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Explore how a strength-based approach with multiple intelligences enhances reading skills, motivation, and comprehension in students. Research-based interventions and results show improved outcomes and increased enthusiasm for reading. Implications for replicable instruction and teacher confidence.

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  1. Differentiated Reading Instruction: Using Multiple Intelligences and MIDAS to Enhance Comprehension, Enthusiasm, and Strategic Reading Approaches Branton Shearer, Ph.D. & Sara Reith Ed.S. Wooster City Schools Graphs Abstract Results In an effort to maximize effectiveness and make the RTI process more palatable, Parkview Elementary of Wooster City Schools adopted a strength-based approach to differentiation. In the winter of 2010 fifth grade teachers Kimberly Summers and Patrick Lindeman piloted a project to align student strengths with reading intervention strategies. Rather than merely identifying student deficits to drive instruction, each student was administered a MIDAS multiple intelligences (MI) inventory to gauge areas of relative strength that would be mobilized with research based interventions to increase reading skill. Drawn from this study is the conclusion that many students benefit from participation in strength-based reading activities. They also benefit from teachers who recognize their strengths and are able to categorize reading intervention on the basis of these individual aptitudes. Resulting from this focus, students not only display greater reading skill but also greater enthusiasm for reading and enhanced motivation. Methodology Research-based Interventions: www.interventioncentral.org Conclusions • Reading improvement was measured for students in each educational population (gifted, regular education, at-risk, and special education) See details in attached article. • Student motivation towards independent strategy use was rated to improve. • Parent perception regarding RTI and individualized curriculum was observed to be more positive overall. • Student knowledge about individual multiple intelligence strengths was rated to improve confidence in reading. • Multiple intelligence-based instruction was rated to improve teacher confidence with whole group differentiation. Implications • Replicable differentiation planning for whole class instruction. • Multiple intelligence-focused research based interventions streamline strength-based instruction. • Promotion of fidelity for RTI interventions and progress monitoring in the classroom. **Graphics courtesy of: http://www.stanford.edu, http://www.d158.net, http://www.studentresponsibility.org, www.eastasia.britishcouncil.org

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