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A 2 year old would fall into which age group? 1. Infant 2. Early Childhood (Toddler) 3. Early Childhood (Preschooler) 4. Middle Childhood. An adolescent is likely to respond to pain in what manner? 1. loud crying 2. stalling behavior 3. thrashing of limbs 4. more verbalizations.
A 2 year old would fall into which age group?1. Infant2. Early Childhood (Toddler)3. Early Childhood (Preschooler)4. Middle Childhood
An adolescent is likely to respond to pain in what manner?1. loud crying2. stalling behavior3. thrashing of limbs4. more verbalizations
By what age does the anterior fontanel usually close?1. 6-8wks2. 10-12wks3. 4-6mos4. 12-18mos
At what age should the nurse expect an infant to begin smiling in response to pleasurable stimuli?1. 1mo2. 2mos3. 3mos4. 4mos
When teaching a mother how to prevent accidents while caring for her 6mo old, the nurse should emphasize that at this age the child can usually:1. sit up2. roll over3. crawl lengthy distances4. stand while holding furniture
A9mo Megan reaches to touch an outlet. Her father firmly says “No” & removes her. The nurse should use this opportunity to teach that Megan:1. is old enough to understand “No”2. is too young to understand “No”3. should already know the electrical outlet is dangerous4. will learn safety issues better if she is spanked
9mo infant has foods such as peas & corn in stools that are not digested. The nurse explains1. child should not be given fibrous foods until digestive tract matures at 4yrs2. child should not be given solid foods until this digestive problem is solved3. this is abnormal & requires further investigation4. this is normal because of immaturity of digestive process at this age.
What is normally the earliest age at which an infant begins teething w/ eruption of lower central incisors?1. 4mo2. 6mos3. 8 mos4. 12mos
Which immunizations would you anticipate for a 4mo old well baby visit?1. DTaP, MMR, IPV2. MMR, Hib, Dtap3. Dtap, Hib, IPV4. Varicella, Hep B
A 6mo old develops swelling & redness at site of DtaP injection. Nurse tells mother to:1. apply warm pack2. bring infant back to clinic3. apply ice pack4. monitor for fever
Contraindication to receiving an immunization is if a child has:1. cold2. otitis media3. mild diarrhea4. severe febrile illness
Nurse asks which question before administering a 2nd DtaP to a child?1. did the child spit up2. did the child seem more fussy than usual3. did you notice any seizure activity after the 1st4. was your child’s leg red & swollen
Nurse suggest to a mother of a 2mo old baby w/ colic that she:1. give her son a warm bath to calm him down2. arrange for some time away from her son each day to rest3. provide her son w/ warm sweetened tea when he begins to cry4. sit comfortably in a quiet, darkened room to hold her son when he cries
The best strategy for feeding a child w/ failure to thrive is1. avoid having the same nurse feed the child2. distract child during meals w/ TV & toys3. maintain calm, even temperament during feedings4. vary feeding routines to make feeding time more interesting
Suggestion to help minimize the risk of SIDS include all of the following except:1. place baby bumpers in crib2. put infant on back to sleep3. avoid co-sleeping4. avoid exposure to 2nd hand smoke
By 2 ½ yrs a child’s birth wt:1. doubles2. triples3. quadruples4. is not important
Which of the following is characteristic of development of a 2 ½ yr old?1. birth wt doubles2. primary dentition is complete3. anterior fontanel is open4 binocularity may be established
A 2 yr old @ play:1. builds a house w/ bricks2. is extremely possessive w/ toys3. attempts to stay in the lines when coloring4. amuses himself w/ a picture book for 15mins
To assess normal physical task for a 15mo in playpen, nurse observes the toddler is able to:1. build tower of 6 blocks2. walk across play pen w/ ease3. throw toys out of play pen4. stand holding onto sides
At what age should a child understand prepositional phrases such as over, under, on?1. 2 yrs2. 3 yrs3. 4yrs4. 5 yrs
A 5 year old stutters a lot when he is excited. The nurse explains that1. children at this age react negatively for no reason. Ignore it.2. your child will need speech therapy, but it’s more successful w/ older children3. do either of you stutter? It’s often inherited.4. stuttering is common at this age. We can evaluate later if it continues
A hospitalized 4 yr old tells the nurse he is sick because he was “bad”. The best interpretation is:1. sign of stress2. common at this age3. suggestive of maladaptation4. suggestive of excessive discipline at home
Which of following interventions is helpful for child scratching varicella lesions?1. warm baths & antifungal powder2. tepid sponge baths & lubricating creams3. oatmeal baths & short fingernails4. baths w/ baby soap & antibiotic ointments
Which statement accurately describes physical development during school age years?1. wt almost triples2. grows an average of 2 inches per year3. few physical differences apparent among children at end of middle childhood4. fat gradually increases, which contributes to child’s heavier appearance in the early school age period.
Which describes moral development in younger school age children?1. standards of behavior now come from within themselves2. do not yet experience a sense of guilt when they misbehave3. know the rules & behaviors expected but do not understand the reasons behind them4. they no longer interpret accidents & misfortunes as punishments for misdeeds
When planning activities for a 6 yr old leukemia pt the nurse should include:1. action toys such as a hula hoop2. stuffed animals, large puzzles, large blocks3. table games, simple card games & crayons4. record player, portable radio, children’s magazines
The school nurse has been asked to begin teaching sex ed in 5th grade. The nurse should recognize that:1. children in 5th grade are too young for sex ed2. children should be discouraged from asking too many questions3. correct terminology should be reserved for children who are older4. sex can be presented as a normal part of growth & development
Characteristics of Turner’s Syndrome include all of the following except:1. XO chromosomes2. XXY chromosomes3. sexual infantilism4. webbed neck
Klinefelter Syndromde is usually diagnosed in infancy?1. True2. False
School nurse tells adolescents in the clinic that confidentiality & privacy will be maintained unless a life-threatening situation arises. This practice is:1. not appropriate in a school setting2. never appropriate because adolescents are minors3. important in establishing trusting relationship4. suggestive that the nurse is meeting his or her own needs
Adolescents feel an increased need for sleep because:1. an inadequate diet2. rapid physical growth3. dec’d activity that contributes to a feeling of fatigue4. lack of ambition typical of this age group
SAD CHILDRENS- sexA- alcohol/drugsD- depressionC- communicationH- hostilityI- impulsivityL- lethalityD- demographyR- recent eventsE- epidemiology (STD’s)N- no hope
HEADSSH-homeE-educationA- activitiesD- drugsS- suicide/depressionS- savagery
Stroking sole of foot causes toes to fan & big toe to dorsiflex?1. moro reflex2. extrusion reflex3. rooting reflex4. babinski reflex
Which age group thinks their thoughts are all powerful?1. school-age2. toddler3. pre-schooler4. infant
The pre-K physical is an important indicator of a child’s readiness to attend school?1. True2. False
What are cues that a toddler is ready to begin potty training?1. child expresses a desire to be clean & dry2. child is able to sit, walk & squat3. child stays dry for 2 hours4. all of the above
Erikson’s task of school-age children:1. industry v inferiority2. trust v mistrust3. autonomy v shame & doubt4. initiative v guilt
When should Denver II be performed?1. when child turns 8yrs2. as soon as child begins to walk3. before 6yrs
Children less than 1 yr are obligate nose breathers.1. true2. false
After a tonsillectomy, child begins to vomit bright red blood. Most appropriate initial nursing action would be to:1. administer prescribed antiemetic2. turn child to the side3. notify physician4. maintain NPO status
Treatments for croup include all of the following except:1. steroids (Dexamethasone)2. racemic epi3. high humidity4. CPT
A child is hospitalized w/ epiglottitis. All of the following are appropriate interventions except:1. keep trach tray @ bedside2. throat swab to determine cause3. initial IV Rocephin f/b po4. corticosteroids
Hospitalized infant w/ acute bronchitis is NPO & receiving IV fluids. What statement explains the rationale for eliminating feedings.1. baby does not need as many calories now2. there is an inc’d risk of fluid overload3. feeding would be too much of an effort for baby right now4. baby’s digestive system is slugglish because of the infection
2yr old hospitalized w/ bacterial pneumonia. Which manifestation would nurse ID as earliest indication of respiratory difficulty?1. RR 40-482. BP 80/603. cyanosis of mucous membranes4. circumoral/periorbital pallor
4yr old boy needs to use MDI to treat asthma. He cannot coordinate breathing in order to use it effectively. Nurse should suggest he use a:1. spacer2. nebulizer3. peak flow meter4. trial of CPT
Child w/ asthma having PFT’s. What is the purpose of PEFR?1. confirm diagnosis of asthma2. determine cause of asthma3. ID triggers of asthma4. assess severity of asthma