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G RADING Grading Scale 90-100 = A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59-0 = F A minimum of four major grades and nine minor grades are required each nine-week grading period. Grading Exceptionalities
GRADING Grading Scale 90-100 = A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59-0 = F A minimum of four major grades and nine minor grades are required each nine-week grading period. Grading Exceptionalities If a student does not accomplish or turn in an assignment despite having the opportunity to do so, I document that fact with a “1” (rather than a “0”) in INOW. This serves as a visual “cue” to me, the parents/guardians and the student that the student did not turn in this assignment, despite the opportunity. Eleven points will be deducted every day that an assignment is late. If a student does not turn in an assignment due to an excused absence, I document that fact with a “2” in INOW. This serves as a visual “cue” to me, the parents/guardians and the student that the student did not turn in this assignment due to an absence. The student is then responsible for making up the work according to my classroom make-up policies (see below). NOTE: Only “excused” absences may be made up and given full credit. TUTORING AND MAKEUP TIMES Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7:20 am Tuesday and Friday, 2:35 to 3 pm Tutoring is subject to change, due to professional or other obligations, but on most scheduled days, tutoring will be available. This service is offered at no cost. NOTE ABOUT MAKEUP WORK: To minimize disruption during class time, I limit makeup work during classtime. However, it is possible that under the block-scheduling format that we are adopting this year, that ample makeup time will be available in class. As I am writing this before the beginning of school, that remains to be seen. Students may make up work for excused absences only. Official excuses must be submitted within three days of an absence. Work must be made up within three days of returning from the absence, except for extenuating circumstances, as judged by Mr. Burdette. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT My classroom management plan is simple: I expect my students to follow rules already published by MPS and JCMS. Beyond that, I ask my students to live by seven positive attributes, which I’ve coined as “PREDDE”. Be positive, respectful, responsible, excellent, diligent, disciplined and ethical. Consequences for not being PRREDDE • Teacher/student conference and documentation of problem for teacher’s records • Contact with parent • Detention • Teacher/parent conference • Referral to office/administration School Notes web site Check the school web site for updates from my classroom, including assignments and projects. You can find the school’s web site at http://www.carr.mps-al.org/
SUBJECT: Johnnie Carr Middle School English 7 (traditional and magnet) FROM: Roger Burdette, teacher EMAIL: roger.burdette@mps.k12.al.us Dear students, parents and guardians, I am excited about being your 7th-grade English teacher! I give you my word that I expect excellence from myself, and I also expect diligence and pride from each of you. Students: Please challenge yourselves to reach your full potential – in my class and others. Let’s make this a great year. Sincerely, Mr. Burdette roger.burdette@mps.k12.al.us WHAT WE WILL STUDY This year, we will be covering a version of the new national College and Career Ready Standards, often called “Common Core”. Many states nationwide are using Common Core this year. The standards that we are striving for were produced in coordination with the Alabama State Department of Education. Students of English Language Arts will be covering standards in five categories: 1. Reading Standards for Literature, 2. Reading Standards for Informational Text, 3. Writing, 4. Speaking and listening, and 5. Language, which includes grammar and punctuation. There are 41 standards in all, and I intend to cover every one of them, many of them multiple times. You may look closely at the new standards at http://alex.state.al.us/index.php. Select “Courses of Study”, then “English Language Arts”, and finally, select “7” under “English Language Arts 2010.” TEXT & MATERIALS • Glencoe Literature: Reading With a Purpose (7TH-grade edition, but magnet students will also use the 8th-grade edition) • Glencoe Writer’s Choice (grammar and composition) (7th-grade edition) NOTE ABOUT TEXT BOOKS: I do not intend to issue books to all students this year. We are organized in a block-scheduling format, which should allow me ample time in class to accomplish my objectives using a class set of books. However, if a student or parent would prefer that a student have an English textbook for use at home, I ask that parents/guardians send me a written note requesting that I issue his/her student a book, and I will happily accommodate that request. MATERIALS Loose leaf paper (NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS) and 1½-inch binder Black/Dark blue pen and or pencil (mechanical or traditional) Handheld pencil sharpener w/cover (if student chooses to use a traditional pencil) Correction fluid or tape (if student chooses to use a blue or black pen) ACCELERATED READER Students will participate in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program. In AR, students read books (on their own), then take quizzes on them to earn points. I take a “less-is-more” approach to AR. I strive for quality AR points, not quantity. If students find books they enjoy, read them, comprehend them, do well on the quizzes and (hopefully) develop a healthy attitude toward reading, I’m satisfied! Early in the school year, students will help me determine how many points they will be required to earn each grading period. Students will also be required to write one book review each grading period. Students will have opportunities to visit the school library, but AR books may also be obtained from others sources, such as bookstores, home libraries and public libraries. To ensure a book is an AR book, search for it at www.arbookfind.com.