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z = 4.75, P < .0001. z = 4.75, P < .0001. -4, 44, 16. 28,-10, -14. R. L. z = 4.75, P < .0001. 4, 46, 16. Neural Activation for Emotional Induction: Differential Responses as a Function of Impulsivity and Reward-Sensitivity.
z = 4.75, P < .0001 z = 4.75, P < .0001 -4, 44, 16 28,-10, -14 R L z = 4.75, P < .0001 4, 46, 16 Neural Activation for Emotional Induction: Differential Responses as a Function of Impulsivity and Reward-Sensitivity C.E.Benca1, H.R. Collins1, C.R. Corbly1, Y. Jiang2, T.H. Kelly2, & J.E. Joseph1 1 Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology 2 Department of Behavioral Science, University of Kentucky Greater activation for high-impulsive than for low-impulsive groups Background High sensation seeking is associated with risky behaviors and negative behavioral outcomes (Bardo et al., 1996; Roberti, 2004) High sensation seekers are more sensitive to arousal than low sensation seekers (Joseph et al., 2009; Zuckerman, 2005) However, little is known about neural systems involved in emotional reactivity among individuals varying in sensation seeking traits. Present Research Goal: Identify regions recruited by subjects who vary on key characteristics of sensation seeking for positive and negative valence pictures that are high and low in arousal. HSS have previously been shown to bilaterally activate the hippocampus (Joseph et al., 2009) Impulse group showed greater overall activation for high compared to low arousal pictures in bilateral amygdala & hippocampal regions The left and right anterior cingulate showed an interaction between valence and impulsivity (p= .01, p = .036). In the right ACC there was an interaction between valence, impulsivity and reward (p= .029). Anterior cingulate cortex is involved in emotional regulation High-impulsive or high-reward sensitive subjects showed greater activation to positive pictures in right anterior cingulate [Valence x Impulsivity x Reward Sensitivity interaction: F(1. 67) = 5.0, p = .029] Especially for positive pictures in left anterior cingulate [Valence x Impulsivity interaction: F(1, 67) = 7.1, p=.01] But no interaction with valence in right amygdala / hippocampus [Valence effect: F(1, 67) = 6.7, p=.012] References Task Summary Methods Press the button when you see each picture • Participants were classified into 4 groups based on scores from the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (Zuckerman, et al., 1993). Low reward seeking and low impulsivity (LSS), Low reward seeking, high impulsivity (Impuls), High reward seeking, low impulsivity (Reward) & High reward seeking, high impulsivity (HSS). • Participants: • fMRI Procedures: Siemen’s 3T Trio • TR=2.5s, TE=30ms, FA=84°, • 40 3.5-mm axial slices • Event-related design • Stimuli were 200 IAPS pictures presented for 1 second each: • 50 HAN, 50 HAP, 50 LAN, 50 LAP The impulsivity dimension was more strongly implicated in emotional reactivity than the reward-sensitivity dimension, as assessed with the present task Although all regions showed greater activation for high arousal stimuli, valence effects also emerged – positive pictures showed more activation than negative pictures, especially for high-impulsive individuals in the anterior cingulate The anterior cingulate is involved in emotional regulation and cognitive control; individual differences in emotional reactivity in this region may be associated with dysregulated behaviors due to impulsivity. • Bardo, M.T., Donohew, R.L., & Harrington, N.G. (1996). Psychobiology • of novelty seeking and drug seeking behavior. Behavioural Brain Research, 77, 23–43. • Joseph, J.E., Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Lynam, D., & Kelly, T. (2009). Neural correlates of emotional reactivity in sensation seeking. Psychological Science, 20, 215-223. • Roberti, J.W. (2004). A review of behavioral and biological correlates • of sensation seeking. Journal of Research in Personality, 38, 256 – 279. • Zuckerman, M. (2005). Psychobiology of personality. Cambridge, England: • Cambridge University Press. • Zuckerman, M., Kuhlman, D.M., Joireman, J., Teta, P., & Kraft, M. • (1993). A comparison of three structural models of personality: The big three, the big five, and the alternative five. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 757–768. • This research was supported byNICHD R01 HD052724, COBRE P20 RR-15592 CDART P50 DA00312 High Arousal Positive (HAP) Low Arousal Positive (LAP) High Arousal Negative (HAN) Low Arousal Negative (LAN)