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Our goal is an informed decision. Read handouts websites. Read. Talk to friends family coworkers managers. Talk. Challenge both sides. INTRO. What we’re covering this module and what to expect. Intro & Our commitment Specific Content Clearly Illustrated & Presenter Notes
Our goal is an informed decision. Read handouts websites Read Talk to friends family coworkers managers Talk Challenge both sides
INTRO What we’re covering this module and what to expect. Intro & Our commitment Specific Content Clearly Illustrated & Presenter Notes What Questions You Should Be Asking The Union Conclusion Points
Our commitment to you Your commitment to each other • Facts (you can check!) • Safe environment • Respect • Respect • Open mind • Informed decision
The Stages of a Union Campaign Where are you now? What can you expect will happen next?
Stages of a Union Campaign UNION CONTRACT? CARD SIGNING ELECTION CAMPAIGN TARGETING TARGETING CARD SIGNING Organizers collect signed union cards, often through workers who want the union. ELECTION CAMPAIGN Months to years 3 – 5 weeks Often years Up to one year No guarantee of a contract. • Your employer is REQUIRED BY LAW to give your address to the union. VOTE NEGOTIATIONS • The union may spend months, even years, planning a campaign against your employer. • The union and your employer have 3-5 weeks to campaign for your vote.
Card Signing What it means to you. What it means to the union.
What do you know about this group? You lose the right to represent yourself. Legal talk: this is a contract. What are the obligations of membership? How much will those dues be? • What will the union do with your personal information?
What do you know about this group? You lose the right to represent yourself. Legal talk: this is a contract. What are the obligations of membership? How much will those dues be? • What will the union do with your personal information?
What’s at stake for the union? • Average hourly rate: $10.00 Union dues rate: x 2.5 HRS/MN Monthly union dues: $25.00 you pay $300.00dues/year Annual union dues: $300.00 x 200 DUES PAYERS Annual income for union: $60,000.00 Value to union of a three-year contract $180,000.00
Unions As Businesses What it means to you. What it means to the union.
The Union’s Bottom Line • Teamsters membership DOWNby 1/3 • (since 1975) • Teamsters spending DOUBLED • (since just 2001) • To balance their budgets unions are • Cutting back on services • Increasing dues • Trying to replace lost members • Teamster members pay 80% more in dues than they did in 2001 Source: IBT LM-2 Reports, U.S. Department of Labor
Union Spending: Your Dues Dollar DUES RECEIPT Spending on Individual Members? UNION OFFICIALS’ PAY $45.00 OFFICIALS’ BENEFITS $16.00 you pay $300.00dues/year MUTUAL FUNDS $28.00 CONTRIBUTIONS $1.00 0 STRIKE PAY $1.00 Taxes $4.00 ALL OTHER SPENDING $5.00 MEMBERS $0.00 Teamsters International (IBT) based on Department of Labor 2010 LM-2 filing No refunds, no returns!
Collective Bargaining What it means to you. What it means to the union.
Three Sets of Goals • Company goals • Management Rights Clause • Flexibility • Quality • Remain competitive Company goals Management Rights Clause Flexibility Quality Remain competitive Union goals Union Security Clause Dues Check-off Super Seniority Union Rights Clause “Lost Time” Union goals Union Security Clause Dues Check-off Super Seniority Union Rights Clause “Lost Time” Employees’ issues Pay Benefits Schedules Job Security Workload “Respect” Employees’ issues Pay Benefits Schedules Job Security Workload “Respect”
Who’s in Control? The union will assign a negotiator. Workers rarely have any say in who negotiates for them. The negotiator has all the power at the table. http://www.local528.com/ The negotiator makes all decisions on the contract including what to propose, reject and agree to.
The Facts on Ratification Most unions do NOT require workers vote to accept a contract. The only vote may be to accept a losing contract or go out on strike. And the International union has the final authority to approve or reject all contracts.
Union Rules What it means to you. What it means to the union.
Union Rules Every union member* must follow the union’s constitution and local bylaws. • A union’s constitution spells out • The powers of union officials • Rules all members must follow • How decisions are really made 232 pages! *Only members can vote on • Contracts • Strikes • Stewards & officers
Loyalty Oaths • Members “pledge” to follow this union’s constitution and bylaws. ARTICLE II SECTION 2- MEMBERSHIP Section 2(a)...Each person upon becoming a member thereby pledges his honor; to faithfully observe the Constitution and laws of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and the Bylaws and laws of his Local Union; to comply with all rules and regulations for the government of the International Union and his Local Union...and at all times to bear true and faithful allegiance to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and his Local Union. • Criticizing the union or its officials is a violation of the constitution. All members must bear “true and faithful allegiance” to the Teamsters.
You must pay union dues, assessments, fees, and fines or lose your job.
Strikes What it means to you. What it means to the union.
The Union’s Strike Record - Teamsters • In 2010, the Teamsters called 63 strikes. The average Teamsters strike lasted 37 days. 5,183 workers lost 151,600 days of pay.
Can’t I just cross the picket line? And the union may fine you for crossing. Strikers and “scabs” share hard feelings long after a strike ends.
How would a strike impact me? 1. Your paychecks stop if you go out on strike. 2. Strikers cannot collect unemployment*. 3. It can take years to replace lost pay even with a wage increase. 4. Strikes often end with no better offer from the company. *Except in NJ, NY, RI and HI
Voting What it means to you. What it means to the union.
Why should I care? Wait… What?! You must pay dues & obey union rules even if you didn’t sign a union card don’t want to be involved don’t want to vote
Ballot DOs and DON’Ts DO • CHECK ONLY ONE BOX Insert copy of actual ballot – DO NOT MARK • Ask for help or a fresh ballot DON’T • DO NOT SIGN YOUR BALLOT • DO NOT write anything on the ballot
Understanding the Outcome • all 50 workers • must pay dues • must work under a union contract • lose their individual voice at work 50 ELIGIBLE VOTERS 19 VOTE “NO” 30 VOTE “NO” 20 VOTE “YES” 20 VOTE “YES” RESULT: UNION WINS RESULT: NO UNION
Our goal is an informed decision. Read • The NLRB pamphlet “Your Government Conducts an Election.” • To your coworkers about the importance of every vote • Make sure everyone knows when and how to vote Talk Challenge • Challenge your coworkers to reach 100% turnout!