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JFK Boot Camp. IVAO United States Division New York ARTCC. Outline. Introduction Departure Procedures, Climbs, Transitions Ground and taxiways Tower operations New York Kennedy Departure (KJFK_DEP) New York Approach: Camrn , Rober , and Final STAR’s Coordination with New York Center
JFK Boot Camp IVAO United States Division New York ARTCC
Outline • Introduction • Departure Procedures, Climbs, Transitions • Ground and taxiways • Tower operations • New York Kennedy Departure (KJFK_DEP) • New York Approach: Camrn, Rober, and Final • STAR’s • Coordination with New York Center • Questions and Answers
Introduction John F. Kennedy Airport, or JFK, is the largest international airport serving the New York Metro area. The other 3 are Newark Liberty, Teterboro, and LaGuardia There are 7 DP’s, 1 Weather Avoidance DP, 6 STAR’s, and 4 runways with 8 landing/departing directions There are 4 TRACON positions – KEN-DEP, CAM-APP, RBR-APP, and F-APP There are 8 terminals for airline carriers, every terminal has international capabilities, 2 general aviation terminals, and 2 cargo sections (north and west areas) Cross runways are rarely in use due to LaGuardia’s runway assignment Handoffs are usually sent to Liberty Departure, however, this positions is rarely staffed on IVAO so handoffs are usually given to either NY CTR, BOS CTR, or ISP DEP See IVAOUS.ORG in New York ARTCC for more information and airnav.com for charts. Skyvector.com is useful for helicopter and VFR traffic
Clearance Delivery KJFK_DEL – 135.050 – S2
Departure Procedures • BETTE3, GREKI3, HAPIE3, MERIT3 • These departure procedures are for aircraft planning to fly the NAR routes (crossing the Atlantic Ocean via the North Atlantic Tracks, like NATR, NATS, etc.) and require transitions • BETTE3: requires ACK (nantucket) transition – BETTE3 BETTE ACK… • GREKI3: requires MARTN transition – GREKI3 GREKI MARTN… • HAPIE3: requires YAHOO transition – HAPIE3 HAPIE YAHOO… • MERIT3: requires PUT (putnam) transition – MERIT3 MERIT PUT… • JFK1 (Kennedy One) • This is the most popular departure procedure and does not require any transition. • SKORR3 – RNAV for 31’s only • The SKORR3 is for RNAV only – meaning no vectors after departure are needed, the pilot will navigate on his own to the airway. Transitions are given: • YNKEE for Eastern and Caribbean departures, RNGRR for Western departures • DEEZZ3 – RNAV for all runways • DEEZZ3 is a unique RNAV vectored departure. The pilot will fly the SKORR3 to YNKEE if departing the 31’s or will get vectors from other runway to DEEZZ then continue on the RNAV departure to either CANDR or TOWIN transitions • SEAVIEW 2 – severe weather avoidance • The pilot cannot file this DP, it is only assigned by the ATC during extreme severe weather. On IVAO, a pilot can request it for practice but otherwise only assign this DP if the pilot has the charts on board and there is severe weather Initial Climb 5,000 ft
Climbs • JFK is one of the few airports in the country that uses “climbs”. A climb is an additional set of instructions to avoid obstacles, adjacent congested areas, or any additional instructions. • Assign climbs to aircraft filing non-RNAV DP’s (all except SKORR3/DEEZZ3) and are going to take off from 31L. Climb is assigned in clearance delivery immediately after the departure procedure (cleared to ABC via JFK1 departure, ABC climb,…) • Canarsie Climb: all directions except southbound • Breezy Point Climb: southbound only • Bridge Climb: all directions, aircraft must have ADF onboard • Idlewild Climb: for all props all directions • Gateway Climb: from 22:00-07:00 local time only and from 22’s only • Climbs are NOT given when any other runway is in use not described above and when the aircraft does not file a departure procedure.
Vectored Departures (no DP filed) Most pilots on IVAO will not realize they have to file a DP if they want to fly it, but we don’t have to remind them, it is their responsibility. In that case, we give a vectored departure. However, the pilot must file one of the following exit points as their first FIX, otherwise, we must amend their flight plan: Northbound Departure: GAYEL NEION SAX COATE HAAYS DEEZZ Eastbound Departure: GREKI MERIT BAYYS BDR Southbound Departure: BETTE HAPIE SHIPP WAVEY Westbound Departure: ARD RBV RNGRR DIXIE WHITE DO NOT assign climbs, DP’s, or transitions. Also, a runway heading will be assigned during takeoff (see TOWER section later). Clearance example: American 123, cleared to Miami via radar vectors to SHIPP, then as filed. Maintain 5,000, expect FL……..
Clearance Delivery Recap • DP’s need different requirements such as RNAV, NAR, etc. • Non DP need to file a valid exit point based on their direction • Initial climb is always 5,000 ft • Squawk codes can be anything above 15xx • VFR squawk codes are usually 0301-0377 • JFK is in the NY Class Bravo Airspace • Always check to see which controller’s frequency is handling JFK departures during your online session as there might be multiple TRACON positions online
Ground KJFK_GND – 121.900 – S2
Taxiways • A and B are the main taxiways, treated like a highway. A is for clockwise traffic, B is for counterclockwise traffic • Taxiways between runways 4L-4R are the Tower’s • Intersection departures are 4L@J, 31L@KE, 22R@F, and 13R@PC • Cargo areas are at the north-end of taxiways R and S and north of 13L • General aviation terminal is off of Twy Q in the PB exit • Ground does not give p/b, s/u, or gate assignments, but for reference:Terminals 1, 3, 4: International airliners (3 for Delta)Terminal 2: United, Saudi Arabian, SongTerminals 5, 6: JetBlueTerminal 7: British Airways, Icelandair, Qantas, Cathay, IberiaTerminals 8, 9: American, Finnair
Tower KJFK_TWR – 119.100 / KJFK_2_TWR – 123.900 – S3
Tower (IFR) • Kennedy Tower controls all active runways and taxiways between 4L/4R • Before giving takeoff clearance, Tower will assign a departure heading only if a climb is not assigned:4L – 070 / 22R – Runway Heading / 13R/31L – 220 • Handoff to departure controller as soon as aircraft is airborne due to tight airspace During Events, KJFK_2_TWR will handle departures and control all active runways for takeoffs (ex. 4L, 22R, 13R, 31L)
VFR • Tower handles VFR traffic • Traffic patterns should depart from arriving runway (ex. 31R, 13L, 22L, 4R) • Arriving VFR traffic should be radar identified, given NY Class B clearance, and proceed direct JFK to enter the pattern • Observe skyvector.com for more detailed airspace • (pause screen sharing to show how to access skyvector.com)
TRACON: Departure KJFK_DEP – 135.900 – ADC/C1
New York Departure • South: Vector towards RBV, max climb 11,000 feet, handoff to Liberty or NY CTR • North: Vector towards SAX but north of LENDY, max climb 17,000 feet, handoff to NY CTR • East: Vector towards GREKI/MERIT, max climb 17,000, handoff to ISP_DEP or BOS CTR • WAVEY, SHIPP: Vector direct towards WAVEY or SHIPP, 6,000 until 6nm from 31L, then to 11,000. Handoff to NY CTR • HAPIE, BETTE: Vector direct towards HAPIE or BETTE, 6,000 until 6nm from 31L, then to 13,000. Handoff to BOS CTR
Climbs and RNAV DP’s • When a climb is in use, let the aircraft continue the climb instructions. Just say after handed off from TWR “American 123, radar contact, continue Canarsie climb” or just “radar contact”. When aircraft is almost complete with the climb or approaching 5,000 feet, provide further vectors as mentioned • On the SKORR3, a simple radar contact is sufficient. • On the DEEZZ3, provide vectors as mentioned before, then “proceed direct DEEZZ, resume own navigation”
Scratch Pad • It is important to update the scratchpad even if you are the only controller online. • F5: Enter the exit point, even if a DP is or isn’t filed • F8: Enter the altitude that you cleared the aircraft to • Clear the scratchpad before handing off to UNICOM
TRACON: Approach KJFK_CAM_APP – 127.400 / KJFK_RBR_APP – 125.700 / KJFK_F_APP – 132.400 – ADC/C1
N90 Kennedy Area Overview • KJFK_CAM_APP is the default callsign and handles all traffic from the south and southwest via CAMRN and northwest arrivals via LENDY when 31R/L and 22L/R are in use • KJFK_RBR_APP controls all traffic from northeast via CCC (from KISP_CCC_APP) and LENDY when 13L/R and 4R/L in use. Also handles KFRG traffic (but KJFK_DEP still handles FRG depts) • KJFK_F_APP handles traffic from 2000 – 4000 feet around the last vector area of the runway in use. Usually gives the final approach vectors to intercept the localizer • RBR is only staffed when TWR and CAM are online. F is only staffed during events. CAM and RBR will share final vector responsibilities depending on the runway they control
Approach Vectors • Unless the pilot requests a full procedure approach, which is very rare, all approaches will require vectors after being handed off from CTR (or from ISP_APP). • Vectors not needed if pilot requests Belmont Visual for 22L or Parkway Visual for 13L/R or even VOR/GPS 13L/13R • 12 Mile Approach Fixes13L – CAXUN, 13R – none22L – ZALPO, 22R – MATTR31L – MEALS, 31R – ZULAB4L – KRSTL, 4R - EBBEE
STAR’s for JFK • CAMRN4 – from the south – cross CAMRN at 11,000 • Kingston 9 (IGN9) – from the north – LOLLY at FL200 • LENDY 6 (LVZ6) – from the west – LENDY at FL190 • PARCH1 – from the east, CCC 12,000, ROBER 9,000 (RNAV) • Pawling 2 (PWL2) – from the north, LOVES at 6,000 • ROBER 1 – from the east, CCC 12,000, ROBER 9,000 Vectors are given from the last intersection following the flow charts on the previous pages
New York Center • New York Center will provide crossing instructions as per the STAR’s or simulated STAR’s and handoff before the last waypoint of the STAR (ex. before CAMRN, LENDY, etc.) • Boston Center will handoff directly to KZNY_APP, KISP_CCC_APP, or KJFK_RBR_APP, or if none of those are online, KJFK_CAM_APP just before CCC • KJFK_CAM_APP controls entire JFK operations, KZNY_CTR will control everything else in the area including EWR, LGA, ISP, and the rest of NY ARTCC