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Welcome Family and Friends!

Welcome Family and Friends!. Michelle Brinker, English. Are you smarter than an eleventh grader?. In The Scarlett Letter , Hester is punished and forced to wear a letter; what is that letter and what does it stand for? A - Adultery Who wrote The Great Gatsby ? F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Welcome Family and Friends!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Family and Friends! Michelle Brinker, English

  2. Are you smarter than an eleventh grader? • In The Scarlett Letter, Hester is punished and forced to wear a letter; what is that letter and what does it stand for? • A - Adultery • Who wrote The Great Gatsby? • F. Scott Fitzgerald • In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, who is Huck’s main companion on the raft? • Jim

  3. A little about myself… • Neshaminy High School Graduate • B.A. and M.Ed. from Lehigh University • M.S. from Wilkes University • Sixth year of teaching.

  4. Honors English 11 • The focus of this course is American Identity. • We follow a chronological approach, placing pieces of literature in their historical and social context.

  5. Course Structure • Every other week vocabulary unit; every other week grammar unit. • Introduce on Monday. • Independent Review. • Quiz on Friday. • Reading, writing, speaking and listening each day!

  6. Vocabulary Workbooks • $10 for consumable vocabulary exercise workbooks. • Checks payable to: CRS Activities’ Fund – English • This cost can be avoided if the book is returned in brand-new condition, free of any markings.

  7. Literature and Writing *Every Marking Period: Nonfiction Excerpts, Short Stories, Poetry

  8. Late Work Expectations • 10% will be deducted for each day a short-term assignment is late. • 25-50% will be deducted for each day a long-term assignment is late. • Vocabulary assignments may be turned in the following Monday for half credit.

  9. Missed Quizzes and Tests • Make-up quizzes and tests cannot be completed in class. • Students will have 4 clinic days (about 2 weeks) for make-up quizzes and tests. • After 2 weeks, the grade is a zero. • It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a day/time.

  10. Clinic • Tuesdays/Thursdays; except the first Tuesday of every month. • 2:30 – 3:00 • Room 231 • Not always individualized • Individual help is by appointment

  11. Printing Policy We do not send students to the library or lab to print assignments nor do we accept assignments via e-mail. If a student experiences any printing problems the night before an assignment is due he/she may e-mail a copy of the assignment. This will give the student an extra 24 hours to turn in a hardcopy of the assignment.

  12. Web site, Calendar, and Return of Assessments CR High School South Staff Web site

  13. My e-mail: mbrinker@crsd.org (Best way to reach me)

  14. Index Cards • Front – Write your child’s name. • Back - Please take a moment to write your child a few words of encouragement.

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