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Reload Update: LD is coming.

? RELOAD 2004, funded by . Summary of Presentation. What we've done.Where we are now.Where we're going.. ? RELOAD 2004, funded by . Aims of project. To facilitate the creation, sharing and reuse of learning objects and servicesgeneric ?engine' architectureTo enhance the range of pedagogical appr

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Reload Update: LD is coming.

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    1. Colin Milligan Reload Update: LD is coming.

    2. RELOAD 2004, funded by Summary of Presentation What weve done. Where we are now. Where were going.

    3. RELOAD 2004, funded by Aims of project To facilitate the creation, sharing and reuse of learning objects and services generic engine architecture To enhance the range of pedagogical approaches realisable through the use of lesson plans bringing the specs to life.

    4. RELOAD 2004, funded by Where we fit

    5. RELOAD 2004, funded by Content Package & Metadata Editor

    6. RELOAD 2004, funded by Editor Version 1.2/1.3 v1.3 Released July 31st Improved Previewer, Export of preview files, Internationalisation, Flexibility, Bug fixes not many.

    7. RELOAD 2004, funded by SCORM 1.2 Player

    8. RELOAD 2004, funded by Player Version 1.2 Released July 31st Changes mainly under the hood Apache Struts. Dynamic updating of SCORM packages, Now with Help and Manual.

    9. RELOAD 2004, funded by Current Status Both now stable, OSS: Others are taking on many lessons learned! Focus away from development of new features, and onto support and maintenance.

    10. RELOAD 2004, funded by Reload as Benchmark Practical interoperability MLEs compared Tips and Tricks Idiosyncrasies Problems Contribute?

    11. RELOAD 2004, funded by Reload Stats Editor v1.3:1,200 downloads (August) (~80% PC, ~10% Linux, ~10% mac) Linux now more popular than mac. Editor v1.2: 2,400 downloads in 10 weeks Player v1.2: 600 downloads (August)

    12. RELOAD 2004, funded by What Next: Learning Design Beyond content, Activities, Services and Roles on top of content, Complex, LD Editor: To create IMS LDs. LD Player: To visualise them.

    13. RELOAD 2004, funded by Learning Design & learning design Sandy Britain - Pedagogic Review of Learning Design Tools http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=project_elearn_ped_learning_design_tools LAMS Expectation

    14. RELOAD 2004, funded by LD History EML OUNL, Abstract Description, Roles, Activities and Environment (Services/Resources), Interactions, Information, Play as metaphor.

    15. RELOAD 2004, funded by LD Editor ea Current build, UI in place, some underlying functionality, Implementing the spec. and recognising where it is unwieldy, Builds on Reload Engine Reload Editor v2.0.

    16. RELOAD 2004, funded by General Tab Top Level Information Objectives Requirements Description Overview.

    18. RELOAD 2004, funded by Resources Tab (in progress) Similar to existing CP Editor Manage resources needed by the LD Editor

    19. RELOAD 2004, funded by The Main Screens Think of LD as describing how one or more players takes a ROLE (learners, teachers etc.) and performs a series of ACTIVITIES (browsing, assessment, discussion, simulation) in an ENVIRONMENT (learning objects and services).

    20. RELOAD 2004, funded by Roles Tab Two roles: student and staff For each role defined, information can be added to tailor the group e.g: Group restriction Group constitution

    22. RELOAD 2004, funded by Environments tab Where learning occurs What is needed: Resources Services Relate these to specific roles

    24. RELOAD 2004, funded by Activities Tab Activities performed in the course of a Learning Design Objectives Prerequisites Metadata Relate to an Environment (content and service) Activity Structure Groups/organisations of activities

    26. RELOAD 2004, funded by Method tab Where everything comes together LDs consist of: Plays (usually just one) with sequential Acts (usually more than one) Act transitions provide synchronisation points Role-parts organise roles and activities.

    28. RELOAD 2004, funded by Complex isnt it! An enormous job! This is the first IMS LD Editor, This is its first iteration, Other UIs can be built on top of the current engine, All the IMS LD Elements with all the valid relationships, All it does is write an XML file.

    29. RELOAD 2004, funded by In practice LD Editor complemented by a database for storing LD fragments, Few people will ever create whole Designs from scratch, Templates: generic designs.

    30. RELOAD 2004, funded by Reload LD Player

    31. RELOAD 2004, funded by LD Player JBoss Application Server, CopperCore LD Runtime Engine (OUNL), Java SQL Database, Web Player, Delivered as an Eclipse appli cation (widgets, tools browsers etc).

    32. RELOAD 2004, funded by Timetable Editor: Dec 2004 Incremental releases, adding IMS LD Level B: properties and conditions Level C: notifications UI enhancements Player: Feb 2005 Updates to mirror editor functionality End of funding: July 2005

    33. RELOAD 2004, funded by Early Access to LD Editor NOT Feature Complete, Understand our User Interface, Think about how they will be used. Send an email to: colin.milligan@strath.ac.uk Ready later in September.

    34. RELOAD 2004, funded by Reload on the Road Re-using learning objects, lesson plans and assessment materials. Joint with JORUM and TOIA Alt-C SYMPOSIUM 157 Tuesday 14 Sept, 2-3pm Newman Lecture Theatre C

    35. RELOAD 2004, funded by Telcert and Unfold - EU TELCERT Building on RELOAD Internationalization, Validators, More Specs (LIP), New User Interfaces, Application Profiles UNFOLD Bringing LD specs to a wider community: Developers > Implementers > End Users

    36. RELOAD 2004, funded by Contact Colin Milligan colin.milligan@strath.ac.uk Phil Beauvoir p.beauvoir@bolton.ac.uk Paul Sharples Ps7@bolton.ac.uk http://www.reload.ac.uk/ex/glasgow020904.zip

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