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Learning Differences of Boys and Girls . Boys and Girls Learn Differently!. A Guide for Teachers and Parents By Michael Gurian and Patricia Henley With Terry Trueman Published by Jossey-Bass A Wiley Company San Francisco, CA 2001. The male and female brain.
Boys and Girls Learn Differently! • A Guide for Teachers and Parents • By Michael Gurian and Patricia Henley • With Terry Trueman • Published by Jossey-Bass • A Wiley Company • San Francisco, CA 2001
Female Brain Development and Structure • Female brain begins to mature earlier than the male brain • Absorb more sensory data • More self-monitoring concerning high risk activities • More development of the left hemisphere of the brain • Increased verbal advantage
Male Brain Development and Structure • There is greater development of the right hemisphere • Increasing their spatial abilities and allowing them to excel in mechanical design, math, and geography • Males are more prone to show aggression • Partly due to difficulty verbalizing
Chemical and Hormonal Differences • Serotonin levels are higher in girls than boys • Contributes to impulsivity and restlessness many boys face • Girls have high levels of estrogen and progesterone • Bond first and ask questions later • Boys have high levels of testosterone • Aggression and sex-drive
Girls blood flow moves from the left side to the top of the brain Where complex thought occurs Never at rest A clear learning advantage Boys blood flow moves from the right side down to the brain stem Fight or flight area of the brain “task focus” Only concerned about task at hand How does it work?
Boys require a longer time period to process emotion The disadvantage being missed learning opportunities More emotionally fragile than girls Girls collect and process emotional stimulants quicker They are able to discuss their emotions and work through them Easily overwhelmed by the amount Girls are so emotional!(and so are boys)
Boys Need extra work on fine motor skills Allow a lot of manipulative activities Teach to use “emotion laden” words Girls Need a lot of movement related games Team building to help girls assume leadership roles Puzzles to facilitate perceptual learning Pre-K and Kindergarten
Direct energy toward academics Make arrangements for incorporating movement into the schedule Allow extra room in work areas Encourage bonding between student and teacher Build imagination Lots of stories and myth making Provide opportunities for verbalization Look for positive male role models Advocate for boys issues in school as well as in the community Boys in the elementary classroom
Early math using manipulatives This is also recommended for science Access to technology Computers and internet Connect math and science with journal writing Encourage healthy amounts of competition Girls in the elementary classroom
Create strategies for quick tension release Separate gender activities When appropriate Rites of passage Team discipline Consistently applied throughout the school Group work and pair work Strong male role models Boys in the middle grades
Be aware of hormonal and brain development Teach math and science with a “hands on” approach Use separate sex classes when appropriate Encourage class participation Have high academic and social expectations Students will rise to meet expectations Female role models in the school Girls in the middle grades
High School Classrooms • A continuation of responding to specific gender needs • Strong role models, character education, and separate sex activities are all still strongly recommended
Why is this important? • Middle school teachers need to be responsive to the developmental needs of their students • This particular book covers the past, present and future development of young adolescents • This book also contains, at the end of each section, a guide for parents
What do we do with it? • Be an advocate for gender specific issues within the community • Offer assistance to parents, referring them to specific chapters, to help them understand their children • Be a link and a valuable resource for students between home, school, and community
Boys and Girls Learn Differently! A Guide for Parents and Teachers by Michael Gurian
Designed by Karen Perry Teaching Young Adolescents Dr. Tracy Smith, Instructor 18 May 2004