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P E C H U. K U C H A. v i s u a l h a i k u. PowerPoint. Symbiosis comes from the Greek words with and living describes a relationship between interdependent organisms in which each benefits from the other. Pecha Kucha Haiku

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P EC H U K U C H A v i s u a l h a i k u

  2. PowerPoint

  3. Symbiosis • comes from the Greek words with and living • describes a relationship between interdependent organisms in which each benefits from the other

  4. Pecha Kucha Haiku Only twenty slides in twenty seconds. Constraintmelds form and function. 5 7 5 20:20 6:40

  5. Pechua Kucha Presentations Lewis, A. (2008, January 18). Pechu kucha training bite. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGaCLWaZLI4 Pink, D. (2007). Emotionally intelligent signage. Retrieved fromhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NZOt6BkhUg

  6. Pechua Kucha Resources Martin, M. (2008, September 25). A primer on pecha kucha for learning. Posting to The Bamboo Project Blog: http://michelemartin.typepad.com/ Pecha kucha night. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pecha-kucha.org/ Pink, D. (2007, August 21). Pecha kucha: Get to the PowerPoint in 20 slides, then sit the hell down. Wired Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/magazine/15-09/st_pechakucha Reynolds, G. (2007, September 28). Pecha Kucha and the art of liberating constraints. Posting to Presentation Zen blog: http://www.presentationzen.com

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