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SESSION A. Madeline Snow- Platform Coordinator. Email: madeline.snow@oursay.org Phone: 0400650136. Matthew Gordon- Co-founder of OurSay. Email: matthew.gordon@oursay.org Phone: 0410275905. Today’s Agenda:. Introductions – 5 minutes Discussion on challenges/opportunities – 15 minutes

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  2. Madeline Snow- Platform Coordinator Email: madeline.snow@oursay.org Phone: 0400650136

  3. Matthew Gordon- Co-founder of OurSay Email: matthew.gordon@oursay.org Phone: 0410275905

  4. Today’s Agenda: • Introductions – 5 minutes • Discussion on challenges/opportunities – 15 minutes • OurSay Insights - 50 minutes • Facebook: “How to”, examples, activity • Twitter: “How to”, examples, activity • (BREAK) • Youtube: “How to”, examples, activity • OurSay Strategies for Local Government – 10 minutes • Questions (and answers) – 10 minutes

  5. Getting to know each other • Find a partner. • Introduce yourselves. • Rate your social media skills from 1-5. • Regroup, and discuss your answers.

  6. Challenges & Opportunities • Why can social media be scary? • What are some challenges for making your government social media savvy? • What opportunities does social media present?

  7. The End Goal: Government Citizens Two-way dialogue Trust Understanding

  8. OurSay Insights:

  9. OurSay Strategy to Social Media Ask yourself: • Are you creating a two-way discussion? • Is your content interesting and informative to your community? • Is it social? Will people share it, as well as read it?

  10. Facebook now has over 1billion users. • Facebook is very personal. It’s used to connect with family and friends; be mindful of this. • In some ways, Facebook is your most valuable resource for online communication.

  11. Getting the most out of Facebook • Know your audience and use appropriate language. • Vary the kind of content that is posted. For example, council updates, links to articles, pictures etc. • Connect with your local community. • Give your Facebook a personality!

  12. Things to avoid: • The silent treatment. • Talking at people, not to people. • Too many updates. • Not giving reasons to engage with posts, or like the page. • Be cautious of becoming self-centric.

  13. Great Facebook Content: • The Whitehouse on Facebook: • https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse?fref=ts

  14. Activity • Write a plan for the content you might want to publish on Facebook over the next week. • Consider varying the types of content, and people you’ll be engaging. • Address the list of challenges. • Refer to the OurSay strategy!

  15. OurSay Strategy to Social Media Ask yourself: • Are you creating a two-way discussion? • Is your content interesting and informative to your community? • Is it social? Will people share it, as well as read it?

  16. Twitter differs from Facebook as the content is much shorter, and also disappears much sooner. • There are fewer people on Twitter, and the demographic is different. • Great way to give short updates, connect with your residents and share information.

  17. Tips for Twitter • Posts on Twitter don’t have to be as general as those on Facebook, and they can be a lot more frequent. • Retweet updates that come from your community. • Use the search function to find conversation happening in your community. • Include calls to action. • Follow people back. • Send direct messages. • Use #hashtags.

  18. Activity • Write a post about a community community in 15 words or less. • Consider the language you are using, and ways to increase its reach. • Refer to the OurSay strategy.

  19. OurSay Strategy to Social Media Ask yourself: • Are you creating a two-way discussion? • Is your content interesting and informative to your community? • Is it social? Will people share it, as well as read it?

  20. Youtube is great for giving your workplace a public face, and creating trust. • Youtube can allow you to get creative! • Content is not produced as frequently, but is just as important for communicating with networks.

  21. Using Youtube… • Show, don’t tell. • Low production value- keep things real! • Positivity is key, so it’s a great way to communicate successes. • Timely to issues. • Great way to put a friendly face to local council. • Mayor Nenshi from Calgari: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSlMjqWZZdg

  22. Activity • Think about this video we just watched. • What about it is interesting? How can you use these points to benefit local government?

  23. Strategies to consider… • Sign off posts with a name or initials. • Ask your followers for their opinion on particular issues. • Establish a routine- Eg. post a pic of the day, an inspirational video every Monday, something lighthearted every Friday, council updates every Wednesday etc. • Ensure you have a plan for when things go wrong- setup guidelines for everyone that uses social media in your department.

  24. Taking it to the next level: A case study:

  25. The End Goal: Government Citizens Two-way dialogue Trust Understanding

  26. The CEO and Council wanted to access a variety of community views in the Council Plan consultation process. • Outcomes • Diverse community involvement from all ages: from 15 to 90 years old • Involved +10% of households: 1000-fold increase • Positive media exposure enhancing reputation • Client Contact • Aaron Van Egmond, CEO . 2. CASE STUDY: HEPBURN SHIRE COUNCIL

  27. Questions?

  28. Thank you!

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