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Infrastructure Action Plan: An Update Presentation to the Advisors of the Executive Directors. March 22, 2004. Unmet Infrastructure Needs are Tremendous. Infrastructure Impacts on the MDGs, Poverty, and Growth. 35%. 20%. Significant Progress on Implementing the Infrastructure Action Plan.
Infrastructure Action Plan: An UpdatePresentation to the Advisors of the Executive Directors March 22, 2004
Infrastructure Impacts on the MDGs, Poverty, and Growth 35% 20%
Significant Progress on Implementing the Infrastructure Action Plan • Action Plan introduced to revitalize the Bank Group’s infrastructure business – July 2003 • The Board’s and Senior Management’s consistent communication on the importance of infrastructure enabled the successful implementation of the Action Plan • Regional management teams have also swiftly responded to increased client demand for infrastructure • e.g. South Asia regional strategy • e.g. some key new CASs (Indonesia)
Change in the Paradigm: Provided Guidance on Roles of the Private and Public Sectors Key Messages from the Power Sector Guidance Note The Guidance Note on Public and Private Sector Roles in the Supply of Electricity Services addresses the range of options, from purely private to purely public, that most Bank client countries will face as they work with Bank Staff to reform their power sectors and improve efficiency and growth. The Guidance Note offers the following key messages: Generation: Private financing, whether from local, regional or international investors, is preferred. Most governments can create a substantial role for private generators within their sector development strategies. Nonetheless, public support, in the form of IDA/IBRD guarantees and other forms of credit enhancement, will be a critical component of many private financings in the generation, along with IFC and MIGA products. Transmission: Depending on country policy and sector circumstances, there are substantial lending, guarantee, and insurance opportunities for the Bank, IFC, and MIGA.The Bank could commit lending to state-owned transmission companies, as a key component of an overall sector development program, provided that minimum corporate governance standards are met. Distribution: Where public provision is working, or improvements in performance in a public utility are underway, the Bank can consider providing financial support. Where it is not, some form of public private partnership should be considered, such as concession and OBA projects that can attract private investment, focusing on improvements in service quality and service expansion. If private investment still cannot be attracted, then management contracts/leases, accompanied by public investment in part financed by the Bank, can be considered as an interim step. Regulation: Governments should provide for long-term capacity building but should fix, to the extent possible, provisions for prices and technical and customer service standards in the key regulatory instruments, such as licenses or contracts, for a medium-term period. Regulatory frameworks should be designed bearing in mind local capacities and institutional approaches. • Example: Power Sector • Generation: domestic or international private financing preferred • Transmission: substantial Bank Group opportunities exist (lending/ guarantees) • Distribution: lending only to well performing public utilities; otherwise public-private partnerships to be considered Guidance Notes also prepared for the Water & Sanitation, Gas, Transport, and ICT sectors – ready in April 2004
Strengthened Infrastructure Lending Pipeline for FY04 & FY05 Bank Infrastructure Lending - FY02-FY05* Pre-Action Plan Action Plan Potential FY04 Lending: up to $6 billion $5.4b $5.3b Potential FY05 Lending: ~ $6.5-$7 billion IFC also projected to increase infrastructure activities; MIGA projected to be stable * The results of FY04 and FY05 infrastructure deliverables will depend heavily on the allocation of the remaining IDA 13 envelope
Strengthened Infrastructure Diagnostic Work WB-EBRD Europe and Central Asia Regional Study Recent Economic Developments in Infrastructure (REDIs) • The REDI: Standardized diagnostic of the infrastructure sectors • REDIs can be: • an infrastructure snapshot • a partial infrastructure diagnostic • a full infrastructure diagnostic • Can help develop new business and policy based operations for a given country • Include assessments of access, affordability, quality, efficiency, financial autonomy, fiscal costs, institutional development, and governance Europe and Central Asia- REDIs: Bosnia Bulgaria WB-JBIC-ADB East Asia Regional Infrastructure Study East Asia and Pacific- REDIs: Vietnam Indonesia Philippines Mongolia Middle East and North Africa- REDIs: West Bank/Gaza Morocco South Asia- REDIs: India Africa REDIs: Madagascar Mauritania Senegal Latin America & Caribbean- REDIs: Colombia Peru WB-IDB Latin America Regional Study
Invested in Infrastructure Performance Indicators Monitoring Sector Performance at the global level • Tracking progress toward MDGs • Contributing to corporate reporting (e.g. Global Monitoring) • Supporting IDA 14 indicators Improving Resource Allocations at the country level • Identifying priority sectors/ interventions • Contributing to results-based CASs • Providing input into analytical work Improving Performance Mgmt. at the project level • Benchmarking key performance indicators (e.g. utilities) • Demonstrating impact and results of specific projects
Strengthening the Bank Group’s Instruments and Approaches • Expanding work at the regional/ cross-country level • especially in the Africa Region • Strengthening Bank Group risk mitigation instruments • increased CAS envelopes for IBRD guarantees Bank Group instruments & approaches Exploring sub-sovereign Bank Group engagement • the Municipal Fund Developing a systematic cross-sectoral policy research program • in collaboration with other units • Improving World Bank Group collaboration • expanded IFC/IDA blend financing in Africa
Key Challenges Going Forward Revitalizing the Bank Group’s infrastructure business is a medium-term challenge Ensuring better Bank Group collaboration on infrastructure Engaging the public on infrastructure’s impact on poverty reduction Addressing fiscal constraints to public investments Improving Bank Group services in Middle-Income Countries Ensuring infrastructure retains its high quality ratings - currently the highest of any network
Infrastructure Action Plan Website For more information on the Infrastructure Action Plan, please visit our website: http://fpd-int.worldbank.org/plan.nsf