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For the standard UK Logo, please navigate to http://www.uky.edu/Graphics/ download.htm and click on the ‘UK Logo’ ZIP file download, or copy and paste from existing posters. .
For the standard UK Logo, please navigate to http://www.uky.edu/Graphics/download.htm and click on the ‘UK Logo’ ZIP file download, or copy and paste from existing posters. For the standard see blue Logo, please navigate to http://www.uky.edu/Graphics/download.htm and click on the ‘see blue Logo’ ZIP file download, or copy and paste from existing posters. Header boxes such as these may be adjusted in length to fit needs, and may be copied and pasted from each poster template. All colors, fonts, and sizes may be adjusted according to your needs. Header Text: Arial font, size 36 Header Text: Arial font, size 36 All image/text placeholders may be deleted and adjusted to meet your personal needs. Use the Insert option at the top to bring in pictures or photos, and adjust the size using the selection box to find proper dimensions for columns. Powerpoint will automatically show parallel lines when adjusting dimensions of text and picture boxes so you can properly align each area of content to another. Once you have finished editing your poster, you may delete this slide from the roster on the left in order to save your single poster slide as a .PDF for uploading to Lynn Imaging. Only one slide should be included in the finished .pdf or .ppt once you have finished editing and removing this instruction slide.
Title of Research Project Researcher’s Name Department(s), University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Title of Presentation Poster Presenter(s): Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Header Text: Arial font, size 36 Header Text: Arial font, size 36 Header Text: Arial font, size 36 This is the location of the Introduction of the ideas presented in this poster. The opening aspects of your presentation should be formatted in text here. This area may also serve as an Abstract for different methods of research presentation. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Aliquamcondimentumvariuscursus. Crasaliquet ligula egeturnatinciduntcondimentumtristiquetortordapibus. Etiampharetratelluseu quam elementum non sagittisliberotincidunt. Sedseddiam at magna consecteturgravidainterdumnec ligula. Praesent id tellusipsum. Maecenas quam felis, laciniaegetconguenec, dapibusegetmetus. Nullarisuserat, molestieegetauctoreu, bibendum a ipsum. Aeneanmolestiegravida magna, tinciduntmattisestaliquam et. Curabiturnecmaurisvel ligula pharetrascelerisque. Nullaarcuipsum, lacinia at cursus sit amet, sollicitudin non turpis. Donecposuere, felisquisaliquamsagittis, sapiennisliaculisipsum, et tempus nisl lacus sederat. In hachabitasseplateadictumst. Suspendissetinciduntmattispurus, placeratlobortiselitvehiculatempor. You may explain your image or add a caption here. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Aliquamcondimentumvariuscursus. Crasaliquet ligula egeturnatinciduntcondimentumtristiquetortordapibus. Etiampharetratelluseu quam elementum non sagittisliberotincidunt. Sedseddiam at magna consecteturgravidainterdumnec ligula. Praesent id tellusipsum. Maecenas quam felis, laciniaegetconguenec, dapibusegetmetus. Nullarisuserat, molestieegetauctoreu, bibendum a ipsum. Aeneanmolestiegravida magna, tinciduntmattisestaliquam et. Curabiturnecmaurisvel ligula pharetrascelerisque. Nullaarcuipsum, lacinia at cursus sit amet, sollicitudin non turpis. Donecposuere, felisquisaliquamsagittis, sapiennisliaculisipsum, et tempus nisl lacus sederat. In hachabitasseplateadictumst. Suspendissetinciduntmattispurus, placeratlobortiselitvehiculatempor. You may explain your image or add a caption here. This section presents the results of the experiment but does not attempt to interpret their meaning. You will not present the raw data that you collected, but rather you will summarize the data with text, tables and/or figures. t Header Text: Arial font, size 36 Header Text: Arial font, size 36 In this section, you are free to explain what the results mean or why they differ from what other workers have found. Suggest future directions for research, new methods, explanations for deviations from previously published results, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam condimentum varius cursus. Cras aliquet ligula eget urna tincidunt condimentum tristique tortor dapibus. Etiam pharetra tellus eu quam elementum non sagittis libero tincidunt. Sed sed diam at magna consectetur gravida interdum nec ligula. Praesent id tellus ipsum. Maecenas quam felis, lacinia eget congue nec, dapibus eget metus. Nulla risus erat, molestie eget auctor eu, bibendum a ipsum. Aenean molestie gravida magna, tincidunt mattis est aliquam et. \ You may explain your image or add a caption here. Header Text: Arial font, size 36 This section provides all the methodological details necessary for another scientist to duplicate your work. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam condimentum varius cursus. Cras aliquet ligula eget urna tincidunt condimentum tristique tortor dapibus. Etiam pharetra tellus eu quam elementum non sagittis libero tincidunt. Sed sed diam at magna consectetur gravida interdum nec ligula. Praesent id tellus ipsum. Maecenas quam felis, lacinia eget congue nec, dapibus eget metus. Nulla risus erat, molestie eget auctor eu, bibendum a ipsum. Aenean molestie gravida magna, tincidunt mattis est aliquam et. Curabitur nec mauris vel ligula pharetra scelerisque. Nulla arcu ipsum, lacinia at cursus sit amet, sollicitudin non turpis. Donec posuere, felis quis aliquam sagittis, sapien nisl iaculis ipsum, et tempus nisl lacus sed erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse tincidunt mattis purus, placerat lobortis elit vehicula tempor. Header Text: Arial font, size 36 If, in your experiment, you received any significant help in thinking up, designing, or carrying out the work, or received materials from someone who did you a favor by supplying them, you must acknowledge their assistance and the service or material provided. Authors always acknowledge outside reviewers of their drafts (in PI courses, this would be done only if an instructor or other individual critiqued the draft prior to evaluation) and any sources of funding that supported the research. Although usual style requirements (e.g., 1st person, objectivity) are relaxed somewhat here, Acknowledgments are always brief and never flowery. Header Text: Arial font, size 36 • Cite References Here You may explain your image or add a caption here.