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The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – ASIA April 5-7 Vietnam. SGP REGIONAL OVERVIEW. SGP REGIONAL OVERVIEW. SGP BHUTAN. Example Project: Salamjee Sustainable Land Management Goal: Promote sustainable land management
The GEF Small Grants Programme GEF Constituency Meeting – ASIA April 5-7 Vietnam
SGP BHUTAN Example Project: Salamjee Sustainable Land Management Goal: Promote sustainable land management Main Activities: Contour-farming, terracing, bunding, and hedgerow planting. Key Results: Broad-based participation, Govt. established Community Forestry as a follow up to the project, scaled-up in two other neighbouring villages, visible impact and a happy community. COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT Local Level: Introduced biogas, solar lights, watershed management, ecotourism, indigenous arts and crafts, cleaning and waste management campaigns, herbal cosmetics, bee-keeping, rainwater harvesting, forest fire volunteerism, etc. National level: Contributed towards or influenced policy formulation on Renewable Energy, Eco-tourism and Sustainable Land Management. Successfully replicated project: Solar lighting, improved wood-based stoves, briquette making from sawdust, sustainable land management, biogas and lemon grass oil distillation. SGP activity in figures: Protection of critically endangered black-necked crane and white bellied heron protection( 2 species); rehabilitation of 5000 ha of their habitat; protection of critical watersheds (20), supported wildlife sanctuaries (3), community seed banks (3)
SGP CAMBODIA Example Project: Mangrove and Sea grass Rehabilitation, Protection and Conservation for Coastal Community Livelihood Improvements Goal: support the sustainable use over 2,500 ha of mangrove forest and more than 100ha of sea grass to increase fish productivity inside community management areas. Main activities: mangrove planting, protection of mangroves, and development of alternative livelihoods Key results: 40 ha of mangrove trees planted, conservation and protect of more than 2,500ha of existing mangrove forest , and more options for community-based alternative livelihood COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT • Biodiversity degradation areas were rehabilitated • Increase of number of different sea animals such as Common Bottlenose Dolphin, Giant Mud Crab, Green Tiger Prawn, Green Turtle, Western King Prawn, Leatherback Turtle, Pan tropical Spotted Dolphin, Poker-chip Venus, and others. • Protection and plantation of vast areas of sea grass (116ha) and mangrove trees (2500ha) • Conflict reduced as a result of key project interventions and community regulations: Coastal resource use and management. • Empowerment of women and community.
SGP CHINA • Demonstration on Swan Lake Wetland Restoration and Migratory Avifauna Conservation Goal: Conservation of important migrant bird area and restoration of birds habitat Main Activities: protecting whooper swan & other migrant birds; restore wetland of swan lake Key Results: important migrant birds route way has been conserved; endangered birds have been protected. • Environmental Sustainable Development Project in Yingxi Village, Yanchi County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Goal: reducing CO2 emissions by promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency Main Activities: replacement of old facilities, installing energy-saving stoves, energy-saving hypocausts and solar stoves and constructing solar heating houses and "trinity" biogas generators Key Results: 1183 tons of CO2 emissions at project site can be reduced per year, farmers’ awareness on climate change ,renewable energy and energy efficiency is raised. The project won Ford Environment Conservation Award in Dec. 2010. • Seabuckthorn Farmer Field School for Ecological Construction in Jiantan Village, Maying Town, Tongwei County, Gansu Province Goal: reducing land degradation and increasing locals’ income Main Activities: planting seabuckthorn Key Results: 67 ha. seabuckthorn trees are planted and a farmers field school training methods and tools are established
SGP CHINA SGP projects supported , documented and influenced: • A biodiversity conservation leading group was established by local government • A cross-sectoral integrated wetland management mechanism was established by local government Projects replicated or up-scaled: • promote biogas generators, solar water heaters, solar stoves, energy-saving hypocausts, energy-saving stoves • Integrated wetland management SGP China activities in figure: • Around 7000 km2 biodiversity areas are protected including 2 biosphere reserves • Around 4000 tons of CO2 are reduced per year • Around 1906 km coast line and 29000 Km2 ocean area are protected • Around 17000 household benefit from SGP projects
SGP INDIA Example Project: GHG Emission Reduction Through Use of Energy Efficient Technologies by Textile Processing Units in Tamil nadu (Climate Change) Goal:Creation of sustainable mechanisms for the reduction of GHG emissions from textile processing units Main Activities: Identification of technology suppliers; demonstration sites & units. Technical monitoring / assessment. Development of supplier networks - entrepreneurs; Market development activities; Facilitation of links to markets/supplier networks. Key Results: • 35 demonstration units of stoves were constructed with costs from project. • Identified 2 entrepreneurs, trained in the construction of energy efficient, improved stoves. Nearly 56 constructed through them. • After two years of completion nearly 110 more done in many neighboring areas by the entrepreneurs (Ers). One ER earned nearly 2000 USD every year for last two years • Links made to many partners through the project by TIDE the NGO. This won the Ashden Award in 2008. • More than 1500 Mts carbon emissions saved during project period.
SGP INDIA • 30 projects have been replicated/scaled up through cofinanced funds • More than 22 program guidelines -replication/scaling-up; co-financing; Administrative/Program Budget making; gender-equity; capacity building-knowledge management etc • Guidelines of SGP India adopted by DFID, United Kingdom in their challenge fund program, many other donors and private sector partnerships developed. • Morethan 7000 Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) formed. Leading to personal savings in 2000 villages. This has also helped to leverage nearly 500,000 USD as credit from Banks/Financial Institutions for sustainable livelihoods and environment actions. • Nearly 200,000 MTS of GHGs emission prevented by projects through a range of measures e.g Bio-gas, solar driers, biomass driers, cook stoves etc. • Linked SGP grantees to more than 60 partners to access markets for forest based products, increasing income and improving conservation practices through practices from indigenous people
SGP Lao PDR Example Project: Eld’s Deer Protection Goal: To conserve Eld’s Deer (critically endangered species) in its natural habitat Main Activities: Education, Dissemination of Wildlife and Forestry law in target villages; Construct of a reservoir; responsive patrolling; training on M&E; Study tour in National Protect Areas Key Results: 93,000 hectares of community forest was established, Eld’s Deer was used as symbol for the fourth National Secondary Games, Eld’s Deer Protection Regulation was acknowledged and approved by Government COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT (Initial for a New SGP Country Programme) • Establishment of the NSC composed of the majority of non-governmental memberships, a major achievement for Laos context • Formulation of grantees’ network • National and local policies influenced
SGP Malaysia • Conservation of Marine Biodiversity Trough the Reduction of Sea Turtle By-catch in Commercial Fisheries in Sabah. Goal: To reduce sea turtle by-catch and improve sustainable fishing practices. Main Activities: Introducing Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) to commercial local fishermen. Key Results: A number of fishermen have adopted TED practices. The Sabah State government explores possibilities of enacting a legislation making use of TED as a requirement. • Clean Renewable Energy Supply to the Rural Communities in MudungAbun, Belaga District, Sarawak. Goal: Providing clean energy through renewable energy sources and reduction of fossil fuel usage. Main Activities: Build micro hydro and protect surrounding forest areas for watershed management Key Results: 20KW micro hydro system built , eliminating use of fossil fuel thus avoiding emissions of greenhouse gases. :
SGP Malaysia SGP projects supported, documented and influenced. • Possibility of State and National Legislation for the use of TED • More community managed conservation areas have been initiated and established. Name any project initiatives that have been replicated or up-scaled • Successful SGP micro hydro projects are being considered for rural communities in other parts of the country. • Government decision to close-down a number of coral reef diving sites as a result of SGP project intervention. SGP impact in figures: • 800 hectares of forest area has been gazetted as urban community forest as outcome of SGP project. • A special species of fish “Terubok” was reintroduced to the rivers in Sarawak through SGP project.
SGP Maldives • Turtle Conservation in Kondey and GaafuAlif Atoll Goal: To protect endangered sea turtles Main Activities: Protect nesting beaches, turtle nests and eggs, raise awareness on sea turtles’ importance and conservation, discourage consumption of turtle eggs and meat Key Results: Initiate atoll-wide turtle monitoring, turtle populations preserved, data base and inventory of sea turtle populations, training of trainers for wider impact and outreach COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT • SGP has provided an avenue for communities to directly implement projects in the environmental domain, previously lacking in the country • Initiate data base and inventory of sea turtle populations in GaafuAlif atoll • Low-cost solution to protecting shore-lines against erosion • Climate change related projects contribute to national carbon neutral policy • Reduce dependency on fossil fuels • Training of trainers (hydroponics, home gardening, solar energy, mangrove restoration, turtle conservation, climate change) for wider impact and outreach • Communication and awareness raising for a more informed and conscious population • SGP modality suited for the geographically dispersed archipelago and under the recent decentralised, local governance structure
SGP Mongolia • Headwaters Protection and Management Focal Area: Land Degradation Goal: Building a green belt to stop sand shift and rehabilitate eroded land, protect river headwaters and create alternative livelihood (fruit field). Main Activities: Plantation of 8000 trees to build a green belt . Key Results:River headwaters protected , green belt built, sand shift stopped, surrounding ecosystem has been rehabilitated and improves from year to year. COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT • At national level: 2 legislative initiatives on land degradation –desertification and community forestry, and 3 government regulations on sea buckthorn fruit, green wall and renewable energy; • At local level: 36 decisions and local programmes regarding the establishment of community/locally protected areas , fruit planting , eco-tourism development, making briquettes, fish conservation, green village and green development, etc. Successful projects scaled up and replicated: 3 projects scaled up and 4 types projects replicated in many places. SGP activity in figures: 1.3mln. ha. Habitat areas of globally significant biodiversity species, 200,000 ha. of forests and 320,000 ha. of grass land.; 3 endangered animals & 8 rare medicine plant species in over 30 different places .
SGP Nepal Critically endangered Slender Billed Vulture • Community managed vulture Restaurant and visitor centre in Bufferzone of Chitwan National Park (World Heritage site) Goal: Conserve the vanishing vulture Main Activities: provide safe food for vulture, establish Diclofenacfree zone, swap vet drug 'Diclofenac' with vulture friendly Meloxicam, establishing vulture view house, cattle rescue center and information centre Key Results: Increase in vulture population, formulation of vulture conservation action plan for Nepal, declaration of Diclofenacfree zone COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT • 3 local policies in place (vulture conservation in Community forest action plan, declaring Diclofenac-free zone in 3 districts, ban on selling of Diclofenac in vet drugs) and formulation of national policy- Vulture conservation action plan for Nepal 2009-2013. Government started ex-situ conservation of vulture. • Conserved 3 critically endangered and 1 endangered vulture species. • Increased vulture nests to 40 from 17. Number of vultures are counted as 217 in a single feeding. (previously it was only 60) • Replicated 5 community managed vulture restaurants in Nepal. replicated in India and Pakistan also. • Received 2010 WWF Abraham Conservation Awards in 4 categories – 2 vulture project staff and 2 vulture restaurant committees. Vultures feeding in vulture restaurant Tourist enjoying the vulture feeding in vulture restaurant
SGP SRI LANKA • Conservation of traditional tuber varieties for biodiversity improvement and sustainable livelihoods. Focal Area: Biodiversity Goal: Revitalize the cultivation of tubers and popularize use in daily meals leading to food security and increased income for farmers Main Activities: Small group formation among the women farmers, training in tuber identification and cultivation, home gardening, organic farming, soil conservation, savings and credit programs, value added products made from traditional yams such as sweetmeats and fried chips and sale of products. Key Results: • CDC was the Winner of the 2008 UNDP Equator Prize Asia Section, awarded in Barcelona, Spain at the World Conservation Congress • CDC can now guarantee 75 organically grown home gardens for certification. Also the farmers conserve seed and plant material making them independent and self reliant. • With the promotion of indigenous foods in the country, the yams have a ready market giving an increased income to farmers. The sale of vegetables and yams from a home garden ranges between LKR 3,500 – 8,000 per month compared to LKR 500 prior to project initiation.
SGP SRI LANKA COUNTRY LEVEL IMPACT • At national level: Declaration of a turtle nesting sanctuary – first of its kind for Sri Lanka. Formulating a Policy on Traditional Knowledge. Regulations on coral reef rehabilitation in two marine sanctuaries. • At local level: State recognition on promotion of nature farming with over 30,000 farmers in 18 districts. • Successfully scaled up and replicatedprojects on agro forestry protecting over 150 agro-biodiversity species and preventing over 10 tons of pesticides being used. Over 30,000 organically grown home gardens of less than ¼ ha. each contributing to the overall tree cover in the country and providing firewood and timber requirements for the households. • SGP activity in figures: Protected 890 endangered and rare species; rehabilitated over 300 ha. of coastal habitats, 500 ha. of mangroves, 600 ha. of wetlands and 6 ha. of coral reefs. Protected approximately 1200 ha. of forest area conserving 560 species and prevented over 10,000 cubic meters of timber being cut.
SGP THAILAND • Development of Model Community for Thung Kula Ronghai Forest Rehabilitation Goal: Conservation, planned sustainable use of threatened biological resources, especially landraces in forest/agricultural ecosystems Main Activities: Resources inventorying, forest zoning and knowledge management Key Results: Protected threatened species , increased capacity of target population with compiled knowledge management • Replicated Rice Milling by Water Power Goal: Demonstration &promotion the adoption of water power for livelihood Main Activities: Protecting watershed & making use running water for paddy milling Key Results: Avoided 8 Tons /year of CO2 from would-be grid electricity-driven mill, increased capacity of target population on renewable energy • Water Pollution Reversal Networking Goal: Reducing excessive nutrient run-off to water bodies by community approach Main Activities: Building both technical & institutional capacity of target population and demonstrating the use of community-designed filtering systems Key Results: Reduced nutrients run-off from both residences and public restaurants that participated in project activities with officially recognition from municipality.
SGP THAILANDCountry Level Impact SGP Policy Influence at the Local, Regional or National Level • 15 SGP-supported projects being up-scaled by the Environment Fund of the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment • 5 municipalities proclaiming regulations and act /providing financial supports to promote SGP experiences • One public enterprise (Metropolitan Waterworks Authority) pledging 600,00 US $ for SGP Thailand during GEF-5 (see photo) • Thailand GEF SGP being a deliver mechanism for IUCN Mangrove For the Future Small Grants Fund (MFF/SGF) • 4 SGP projects being selected as a demonstration site of two full-sized GEF IW projects (UNDP-PEMSEA & UNEP South China Sea) • 4 projects being approached as models for the current “Community Land Title Deed” SGP projects documented and published • At least 10 projects documenting and publishing experience for disseminating to wider public (booklets and TV-aired pieces) • At least 10 projects becoming publicly suggested learning places
SGP Vietnam: Project Example • Conservation of critically endangered primate in Van Long Wetland • List of 25 globally critically endangered primate (IUCN) • Capacity of commune authorities and community in conservation enhanced • Number of primates increased • Community ecotourism developed for local economic development – famous tourist spot • Law on ecotourism
Project Example – Brick kiln technology VSBK VTA HỘI KHOA HỌC KỸ THUẬT NHIỆT VIỆT NAM LÒ GẠCH LIÊN TỤC KIỂU ĐỨNG HIỆU SUẤT CAO (VSBK) – VIFOTEC 2005 VIỆN KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ NHIỆT-LẠNH Đơnvịtàitrợ: Quỹmôitrườngtoàncầu – Chương trìnhcácdựánnhỏtạiViệt Nam (UNDP-GEF/SGP). Số 25-29 Phan BộiChâu – HàNội Ban quảnlýdựán: HộiKhoahọckỹthuậtNhiệtViệt Nam. 2.10, CT4 – A2, Bắc Linh Đàm – Hànội Đơn vịchuyểngiaocôngnghệ: ViệnKhoahọcvàCôngnghệNhiệtLạnh, TrườngĐạihọcBáchKhoaHànội
SGP Vietnam: Country Level Impact Innovation and Piloting - Upscaling/replication • Providing models for poverty and environment - Contributing to the implementation of related laws/policies and national programmes (NTP, BD Action Plan, NAP) • Testing innovative ideas/technologies (2 national VIFOTEC prize), 6 WB prize on Innovation Day, 12 local environmental awards, 12 CC community-based adaptation
SGP Vietnam: Country Level Impact • BD work in many national parks areas (25) and outside protected areas, and most World Heritage sites • Linking with big national programmes/projects (UNDP Viet Nam portfolio (UN REDD, DRM and CC adaptation, CC mitigation and LD&D), UNEP SCSs, UNDP PEMSEA, CBA) • 25 technical guidelines developed and widely used
SGP Vietnam: Country Level Impact Policy Influence • Providing 18 case studies for evidence-based research/studies and law/policy making (Law on tourism, law on energy efficiency, law on biodiversity) • 4 policies/regulations approved by the provincial authorities which are potential for reference cross provinces and can influence national policy. • Promoting community-based approaches (contribution to the establishment of community-based protected areas and BD outside the official protected areas (5).
SGP Vietnam: Country Level Impact • Bringing the views and voice of concerns from CSOs and local communities and people to policy making • Strengthening capacity for CSOs and its networks on policy advocacy and social audits
SGP Vietnam: Country Level Impact CSOs development and strengthening - to play an active role in SD • Enhancing awareness and understanding for various stakeholders on SD issues • Strengthening capacity for CSOs and its networks and for the development of civil society • SGP as one of the few funding opportunities for CSOs. Partnership • Strong working partnership with relevant agencies at the national level: VUSTA (umbrella NGOs), national NGO networks, Government focal point agencies of UN Conventions, national programmes/projects, media (VTV)
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 Strategic directions • Demonstrating and promoting SGP funding mechanism for community environmental projects/activities 2. Testing innovative ideas through demonstration projects - Identify strategic focus/niche in the context of development in Viet Nam in line with GEF 5 strategic directions
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 3. Maximising SGP programme/project impact and sustainability: • Geographic and thematic focus • Linking SGP project results to institutional and policy issues • Project replication and upscale – linkage with big programmes/projects 4. Conservation for sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction - the rural poor 5. Develop a strategy for resource mobilisation to ensure SGP financial sustainability.
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 Key interventions and strategic outcomes • Further develop SGP portfolio with a better focused in 3 focal areas of BD, CC and LD&D, with CC adaptation mainstreaming: Thematic issues • Sustainable use of BD resources – off farm income opportunities (community ecotourism) • Benefit sharing • BD conservation outside the protected areas (productive landscape) - Community-based protected areas
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 • Rural energy (biomass, solar) and energy savings and efficiency at household level • Sustainable land and water management (soil erosion and degradation) • Community participation in land use planning at local levels • Environmental pollution (water pollution and waste management) in World Heritage sites Geographic focus: Central Coast and World Heritage sites
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 2. Strengthen capacity of CSOs and its networks: • SD issues - Mainstreaming environmental aspect in development – integrated and co-management approaches • Social audits and policy advocacy, and networking • Consultations with local communities and people • Project development and management 3. Enhance communication and knowledge management (documentation and dissemination of LLs)
SGP Viet Nam in GEF 5 Partners • CSOs, community groups, and local authorities. • VUSTA, NGO networks (local initiatives and CSOs (REDD) and VNGOs and CC), national NGOs, UN Convention Secretariats and national government agencies - UNDP projects
Final Notes • While SGP projects are small, when they are strategically implemented and build up over time, then the positive impacts go beyond the community to the country and even the global level. • SGP is a “fast and effective delivery mechanism” that allows communities, CBOs and NGOs who may not be able to access GEF funds to be able to do so and in the process build their capacity to be proactive actors in the country’s sustainable development efforts. • SGP can be a delivery mechanism for other donors who may wish to be a cofinancing partner and want to save on time and other costs by using an already existing and effective mechanism that brings communities, CSOs and government to work together. • Please visit us at: www.sgp.undp.org
Local Actions, Global Impact SGP Family Thank you for your Support