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Calming the Chaos: Supporting Rollouts

Calming the Chaos: Supporting Rollouts. Darien Chimoff Alston + Bird. My background. 20 years Help Desk 100 + rollouts (big & small) Former HDI Atlanta President, SE Region Director & MAB Chair HDI Focus Book “Top 10 Leadership Strategies to Build an Exceptional Team”

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Calming the Chaos: Supporting Rollouts

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  1. Calming the Chaos:Supporting Rollouts Darien Chimoff Alston + Bird

  2. My background 20 years Help Desk 100+ rollouts (big & small) Former HDI Atlanta President, SE Region Director & MAB Chair HDI Focus Book “Top 10 Leadership Strategies to Build an Exceptional Team” Certified Manager, Director, KM & ITIL Foundations STI Team of the Year – Best People (2002) HDI Analyst of the Year – Sheri Robertson (2006)

  3. THANK YOU TO THE TEAM! Roy Atkinson - HDI Kristina Jung – Sage Software Jesse Oquendo – Williams Cay Robertson – Teco Energy

  4. AGENDA • Overview • Schedule • Preparation – Process, People, Tools • Beta • Communication • Training • Calming the Chaos • Lessons Learned

  5. 2000 employees (800 Attorneys) • 10 Offices • Twelve Consecutive Years on Fortune® magazine’s "The 100 Best Companies to Work For”™ • Centralized Help Center in Atlanta • 24 hours during week, 8:30-6:30 weekends • Average 8300 incidents/mo, 87% Res Rate • 11 Analysts

  6. 2200 computers deployed in 7 weeks • 150 – 550 computers per weekend • New Dell Hardware • XP Windows 7 • Office 2003  2010 THE ROLLOUT

  7. THE SCHEDULE Incremental or all at once? 6 weeks or 6 months? Large deployments 25% of group at a time 200 per night Weeknights? Weekends? Avoid school break, month end, hurricane season

  8. PREPARE PROCESS • What type of additional volume is expected? • Dependent on schedule, training, magnitude of change • What are options? • Supplemental staff – how used? • Floor Support • Special team – number, queue, priority • Special ticket assignment/escalations

  9. Staffing projections

  10. STAFFING Use of supplemental staff Special phone number, routing queues, prioritization Floor support Triage Dedicate staff for support – desktop, tickets, etc

  11. PREPARE PEOPLE Start early Set expectation –OT, Calls, Vacation Attend meetings, serve on teams Start testing asap – dual machines Identify Projected Top Issues Create KB Articles Organize information - Notebooks or Portals

  12. PREPARE TOOLS Stress test – add licenses, capacity Knowledge Base Update contact records Special coding and reporting User groups – beta, etc Call types, application/device names Trend reporting Test support tools EARLY in mixed environment

  13. BETA/POC/PILOT BETA - Include power users and SMEs PILOT – include top callers, but not Executives 70-100 users Test internal processes In-depth reporting in place

  14. “What we are doing is deploying change that makes our customers feel stupid. Yesterday they knew how to do their jobs, now they don’t. Here is the value of training and communication.”


  16. HDI Survey found external communication was the #1 factor that could have improved unsuccessful rollouts.For successful rollouts 24% stated that internal communication was the biggest success factor (only leader was technical skills @ 25%)

  17. COMMUNICATION 1 Month before Marketing Plan Theme, logo Commercials, posters Roadshow WIIFM Top 10 Offer $10 Office Suite Online Portal

  18. A&B’s Top 10 • #10 – “Awesome” Out of Office Options • #9 – Sending My Calendar via Email • #8 – Quick Access Toolbar • #7 – Pinning My Most Used Applications to the Taskbar • #6 – Aero Peek • #5 – Outlook’s Scheduling Assistant • #4 – Ability to View Out of Office Status when Emailing • #3 – Super Fast Outlook Search • #2 – The Snipping Tool • #1 - Aero Snap (View Windows Side-by-Side)

  19. COMMUNICATION 1 - 2 weeks before Rollout process Cleanup Instructions Training Schedule Reminder – training required

  20. COMMUNICATION 1 DAY before Equipment exchange process Password changes Training Materials Floor Support

  21. WELCOME PACKAGE Welcome Sheet QRCs FAQs Training Schedule Floor Support Schedule

  22. COMMUNICATION POST ROLLOUT Marketing of achievements Ongoing Training Opportunities Top Tips Customer Survey

  23. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Need internal communication plan Flow of information defined Steering committee meet regularly with SMEs Service Desk seat at the table from beginning Tracking Known Issues, FAQs - Knowledge Base Morning after meeting, or end of week Analyze, regroup, adjust Daily Status - internal service level monitoring


  25. TRAINING Required? YES!!!! Training plan – pre, rollout, post, ongoing Time for each module, pieces of puzzle Contract experts with skills Build an online presence Support Desk in beta class “I’VE BEEN TRAINED” sticker


  27. DEPLOYMENT Package & push – Microsoft, Symantec, Altiris Rollout plan – step-by-step each team Checklist – printers, favorites Command Pro – database for vital information

  28. COMMAND CENTRAL DATABASE • Training Status • Active Directory Information • Name, title, phone, location, computer name • Mailbox size, Amount of data • Active synch • Serial number • Special Applications


  30. THE MORNING AFTER Welcome package QRC, FAQ, Training schedule, Stop Sign Floor Support Contractors, SMEs, 2nd/3rd level, management Food & Decorations! War Room or Dedicated Bridge Tracking issues – log/ticket


  32. ROLLOUT MODE • Custom schedule • Get work area & computers ready • Set expectations - # calls per agent, time limit • Don’t do it for them, refer to resources • Limit “huddling” on issues • Do your best, don’t worry about the rest • Schedule adherence • Share stats daily

  33. Well, it’s been a long road of planning and the rollout is now upon us. As we know, we can anticipate that the next 6 weeks will be incredibly hectic for us, and we all need to be in “rollout mode”. Below is an overview of pointers of what “rollout mode” looks like: Get your new laptop POC machines ready!! Also, they need to have NetOp 10. Everyone needs to be 100% dedicated to cranking through the calls. Nasir will be in charge of managing the vmail/email queue. We should have the goal of keeping calls under 5 minutes, if we need to dig too deep they need to be escalated. Don’t forget we will be assigning to WDC Assignee Groups next week to get issues to the local support on site. I anticipate that every single person should be taking a minimum of 40-50 calls per day. Many of you have already been doing 50 calls per day these last few weeks as it has been so crazy, so we know this is do-able. Limit “not ready” time. When we post daily stats the calls should be evenly balanced across the board. Rollout mode means we don’t do it for them, we can very politely say that we are very busy and the resource center can assist. Also, we don’t provide training classes, we should point them to the tons of training resources that have been put in place – show them the online QRCs and learning modules, or e-mail their floor support person and ask that they drop by. Limit “huddling” on issues. Pulling multiple people off the phones to work on one issue is not good utilization of our resources. Keep an eye on the queue – we are working on getting SYMON going, but in the meantime keep your Cisco Agent monitor up – it’s not SYMON but it’s better than nothing. Please closely adhere to your schedule, including breaks and lunch. If you leave late for lunch we still need you back on time. Set your alarm 20 minutes earlier so you can be at your desk, logged in with your nice hot coffee, and ready to take calls promptly when your shift begins. I am your go-to for any roadblocks or anything that prevents you from being focused on getting your job as efficiently as possible. I will also be passing out notebooks with consolidated rollout information. Thank you so much for all your help in making this happen, we have such an incredible team and I know that by all pulling together you will really shine!!!

  34. MANAGING THE CHAOS Vacation Blackout Schedule – how much OT? Communicate Team meetings Positive attitude, remain calm & be flexible Walk the talk Own/tackle roadblocks & escalations Communicate status – daily report

  35. Tech Refresh Report – Week 4

  36. TO: Rollout Team RE: Daily Tech Refresh Report Attached is the Daily TR Report, yesterday was a record day in every aspect. Over the weekend a total of 302 users were rolled out, in comparison previous rollout numbers ranged from 131-177 users. The number of requests per user remained consistent to previous Mondays at 2.6 per user, the total requests received was 1199. Floor Support and Help Center staffs set new records– 248 floor support requests were handled and the Help Center answered a record 875 calls. GREAT JOB to everyone. I know that every member of our team is working incredibly hard and I am amazed by the great job you do despite the challenge. Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work, we’re almost there!!

  37. Celebrate!! When it Starts When it ends Every Monday or Friday Food & Decorations Theme – Hero, Baby Shower Sponsor/CEO/Customer Thank U Celebrate – get sponsors

  38. Darien’s DinerNO ROLLOUT MONDAY Pancakes and Waffles Made to order with your personal choice of accompaniments FILLINGS: Blueberries, Nuts, Chocolate Chips TOPPING: Syrup, Lite Syrup, Strawberry, Margarine, Butter Fruit Salad Assorted Drinks milk, orange juice, cran-apple juice Thank you so much for all of your hard work. Breakfast is on me, just a little way to show how much I appreciate all you do. Darien

  39. Just the Stats • Online Resolution decreased 87% to 80% • Mondays 2.7 calls per user • Average 7.15 calls per user first week • 4.2 calls per user/month to 7.5 • Increased staff from 11 to 15

  40. Average Calls per User

  41. What we did right • Require training • Communicate effectively – Users & HC • Provide floor support • Get test machines early • Onboard & integrate supplemental staff early • Build the KB • Food every Monday & celebration • Weekly schedule

  42. LESSONS LEARNED • Security – UAC, test trusted sites • Augment staff for support, tickets, etc. • Define Owner/Process for communicating & tracking changes and known issues • Test in mixed environment – support tools too!

  43. TOP TOOLS FOR ROLLOUT Can-do Attitude Communication Flexibility Organization Patience!

  44. QUESTIONS?????Thank you for attending this session! Please make sure to fill out an evaluation form.Darien.chimoff@alston.com .

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