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Anthem: Day 6 Jan, 22, 2014

Anthem: Day 6 Jan, 22, 2014. Independent Reading and Quick Write Greek Roots 39-41 Read and Annotate Ch. 3-6. Independent Reading and Quick Write. Read your choice book for 15 minutes. Do a quick write in your notebook for 5 minutes.

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Anthem: Day 6 Jan, 22, 2014

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  1. Anthem: Day 6Jan, 22, 2014 Independent Reading and Quick Write Greek Roots 39-41 Read and Annotate Ch. 3-6

  2. Independent Reading and Quick Write • Read your choice book for 15 minutes. • Do a quick write in your notebook for 5 minutes. • If you have a fiction book, describe the main character using specific evidence from the book. What does the character look like? How does the character act? What does the character think and believe? • If you have a nonfiction book, give details about the main idea. Use specific information about the book, and tell why that information is important.

  3. Objective, Agenda, and Homework • Objective: Students will analyze the author’s use of logos, pathos, and ethos to communicate her ideas to the intended audience. • Agenda: • Independent Reading and Quick Write • Greek Roots 39-41 • Read and Annotate Ch. 3-6 • Homework: • Read 15 minutes tonight. • Study your Greek roots for 5 minutes. You will have a quiz in Friday, January 31.

  4. Greek Root 39: Quad

  5. Greek Root 40: Penta

  6. Greek Root 41: Meter

  7. Chapter 3 Annotations • Page 52: (Logos)It is important for people to seek knowledge, or they will always be blind. • Page 54: (Human Ingenuity) Equality discovers electricity and how to use it.

  8. Chapter 4 Annotations • Page 56: (Pathos) Liberty names Equality “The Unconquered.” He refers to her as his dearest one, to show their affection.

  9. Chapter 5 Annotations • Page 59: (Human Ingenuity) Equality creates a light bulb. • Page 61: (Ethos)Equality believes he will be forgiven by the Scholars because his gift is greater than his transgression. • Page 61: (Pathos) Equality feels proud and now cares about his own body and even wishes to know what he looks like.

  10. Chapter 6 Annotations • Page 64: (Ethos) The Council believes Equality is wrong for not being honest, so they send him to the Palace of Corrective Detention. • Page 67: (Ethos) Equality believes telling the truth will make him a part of society again.

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