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Visualizing Census Data

Visualizing Census Data. Xanthippe Stevens and Larry Hoyle Policy Research Institute The University of Kansas. Conveying Racial Data with PROC GPLOT. axis1 … axis2 order=(0 to &maxval. by &scale.) pattern1 color=white value=msolid; pattern2 color=blue value=msolid;

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Visualizing Census Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visualizing Census Data Xanthippe Stevens and Larry Hoyle Policy Research Institute The University of Kansas

  2. Conveying Racial Data with PROC GPLOT axis1 … axis2 order=(0 to &maxval. by &scale.) pattern1 color=white value=msolid; pattern2 color=blue value=msolid; proc gplot data=hilo; plot lo*v_year hi*v_year / overlay areas=2 haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2; run; proc sql; select max(v_value), max(v_value)/4 into :maxval, :scale from race00; quit;

  3. Congressional Redistricting Data with PROC GSLIDE if first.segment then do row=line; line=1; xsys = "2"; ysys = "2"; function="poly"; when= 'A'; style="msolid"; output; end; else do row=line; function = "polycont"; when= 'A'; xsys = "2"; ysys = "2"; line = 1; style="msolid"; output; end; run; data annoplace; length function color $8; set city (keep=x y line type tlid placer segment); by placer segment;

  4. Congressional Redistricting Data with PROC GSLIDE data anno; /*concatenate annotated county and city data*/ set annocnty annoplace; run; goptions reset=all gunit=pct border device=gif gsfname=dist3map ftext=swissb htitle=6 htext=3; proc gslide annotate=anno; run; quit;

  5. Congressional Redistricting Data with PROC GMAP proc gmap map=mapset data=dist3; id cousubr; choro popvar/levels=6 coutline=black; run;

  6. Population Data with PROC GMAP data anno; length function style color$8; set city (keep=x y city value); xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys="1"; style='pempty'; position='5'; color='blue'; x=x; y=y; function='pie'; angle = 0; rotate= 360; valrange=&maxval-&minval; size=.5+(value/valrange)*5; line=0; when='A'; output; run;

  7. Population Data with PROC GMAP goptions reset=global gunit=pct border cback=white device=gif570 gsfname=giffile ctext=black ftext=swiss htitle=6 htext=3; title1 'Kansas Cities, Population 2000'; footnote1 j=r 'Source: U.S. Census Bureau '; proc gmap map=countymap data=blanks; id county; choro cfill/discrete nolegend coutline=cxCCCCCC annotate=anno; run; quit;

  8. Data with PROC GMAP and ACTIVEX goptions reset=global device=activex transparency; ods html body=”&varname..html” path=ODSOUT; proc gmap map=mapset data=ksdata; id fips; prism &varname./ discrete nolegend coutline=black; run; quit; ods html close; data mapset; set maps.uscounty; where state=20; length fips 8; fips=county+20000; run;

  9. Drill-down Maps using PROC GMAP and JAVA ods listing close; ods html file="&geo..html" path=ODSOUT archive='http://www.ku.edu/pri/ ksdata/sashttp/java/mapapp.jar' parameters=("DRILLDOWNMODE"= "HTML") parameters=("DRILLPATTERN"= 'http://www.ku.edu/cgiwrap/ ippbrwww/city.pl?cityfips= {&txtplace}') parameters=("BACKCOLOR"= "FFFFFF");

  10. Drill-down Maps using PROC GMAP and JAVA proc gmap map=temp data=temp; id idvar; choro txtplace/discrete nolegend coutline=black; run; ods html close; ods listing; quit;

  11. Proportional Shading Using Data Step and PROC GMAP

  12. Proportional Shading Using Data Step and PROC GMAP value shade __________________ 1 CXF1F1FF 4 CXEBEBFF 9 CXE0E0FF 16 CXD1D1FF 25 CXBEBEFF 36 CXA7A7FF 49 CX8C8CFF 64 CX6C6CFF 81 CX4848FF 100 CX2020FF

  13. Proportional Shading Using Data Step and PROC GMAP goptions colors=( CXF1F1FF CXEBEBFF CXE0E0FF CXD1D1FF CXBEBEFF CXA7A7FF CX8C8CFF CX6C6CFF CX4848FF CX2020FF );

  14. Proportional Shading Using Data Step and PROC GMAP <TABLE BORDER> <TR> <TD bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan=15 align="center">PRECIPITATION (INCHES) - 1998 <TR> <TD bgcolor="#6767FF"> &nbsp; <TD><font size=2> Allen </font> <TD align="char" char="."> <font size=2> 47.37</font> <TD bgcolor="#7D7DFF"> &nbsp; <TD><font size=2> Doniphan </font> <TD align="char" char="."> <font size=2> 41.69</font>

  15. Proportional Shading Using Data Step and PROC GMAP /* print the cells */ put '<TD bgcolor="#' shade +(-1) '">&nbsp;' '<TD> <font size=2>' county cntyfmt. '</font>' '<TD align="char“ char="."> <font size=2>' value best7. '</font>';

  16. Glyph Map using PROC GMAP

  17. Glyph Map using PROC GMAP %macro shades(var=, lablvar=, data=, loshade=0, hishade=255, midval=xmax/2-xmin/2);

  18. Glyph Map using PROC GMAP Shade from red to yellow if &var < (&midval) then do; imval=int(.499999 + &loshade + (&var-xmin) * ( (&hishade-&loshade)/((&midval)-xmin) )); shade = 'CX' || 'FF' || put(imval, hex2.) || '00' ; end;

  19. Glyph Map using PROC GMAP Shade from yellow to green else do; imval=int(.499999 + &loshade + (&var-(&midval)) * ( (&hishade-&loshade)/(xmax-(&midval)) )); shade = 'CX' || put(&hishade - imval + &loshade,hex2.)|| 'FF' ||'00'; end;

  20. Data Step Graphics Interface /* FEMALES */ barxleft=&grwdth+ &leftmrg+ &cntrmrg; barxright=floor(&grwdth+ &leftmrg+ &cntrmrg+ barlenF); rc=gdraw('bar', barxleft, barybot, barxright, barytop);

  21. Custom Area SF1 Profile Reports

  22. Defining a new area

  23. Defining a new area

  24. Defining a new area xan@ku.edu AL9526952720002 ******

  25. Defining a new area

  26. SF1 Profile for custom area

  27. Defining an area from an address

  28. Defining an area from an address

  29. Defining an area from an address

  30. Recalling or Using a Previous Defined Area

  31. SF1 Profile for custom area

  32. SAS code for the examples in this paper can be found at http://www.ku.edu/pri/ksdata/sashttp/mwsug01. Larry Hoyle larryhoyle@ku.edu (785) 864-9110 Xan Stevens xan@ku.edu (785) 864-9111 Policy Research Institute The University of Kansas 1541 Lilac Lane, Suite 607 Lawrence, Kansas 66044 http://www.ku.edu/pri

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