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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 你好,山姆大叔!. Who Is Uncle Sam?. Do you know who Uncle Sam is? Is he a star or a hero? In fact, “Uncle Sam” is not a real man. It is a symbol of America and the American government.
第3版 Mini-world 万花筒
你好,山姆大叔! Who Is Uncle Sam? Do you know who Uncle Sam is? Is he a star or a hero? In fact, “Uncle Sam” is not a real man. It is a symbol of America and the American government. During the War of 1812, a meat packer named Samuel sold meat to the U.S. Army. On the barrels of meat, he stamped “U.S.” That means “United States.”
Some people made a joke that the “U.S.” meant “Uncle Sam’s,” because they got food from Uncle Samuel. After that, “Uncle Sam” became a nickname of the United States.
swan song Meaning: the last performance or work 绝笔,绝唱,最后 的杰作。 Story: 相传天鹅平时不会唱歌, 但是在它死前,必定会高歌 一曲,歌声凄婉动人,感人 肺腑。因此,西方用swan song来比喻诗人、作家、歌 者等最后的作品或告别演出。 Example:They all believe that is her swan song. 他们都 认为这是她的告别演出。
Word Bank 超纲词汇 hero /'hI=r=U/ n.英雄 real /'rI=l/ adj.真正的 symbol /'sImb=l/ n. 象征 government /'G2v=nm=nt/ n. 政府 during /'djU=rI9/ prep. 在……期间 barrel /'b7r=l/ n. 桶 stamp /st7mp/ v. 盖章,打上(印记)
nickname /'nIkneIm/ n. 绰号 in fact 事实上 War of 1812 1812年战争,又被称为“英美战争”或“美国第二次独立战争”,是美国独立后的第一场对外战争。 meat packer 肉类包装商人 U.S. Army 美国军队 the United States 美利坚联合众国,简称the U.S.
第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂
端午节的传统“标签”,你都知道哪些呢? What Do You Know about the Dragon Boat Festival? rice dumpling 粽子 realgar wine 雄黄酒
mugwort 艾蒿 dragon boat races 赛龙舟
sachet 香囊 icon of Zhong Kui 钟馗像
端午节为什么要吃粽子、赛龙舟呢?原来这些习俗都和一个人有关——端午节为什么要吃粽子、赛龙舟呢?原来这些习俗都和一个人有关—— The Story of Qu Yuan Qu Yuan was a great poet of the State of Chu. He loved his country and gave much advice to the emperor. But the emperor didn’t take his advice. He drove Qu Yuan out of the country. Qu Yuan was so sad that he jumped into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
After that, fishermen nearby rushed to the river and tried to save him. But they couldn’t find Qu Yuan’s body. In order not to let the fish eat his body, people began to throw rice into the river to feed those fish every year. Today, instead of throwing rice into rivers, we eat rice dumplings to remember this great poet.
汤米正在向他的外国好友丹尼介绍端午节 这个中国传统节日呢。 Talking about the Dragon Boat Festival
Tommy: Have you heard about the dragon boat races this afternoon? Danny: Yes, it is a part of a holiday, right? Tommy: Yes, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the three major traditional festivals in China. Danny: Other than the dragon boat races, what’s special about this day?
Tommy: In the past, it was a time for warding off evil spirits. But now it’s a time to remind people to take care of their health. Danny: Great! I think I will join in the dragon boat races. Tommy: If you feel hungry after the races, you can eat rice dumplings. They are nice! Danny: Oh, I will.
课外点拨 Culture 端午节的别称 你知道吗?在我国的传统节日中,端午节有20多种不同的叫法,堪称节日别名之最。下面就让我们来了解一下其中几种别称的来历吧。 一. 重午节:午,属十二支,农历五月为午月,五、午同音,五、五相重,故端午节又名“重午节”或“重五节”,有些地方也叫“五月节”。 二. 浴兰节:端午节时值仲夏,是皮肤病多发的季节,古人常用兰草汤沐浴,用于预防和治疗皮肤病,于是就有了“浴兰节”的别称。
三. 解粽节:古人端午吃粽子时会玩一种游戏,比赛谁解下的粽叶长度最长,故又有“解粽节”之称。 四. 端礼节:沿袭湘南的习俗,人们会在五月初五在门上挂艾叶,用艾叶洗澡驱蚊。经过这一“洗礼”,就能驱走疟疾,安全地度过夏日多蚊的季节,因此端午又有“端礼节”之名。 五. 菖蒲节:古人认为端午是个犯禁忌的日子,此时五毒尽出,因此需要在门上悬挂菖蒲、艾叶等来驱邪避毒,故端午又名“菖蒲节”。
周周练 阅读文章The Story of Qu Yuan,完成下列判断题。正确 的用“T”表示,错误的用 “F”表示。 1. ( ) Qu Yuan was a poet of the State of Qin. 2. ( ) Qu Yuan jumped into the Miluo River because the emperor didn’t take his advice. 3. ( ) A group of fishermen tried to save Qu Yuan. 4. ( ) People threw rice into the Miluo River to feed Qu Yuan. 5. ( ) Today, we throw rice dumplings into rivers to remember Qu Yuan. F T T F F
Word Bank 超纲词汇 poet /'p=UIt/ n. 诗人 country /'k2ntrI/ n. 国家 advice /=d‘vaIs/ n. 建议,忠告 advice 的动词形式为advise emperor /'emp=r=/ n. 君主,皇帝 fisherman /'fI5=m=n/ n. 渔夫 nearby /'nI=baI/ adj. 附近的 remember /rI‘memb=/ v. 纪念
holiday /'h^l=dI/ n. 节日,假日 major /'meId3=/ adj. 主要的 special /'spe5=l/ adj. 特别的,特殊的 remind /rI'maInd/ v. 提醒 health /hel0/ n. 健康 the State of Chu 楚国,春秋战国时 期的一个诸侯国 drive (sb.) out 驱赶,逐出(某人)
Miluo River 汨罗江 lunar month 农历月 rush to 冲向,赶去 in order not to (do sth.) 为了不(做某事) instead of 代替 hear about 听说 a part of ……的一部分
traditional festival 传统节日 other than 除了 ward off evil spirits 避邪 take care of 照顾,爱护
第6版 Playground 英语操练场
哪里不舒服呢? Seeing the Doctor (II) have a cough have/get a fever have/get a headache
catch a cold have a stomachache have a running nose
sneeze get heatstroke
If All the World Were Paper If all the world were paper, And all the sea were ink, If all the trees Were bread and cheese, What should we have to drink?
Be my guest. 这句话字面上的意思是“做我的客人吧”。其实确切地讲,它的真正含义是“请便”,“别客气”。下次,如果家里来了客人,招待的时候别忘了说一句“Be my guest.” Cici: Do you mind if I borrow your car? Lisa: Of course not. Be my guest.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 fever /'fi:v=/ n.发烧 cough /k^f/ n.咳嗽 headache /'hedeIk/ n.头痛 stomachache /'st2m=keIk/ n. 肚子痛,胃痛 sneeze /sni:z/ v.打喷嚏 heatstroke /'hi:tstr=Uk/ n.中暑
cheese /t5i:z/ n.奶酪 should /5Ud/ v. aux. 应该,shall的过去式 running nose 流鼻涕 Do you mind if...? 如果……你介意吗? Of course not. 当然不(介意)。
第7版 Story Zone 故事地带
“大灰狼”的孙子“小坏狼”变成了“小好狼”!“大灰狼”的孙子“小坏狼”变成了“小好狼”! A New Wolf
Do you know the story of the three little pigs? The little pigs are now old pigs. Who am I? My name is Little Bad Wolf. I am the grandson of Big Grey Wolf. One Sunny day, I went out in a lion costume and went to the three old pigs’ house. I wanted to scare them. Whoops! They caught me with a net! I thought they were going to beat me, but they didn’t. Instead, they invited me to dinner, and then let me go.
From then on, I turned over a new leaf. I am now Small Good Wolf. And I make friends with three old pigs’ grandsons!
Word Bank 超纲词汇 grandson /'Gr7nds2n/ n. 孙子,外孙 costume /'k^stju:m/ n.戏服 scare /ske=/ v.吓唬 whoops /wUps/ interj. 哎哟!(用于摔倒、掉了东西或出小差错时) beat /bi:t/ v.打
instead /In'sted/ adv.反而 invite /In'vaIt/ v. 邀请 from then on 从那以后 turn over a new leaf 改过自新 make friends with ... 与……交朋友