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Glenn Russell - Medical Director Steven Colfar - Deputy Head of L&D

Glenn Russell - Medical Director Steven Colfar - Deputy Head of L&D. Widening Participation: Implementation of an Access to Medicine Programme at LHCH. Key Drivers. What would be the most powerful driver to you? Helping the Trust deliver on its Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda?

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Glenn Russell - Medical Director Steven Colfar - Deputy Head of L&D

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  1. Glenn Russell - Medical Director Steven Colfar - Deputy Head of L&D Widening Participation: Implementation of an Access to Medicine Programme at LHCH

  2. Key Drivers What would be the most powerful driver to you? • Helping the Trust deliver on its Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda? Or • Knowing you can make a difference to support a young adult’s key life choices?

  3. Steps to development • Finding a shared passion and commitment to make a difference within the Trust • Seek to Understand! What is the perceived challenge faced by local schools and colleges in supporting their students wishing to pursue a career in medicine? In the absence of having connections to a close family member or friend in medicine, how would an individual student know the early steps to make to prepare for their career? How do we go about tackling the range of socioeconomic and geographical inequalities identified?

  4. Key Benefits vs. Challenges Benefits Challenges No Model to follow Competing challenges in supporting full range of interprofessional students Positive discrimination?? Not covered within any student tariff arrangements Takes high level of personal time Difficulties in saying NO (not just students put parents too!) • Making a difference! • Creating enthusiasm and motivation amongst our staff • Support for the Trust Volunteer Scheme • Developing close partnerships with local schools • Trust Reputation

  5. 2011 - Start of the Journey

  6. Main Elements of Programme Full application and selection process including preliminary interview Adapted Trust Induction Programme Attendance at short Access to Medicine Course Sign up to Trust Volunteer Scheme (If required) Allocation of Consultant Mentor Individual placement plan agreed between Consultant and Student Shadowing of Consultant or named Doctor through a range of clinical areas inc. theatres, catheter labs, ward reviews, outpatient consultations and our integrated community services Support with statement writing Final mock interview and evaluation

  7. From strength to strength! Access to Medicine 2013 In 2012-13 capacity increased to 30 students and the catchment area was widened to include all of Merseyside, Cheshire and North Wales In 2013 – 14 the number of students has increased to 37 with more Consultant Mentor’s agreeing to support the programme. Agreement to conduct an evaluation of the programme in support of the widening participation agenda

  8. Feedback “I found the access to medicine programme invaluable in giving me a greater insight into the very specialised area of medicine the Heart and Chest hospital provides. The programme opened my eyes to the research side of medicine as I was able to see the HEAT trial in progress and learn about denominators and the importance of randomisation.” Andrew Whitfield, Access to Medicine, July 2013 “My placement was an enlightening experience into the day to day workings of a tertiary care centre, and the daily routines of consultant surgeons. My experience was very close up and I got the chance to see many things I wouldn't have had a chance to see without the programme, such as lobectomy operations and heart valve replacements, which furthered my interest into studying medicine at university.“ Joe Delahunty, Access to Medicine, July 2013 "As a hopeful prospective medical student I never imagined I'd be given the chance to watch open heart surgery or witness the difficult breaking of bad news in the rapid access cancer clinic. My week shadowing a consultant in LHCH gave me a fantastic insight into the many roles of a doctor, inspiring and motivating me to pursue my vocation.“ – Anna Sewell, Access to Medicine, July 2013 Work experience at the Heart and Chest Hospital has been fully worthwhile. I had a fantastic time learning about the heart in surgery and in the community. It was rewarding and made me convinced Medicine was for me. – Danielle Flynn, Access to Medicine, July 2013

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