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3. Engaging Students, Engaging Instructors: Fueling Active Learning Through Technology Integration. Curt Bonk, Indiana University President, CourseShare.com cjbonk@indiana.edu http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk http://CourseShare.com.
3. Engaging Students, Engaging Instructors: Fueling Active Learning Through Technology Integration Curt Bonk, Indiana University President, CourseShare.com cjbonk@indiana.edu http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk http://CourseShare.com
A Vision of E-learning for America’s Workforce, Report of the Commission on Technology and Adult Learning, (2001, June) • A remarkable 84 percent of two-and four-year colleges in the United States expect to offer distance learning courses in 2002” (only 58% did in 1998) (US Dept of Education report, 2000) • Web-based training is expected to increase 900 percent between 1999 and 2003.” (ASTD, State of the Industry Report 2001).
The Market is Exploding! “IDC expects the market to double in size every year through 2003 when the total e-learning market will reach $11.5 billion. Corporations are particularly interested in training their employees in soft skills (leadership, sales, etc.)…growing at twice the rate of IT training.” Steven McWilliam (2000), e-learning, 1(2), p. 48. (same numbers from Merrill Lynch)
Software and hardware customers e-learn the ropes,Scott Tyler Shafer, Red Herring, Feb. 13, 2001 • “Since Cisco is looking to educate 800,000 people globally, the classroom model wasn’t feasible. …Cisco selected and certified 120 partner training companies…” • “Oracle says it has 1,000 developers signing up every day to take courses over the company’s Web Oracle Network (OLN)…estimates it will train 2.5 million engineers in 2001.” (this was only 500,000 in 2000)
Timeout!!! What do you do with technology today? ____________________ ____________________ What about 10 years ago??? ___________________ ____________________
Active Learning Principles 1. Authentic/Raw Data 2. Student Autonomy/Inquiry 3. Relevant/Meaningful/Interests 4. Link to Prior Knowledge 5. Choice and Challenge 6. Teacher as Facilitator and Co-Learner 7. Social Interaction and Dialogue 8. Problem-Based & Student Gen Learning 9. Multiple Viewpoints/Perspectives 10. Collab, Negotiation, & Reflection
Technology Goals at Purdue 1. Experience with wide variety of technology 2. Instructional opportunity for diverse learners. 3. Link field to class and discuss/dialogue. 4. Inquiry, reflection, journals, personal sums. 5. Scaffolded learning opportunities. 6. Encourage to create artifacts with tech. 7. Some electronic assignments and portfolios. 8. Link students & faculty-telecommunications. (e.g., bulletin boards and online discussions) 9. Interactive simulations. 10. Informal e-mail.
Technology Tools • MBL--sensors, probes, microphones, motion det • Hand held Devices: Graphing calculators, palm pilots, Newtons • Exploratory Simulations—physics, chemistry, etc. • Telecommunications & Interpers Exchanges: e.g., keypals, ask expert, cross-age mentoring. • Assistance Technology: screen magnifiers, speech synthesizers and digitizers, voice recognition devices, touch screens, alternative computer keyboards, and headpointing devices • Writing: post-it notes, outlining aids, semantic webbing tools, prompting tools, word processors, grammar checks.
More Technology Tools • Cognitive Tools: graphing tools, spreadsheets, word processors, and databases • Intelligent Tutors: Geometry, Algebra, Statistics • Distance Learning: Web and videoconferencing • Class Management: Gradebooks, track students • Presentation/Integration: Smart lecturns • Testing: Essay grade, computer adaptive testing • Classroom Assessment: Digital portfolios
Technology Ideas • Experts via video/computer conferencing • Teleconferencing talks to tchrs & experts • Reflect on field & debate cases on the Web • Make Web resources accessible • Collab with Students in other places/countries • Have students generate Web pages/pub work • Represent knowledge with graphing tools • Videoconference with colleagues • Make Web link suggestions
More Technology Ideas • Take to lab for group collaboration. • Take to computer lab for Web search. • Take to an electronic conference. • Put syllabus on the Web. • Create a class computer conference. • Require students sign up for a listserv. • Use e-mail minute papers & e-mail admin. • Have students do technology demos.
Asynchronous Possibilities 1. Link to peers and mentors. 2. Expand and link to alternative resources. 3. Involve in case-based reasoning. 4. Connect students in field to the class. 5. Provide e-mail assistance 6. Bring experts to teach at any time. 7. Provide exam preparation. 8. Foster small group work. 9. Engage in electronic discussions & writing. 10. Structure electronic role play.
Strategies:Videoconferencing 1. Human Graphs, Stand and Share, Present 2. Tell Tall Tales, Creative Writing 3. Think-Pair-Share, Three Step Interviews 4. Swami Questions, Bingo Quizzes 5. Numbered Heads Together 6. Cooperative Scripts 7. Three Stay, One Stray 8. Phillips 66/Buzz Groups 9. Pruning the Tree 10. Double Fishbowl
Is it that simple? NOPE!!!
To Cope with the Technology Explosion, We Need Instructor E-Learning Support!!!
Administrative: “Lack of admin vision.” “Lack of incentive from admin and the fact that they do not understand the time needed.” “Lack of system support.” “Little recognition that this is valuable.” “Rapacious U intellectual property policy.” “Unclear univ. policies concerning int property.” Pedagogical: “Difficulty in performing lab experiments online.” “Lack of appropriate models for pedagogy.” Time-related: “More ideas than time to implement.” “Not enough time to correct online assign.” “People need sleep; Web spins forever.” Problems Faced
Online Training Boring?From Forrester, Michelle Delio (2000), Wired News. (Interviewed 40 training managers and knowledge officers)
“Motivation is critical to e-learning success. Would you rather go to the training room, sit with a friend and have a sweet roll while learning about the new inventory system, or stay in your cube and stare at your monitor all afternoon? Anything you do to motivate your students is good. Don’t be afraid to entertain them. Good trainers do it all the time.” Bob Burke (2000, Sept.), 10 e-learning lessons: Please the customer or fail the course. E-learning 1(4), 40-41.
We’re Handing out degrees in electronic page turning!!! • To get the certificate, learners merely needed to “read” (i.e. click through) each screen of material
But How Avoid Shovelware???“This form of structure… encourages teachers designing new products to simply “shovel” existing resources into on-line Web pages and discourages any deliberate or intentional design of learning strategy.” (Oliver & McLoughlin, 1999)
How Bad Is It? “Some frustrated Blackboard users who say the company is too slow in responding to technical problems with its course-management software have formed an independent users’ group to help one another and to press the company to improve.” (Jeffrey Young, Nov. 2, 2001, Chronicle of Higher Ed)
Must Online Learning be Boring? What Motivates Adult Learners to Participate?
Intrinsic Motivation “…innate propensity to engage one’s interests and exercise one’s capabilities, and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges (i.e., it emerges from needs, inner strivings, and personal curiosity for growth) See: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. NY: Plenum Press.
Extrinsic Motivation “…is motivation that arises from external contingencies.” (i.e., students who act to get high grades, win a trophy, comply with a deadline—means-to-an-end motivation) See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner motivational resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Motivational Terms?See Johnmarshall Reeve (1996). Motivating Others: Nurturing inner motivational resources. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (UW-Milwaukee) • Tone/Climate: Psych Safety, Comfort, Belonging • Feedback: Responsive, Supports, Encouragement • Engagement: Effort, Involvement, Excitement • Meaningfulness: Interesting, Relevant, Authentic • Choice: Flexibility, Opportunities, Autonomy • Variety: Novelty, Intrigue, Unknowns • Curiosity: Fun, Fantasy, Control • Tension: Challenge, Dissonance, Controversy • Interactive: Collaborative, Team-Based, Community • Goal Driven: Product-Based, Success, Ownership
Encourage activities that motivate thinking.(Sheinberg, April 2000, Learning Circuits)
Tone:A. Instructor Modeling • The first week of a course is a critical • If an instructor is personable, students will be personable • If formal, students will be formal • Too little instructor presence can cause low levels of student involvement • Too much presence can cause uninspired student involvement
Tone: B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers 1. Introductions: require not only that students introduce themselves, but also that they find and respond to two classmates who have something in common (Serves dual purpose of setting tone and having students learn to use the tool) 2. Peer Interviews: Have learners interview each other via e-mail and then post introductions for each other.
1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers 3. Eight Nouns Activity: 1. Introduce self using 8 nouns 2. Explain why choose each noun 3. Comment on 1-2 peer postings 4. Coffee House Expectations 1. Have everyone post 2-3 course expectations 2. Instructor summarizes and comments on how they might be met (or make public commitments of how they will fit into busy schedules!)
1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers • Pair-Ups: Have pairs of students summarize the course syllabus for each other or summarize initial materials sent from the instructor. • 99 Seconds of Fame: In an online synchronous chat, give each student 99 seconds to present themselves and field questions. • Chat Room Buds: Create a discussion prompt in one of “X’ number of chat rooms. Introduce yourself in the chat room that interests you.
1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers • Storytelling Cartoon Time: Find a Web site that has cartoons. Have participants link their introductionsor stories to a particular cartoon URL. Storytelling is a great way to communicate. http://www.curtoons.com/cartooncoll.htm • Favorite Web Site: Have students post the URL of a favorite Web site or URL with personal information and explain why they choose that one. • Who Has Polls: During initial meeting, pool students on various interesting topics (e.g., who has walked on stilts, swam in the ocean, sat in a casket, flown a plane, etc.)
1. Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers • KNOWU Rooms: • Create discussion forums or chat room topics for people with diff experiences (e.g., soccer parent, runner, pet lovers, like music, outdoor person). Find those with similar interests. • Complete eval form where list people in class and interests. Most names wins. • Public Commitments: Have students share how they will fit the coursework into their busy schedules.
Tone/Climate:B. Thiagi-Like Ice Breakers 13. Scavenger Hunt 1. Create a 20-30 item online scavenger hunt (e.g., finding information on the Web) 2. Post scores 14. Two Truths, One Lie • Tell 2 truths and 1 lie about yourself • Class votes on which is the lie
2. FeedbackA. Requiring Peer Feedback Alternatives: 1. Require minimum # of peer comments and give guidance (e.g., they should do…) 2. Peer Feedback Through Templates—give templates to complete peer evaluations. 3. Have e-papers contest(s)
2. Feedback:B. Web-Supported GroupReading Reactions • Give a set of articles. • Post reactions to 3-4 articles that intrigued them. • What is most impt in readings? • React to postings of 3-4 peers. • Summarize posts made to their reaction. (Note: this could also be done in teams)
2. Feedback:C. Acknowledgement via E-mail, Live Chats, Telephone (Acknowledge questions or completed assignments)
2. Feedback (Instructor)D. Anonymous Suggestion Box George Watson, Univ of Delaware, Electricity and Electronics for Engineers: • Students send anonymous course feedback (Web forms or email) • Submission box is password protected • Instructor decides how to respond • Then provide response and most or all of suggestion in online forum • It defuses difficult issues, airs instructor views, and justified actions publicly. • Caution: If you are disturbed by criticism, perhaps do not use.
2. Feedback:E. Double-Jeopardy Quizzing Gordon McCray, Wake Forest University, Intro to Management of Info Systems • Students take objective quiz (no time limit and not graded) • Submit answer for evaluation • Instead of right or wrong response, the quiz returns a compelling probing question, insight, or conflicting perspective (i.e., a counterpoint) to force students to reconsider original responses • Students must commit to a response but can use reference materials • Correct answer and explanation are presented