of Oppression Egypt an “iron furnace” (Deu.4:20) Curse: a “yoke of iron” (Deu.28:48) “prisoners of affliction and iron” (Psa.107:10)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy The meaning of theiron Other associations of iron and brass Vision of ch.4: symbolic tree stump banded with iron and brass (Dan.4:15) Beast #4: its “teeth of iron” and “claws of brass” (Dan.7:19)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.7: 4 great beasts arise from the sea – 4 kings (7:3,17) 1st like a lion with eagle’s wings – then man- like (7:4) 2nd like a voracious bear (7:5) 3rd like a 4-winged, 4-headed leopard (7:6) 4th dreadful, strong, 10-horned, diverse from the others (7:7,19,23)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.7 (ctd.): Little Horn (7:8,20-21,24-25) speaking great things, blaspheming the Most High before whom 3 horns (kings) plucked afflicting the saints changes times & laws for “a time, times and dividing of time” Beasts judged (7:9-14) Ancient of Days sits one like a Son of Man enthroned Little Horn judged, destroyed in fiery flame
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.8: Ram with 2 horns – kings of Media and Persia, pushing North, South and West (8:4, 20) He-goat from the West, with one conspicuous horn trampling the Ram Greece the 1 horn its first king (8:5-7, 21) 4 new horns of he-goat – Grecian empire divided into 4 less powerful kingdoms (8:8, 22)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.8 (ctd.): Little Horn, King of Fierce Face – arising at “the end of their reign” understanding enigmas causing deceit to prosper mighty – but not by his own power destroying many, including the saints suspending the daily sacrifice transgression of desolation polluting the Sanctuary standing against the Captain of captains but broken without hand (8:9-12,23-25)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.8 (ctd.): Time of the vision – “for the time of the end” (8:17) “in the after-part of the indignation” (8:19) “for the appointed time is the end” (8:10) 3 expressions; 4 different “time” related words employed “shut up the vision for it is unto many days” until “the time of the end” (8:26; 12:4,9)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.9: Daniel prayed for the end of the 70 years of desolations of Jerusalem (9:1-3; Jer.25:11)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.9: Received instead a prophecy of 70 sevens upon the People and holy city (Jerusalem) (9:24-27) to finish transgression & establish righteousness from the decree to restore Jerusalem 69 sevens until Messiah cut off the Coming Prince destroys the People with a flood the prince covenants with many during the last seven the prince substitutes “abomination of desolation” for sacrifices during the last half-seven
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.11: 4 more kings of Persia, the last will stir up Greece (11:2) a mighty king with great dominion will do according to his will (11:3) his kingdom divided to the 4 winds, but not for his sons (11:4) detailed exploits of kings of the North (Syria) and kings of the South (Egypt) (11:5-20)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.11 (ctd.): “Vile Person” will obtain the kingdom (North) by flatteries (11:21-12:3) with the arms of a flood he floods over his opponents he is “against the holy covenant” in league with those forsaking the covenant he will substitute the “abomination of desolation” for the daily sacrifice the People of understanding will be captured or killed “to the time of the end” “yet for an appointed time”
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Dan.11 (ctd.): he blasphemes “the God of gods”; he worships a “foreign god” (11:36) Egypt, Libya & Ethiopia are in his thrall (11:42-43) he makes Jerusalem his palace (11:45) day of affliction for Israel - Michael defends - escape for those “in the book” (12:1)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Rev.12-13,17: great red Dragon (Satan) – 7-headed, 10-horned (12:3,9) the Woman (Israel) flees to the desert – nourished by God 1,260 days – “time and times and half a time” (12:6,14) war in heaven – Michael’s army vs. Dragon’s (12:7) Dragon pursues the Woman as with a flood (12:15-16)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Rev.12-13,17 (ctd.): Beast rises from the sea – 7-headed, 10- horned (13:1) on its heads a name of blasphemy (13:1) like a leopard-bear-lion (13:2) Dragon gives him his power, throne & great authority (13:2)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Rev.12-13,17 (ctd.): Beast from the sea mouth speaking great things & blasphemies – power for 42 months (13:5-6) he wars against the saints (Israel) and other nations (13:7) those not “in the book” do obeisance to him (13:8; 17:8)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Rev.12-13,17 (ctd.): the Scarlet Beast supporting the Great Harlot – having names of blasphemy, 7 heads and 10 horns (17:3) Great Harlot drunken from blood of the saints – Israel (17:6) 7 successive kings (17:10) the Beast is the 8th in succession, but also of the 7 (17:11)
The Unity of Daniel’s Prophecy Synopsis of Rev.12-13,17 (ctd.): 10 horns are 10 kings who receive power with the Beast (17:12) 10 kings & Beast war with the Lamb – “Lord of lords” “King of kings” (17:13-14) the Beast judged, cast into “the lake of the fire” (17:12) “seal not the words of this prophecy of this book, for the season is near” (22:10)