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Primary vertex reconstruction with the SPD

This study focuses on the reconstruction of primary vertex using the SPD detector in pp collisions. Different vertexer methods are tested and their performance in terms of efficiency, resolution, and bias is evaluated. The results show promising improvements in the vertexing algorithm.

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Primary vertex reconstruction with the SPD

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  1. Primary vertex reconstruction with the SPD E. Crescio, M. Masera, F. Prino INFN e Università di Torino Offline week, reconstruction meeting – October 2nd 2006

  2. Vertexers • AliITSVertexerZ: uses information from SPD • Goals: high efficiency, constrain the tracking • Before tracking • AliITSVertexer3D: extension of AliITSVertexerZ to x and y • New class presently under test • Before tracking (needs just SPD tracklets) • AliITSVertexerIons: uses information from SPD • measurement of Xv,Yv,Zv through fit procedures • Not working for low multiplicities • AliVertexerTracks: uses tracks • Goals: accuracy and good error determination • Measurement of Xv,Yv,Zv • After recostruction in the barrel

  3. Events used in this study • Event generation • AliRoot v4-04-Release • pp collisions (kPyMb) • Vertex smearing on x,y (50 mm) and z (5.3 cm) • FIRST SET: • 9800 events with beam centered in 0,0 • SECOND SET: • 9400 events with beam centered in (500 mm, 0) • ONGOING GENERATION: • events with 5 mm and 1 cm of beam offset • VertexerZ and Vertexer3D performance studied in 6 bins of Ntracklets in SPD (AliMultiplicity::GetNumberOfTracklets) • Efficiency = ratio between events with reconstructed vertex and total number of events • Residual distributions = distribution of zmeasured-ztrue • Estract resolution, pulls and bias

  4. AliITSVertexerZ – the method Layer 2 • Build “tracklets” from SPD RecPoints • associate each point of the two central SPD modules of layer1 to all the points of layer2 within a window Δφ <0.01 rad • Calculate Zi = Z of closest approach of tracklet and nominal beam axis. • Fill histograms of Zi with 3 different bin sizes • 5 m (fine: for the actual measure) • 100 m (coarse: to single out the peak corresponding to the actual vertex) • 300 m (very coarse: used when the number of tracklets is very low) • Define a z window (200 or 600 m wide)around the “peak” of the coarse histogram. • Window adjusted to be symmetric around the centroid of the peak • Calculate on the “fine” histogram: • Zv = average of the Zi of the tracklets in the window • Dispersion parameter (= sqrt of the sample variance) Layer 1 Beam axis

  5. Number of contributors • GetNContributors() to check the “quality” of the vertex • >0  Vertex OK • 0  error in the vertex finding procedure • -1  no tracklets • recoverable with iterative procedure • -2  no recpoints in SPD

  6. Performance: efficiency • Black = beam in nominal position • Red = beam offset 500 mm – assumed unknown • Blue = beam offset 500 mm – assuming to know the beam position • Optimized with an iterative procedure to reduce the fraction of events with no tracklets (NContributors=-1) • Committed on June 1st (AliITSVertexerZ Rev 1.11)

  7. Performance: resolution and bias • Black = beam in nominal position • Red = beam offset 500 mm – assumed unknown • Blue = beam offset 500 mm – assuming to know the beam position • Bias reduced (from ≈20 to ≈5 mm) since Rev. 1.14 • Committed in HEAD, but not in v4-04-Release • Good performance for beam offset of 500 mm if the offset is known

  8. Peformance: pulls • From distributions of Δz/Error • error on the zmeasured as given by AliITSVertexerZ • RMS of pull distributions should be 1 for gaussian estimators • to be checked at higher multiplicities

  9. Vertexer3D – the method • Pairs of RecPoints on layer 1 and layer 2 taken as candidate tracklets • selection cut: Δφ <0.01 rad (i.e. straight lines) • Tracklet pairs are combined and selected according to: • small DCA • Intersection close to beam axis • Intersection in the diamond region • Use tracklets as “straight-line-tracks” and apply the same vertex finder algorithms used with ESD tracks (AliVertexerTracks) • Background tracklets must be removed as much as possible before applying the algorithm tuning of these cuts presently under study Layer 2 Layer 1 Beam axis

  10. Vertexer3D - efficiency • Overall efficiency ≈ 65% • Efficiency improvements under study

  11. Vertexer3D – bias and resolution • Bias not present • Hint that the problem with the VertexerZ is in the vertexing algorithm and not in SPD geometry • Good resolution!

  12. Vertexer 3D and beam offset • Black = beam in nominal position • Red = beam offset 500 mm – assumed unknown • Blue = beam offset 500 mm – assuming to know the beam position • Large bias on X (the coordinate where the beam has the offset) • ≈ 1/2 of the beam offset • Due to Δφ< 0.01 rad selection cut (select straight lines pointing to the beam axis given as input)

  13. Correcting the 3D bias (I) • First (very naïve) idea: iterative procedure • For each event use x, y vertex positions found in iteration i as nominal beam positions for iteration i+1 • Works sufficiently well for high multiplicity (i.e. good resolution) • Price to pay: loss of resolution • due to events with worse vertex determination at the 1st iteration? • May be recovered using nominal positions averaged over several high multiplicity events

  14. Correcting the 3D bias (II) • Second (very naïve) idea: enlarge Δφ cut • From trigonometry: 500 mm of offset give a max. Δφ of 0.011 rad. • Does not allow to completely cancel the bias • no improvement when enlarging Δφ from 0.03 to 0.05 • Price to pay: loss of resolution • Main drawback: requires huge enlargement in case of larger offsets • Third idea (presently under development): change the tracklet selection • use a DCA cut between pairs of tracklets crossing the beam pipe instead of the Δφ cut

  15. Pile-up • Expected interaction rate = 2×105 Hz at a luminosity of 5×1030 cm-2s-2 • 1 interaction every 200 bunch crossings • Foreseen SPD strobe duration is 200 ns • 8 bunch crossings (0.04 interactions) • All events in the strobe are overlapped even if not belonging to the same bunch-cross • Caveat: high- multiplicity triggers will select piled-up events • First check on AliITSVertexerZ in the case of pile-up • “Manual merging” of recpoints with an “ad hoc” macro • Results: • Vertices with distances >600 μm: found the vertex of the event with higher multiplicity • Vertices with distances <600 μm: found an intermediate value of z • Under study: check if the vertexer can be used to “detect” the pile-up, searching for two peaks (possible in the case of well separated peaks) • Study to be performed also on the Vertexer3D

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