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June Examinations - June 18 – 22 Exam Review Day Wednesday June 27 Period A 8:05 – 8:40 (homeroom incl.) Period B 8:45 – 9:15 Period C 9:20 – 9:50 Period D 9:55 – 10:25 Period E 10:30 – 11:00
June Examinations - June 18 – 22 Exam Review Day Wednesday June 27 Period A 8:05 – 8:40 (homeroom incl.) Period B 8:45 – 9:15 Period C 9:20 – 9:50 Period D 9:55 – 10:25 Period E 10:30 – 11:00 Individualized conferencing 12:10 pm – to 2:45
Graduation Ceremony Tuesday, June 26, 2012 6:00 pm doors open, 7:00 p.m. Report Card Pick up July 3 – 5 and July 16 – 19, 2012 Between 8:30 – 4 closed for lunch 12 - 1
The student of the month The student of the month for April is Matt Kazakov Matt is an excellent student, very responsible, kind and takes initiative. In addition, Matt has been a member of the Stage Crew for the past three years. Continued…
He has worked with Mr. Roberts in this capacity and has always been a stellar member of the crew: hard-working, responsible, mature, highly respectful. He is also very much involved in community soccer and is able to put in a lot of time for that. Matt does extremely well in school despite all of these outside commitments. Congratulations Matt!
Access Awareness Week Speak directly to the person who has the disability. It is disrespectful to speak about a person in front of them. When talking to a person who is deaf or uses a hearing aid, talk directly to the person, keep eye contact, even when a sign language interpreter is present.
Drama Banquet June 5 Tickets on sale this week Per. C/after school Athletic Banquet June 6 Student athletes are to pick up tickets in front hall at lunch and after school until next Wednesday, May 30th. Music Banquet June 7 Tickets on sale this week Per. D/after school
Are you a student who….. • needs 1 credit to Graduate OR • is entering Grade 12ANDcannot take Co-op in your regular school programOR • is registered in the SHSM program? CONSIDER ENROLLING IN SUMMER SCHOOL CO-OP. Continued…..
The session runs from July 3rd to July 27th, during which time you may earn one credit. Please see a teacher in the Guidance and Career Education Office for more information and to pick up an application package
Canadian Federation of University Women Award Amount: two $1000 awards to students attending high school in Newmarket, Aurora, Keswick or Sutton Deadline:Friday, June 1 Criteria:a student who is moving on to post-secondary education, schools can nominate one candidate. See guidance for a application.
Going into Engineering? Professional Engineering Ontario – York Chapter is offering six separate University Engineering Entrance Scholarships worth $500.00 each for students from York Region. Deadline: June 11th, 2012. Continued…
Application forms are available in guidance or at http://www.peoyork.com/forms/2012scholarship.docat:http://www.peoyork.com/forms/2012scholarship.doc. Entries can be e-mailed to education@peoyork.com.eavailable at:http://www.peoyork.com/forms/2012scholarship.doc.
Summer School Registration is now open! Dates: July 9th - August 3rd from 9am – 3:19pm Location:Dr. Denison S.S. Register on-line through Career Cruising at www.careercruising.com, then print your registration form and bring to guidance.
Volunteers Needed! When: Canada Day – July 1st Main Street, Newmarket Time: 10am – 5pm Call Michelle @ Whatnots @ 905-853-5843
Volunteering Opportunity At Christ Lutheran’s FUN FAIR When: June 9th Time: 9am – 4pm Help with running games and activities Contact: meghan.grech@gmail.com
Volunteers needed Grade 10 & 11 students St John Chrysostom School is having a fun fair When: June 7th Time: 2:30pm – 8:30pm Duties: Set up equipment, monitoring activities, assisting vendors etc. ****Dinner will be provided**** Please call Wendy Maniscalco @ 416.995.0048
Volunteers Wanted Windfall Ecology Centre The two day, outdoor festival is a exciting & unique celebration of sustainable living. Many different volunteer positions available. When: June 9 & 10, 2012 Meeting dates: May 23 & June 6 @ 6pm - 93A Industrial Parkway South, Aurora. Contact us at 905-727-0491 x167
Volunteers Needed! Help out at the Newmarket Farmer’s Market When: Saturday’s (when you’re available) Time: 9am – 1pm If interested call Michelle @ Whatnot’s 905-853-5843
Volunteers Positions East Gwillimbury Farmers’ Market www.eastgwillimburyfarmersmarket.com Every Saturday 8am-1pm, May 26 to Oct 6 For Info or to sign up, contact Aimee Artinian-905.478-4282 ext.1216 or aartinian@eastgwillimbury.ca or Sue McKee-416.238-7966 or suem@suemckee.com
YNBA Gavin Wright Memorial 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament When: Saturday June 23rd Time: 9am - 4pm Registration deadline: Monday June 18 See guidance for registration information
Yesterday, the Mulock sledge hockey team was lead by Kennedy Chisamore-Johnston and Zach Dow in two exciting games against Huron Heights and Newmarket high. Special thanks to Alyssa Foote, Cassandra McCormick, Chris Caldwell and Carter Savin. Come out tonight to Magna at 5:45 to see our wheelchair basketball team in action against Denison.