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MINISTRY KITBAG BY CHRIS BEAN. MATTHEW 4:19 “COME, FOLLOW ME”, SAID JESUS, “AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN.”. The purpose of a ministry kitbag is to give you tools to put in your kitbag to intentionally labor for Jesus, and help others to become just like Jesus. Table of Contents.
MINISTRY KITBAG BY CHRIS BEAN MATTHEW 4:19 “COME, FOLLOW ME”, SAID JESUS, “AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN.” The purpose of a ministry kitbag is to give you tools to put in your kitbag to intentionally labor for Jesus, and help others to become just like Jesus.
Table of Contents Top Ten Ways to Follow Jesus 1.) The Balanced View of Jesus 2.) The Bridge 3.) Four Soils 4.) Cornerstone 5.) ACTS 6.) The Temple 7.) The Lordship of Jesus Christ 8.) Temptation 9.) Survive and Thrive 10.) The Call to Follow Word Tools 11.) Offense > Defense 12.) QT 13.) SPECKS CIA 14.) Jesus, a Man of the Word 15.) The Word Hand 16.) Why your QT stinks Prayer Tools 17.) Prayer Hand 18.) Jesus, a Man of Prayer 19.) Prayer Methods Fellowship tools 20.) Effective Fellowship 21.) The Orbit Witnessing tools 22.) Your Witness Kingdom of God tools 23.) Parable of the Talents 24.) Parable of the Minas 25.) The Kingdom of God Vision tools 26.) Three Commitments, 1 Master 27.) FEEED 28.) Dynamics of Fishing 29.) The Evangelism Hand 30.) The Wheel 31.) The Master Builder 32.) The Pipeline 33.) The Big Dipper 34.) The Promise to Abraham 35.) Counsel for War 36.) 4 Factors of Discipleship 37.) The Promise of Jesus
Vision Tools 38.) Spiritual Generations 39.) How to multiply spiritually 40.) 5 Requirements 41.) Levels of leadership 42.) Leading a small group 43.) 3 Plans of M2M 44.) Mechanics of M2M Other Tools 45.) Giving 46.) Purity Fight 47.) Man/Mission/Mate 48.) 6 Critical Factors 49.) 1st Critical Factor 50.) 2nd Critical Factor 51.) The Missional Community 52.) Restoring the Image 53.) The Compassion of Jesus 54.) Two Anchors 55.) What is Jesus like?
THE BALANCED VIEW OF JESUS How do you view Jesus? Acts 8:35 How are we preaching Jesus? JESUS 2D JESUS 2D JESUS SAVIOR LORD John 19:30 -Jesus’ saving the world is finished John 17:4 -Jesus’ training the 12 is finished John 3:16 1 Cor. 15:1-8 3D JESUS Mt. 4:19 Mt. 28:19-20 2 Peter 3:18 Balanced view= LORD & SAVIOR
The Garden of Eden Adam & Eve-----God Isaiah 59:2 THE BRIDGE Commit to follow Jesus Luke 9:23
FOUR SOILS- Mark 4:1-20The beginning of Jesus’ ministry Mark 1:14-15- The Kingdom of GodThe end of Jesus’ ministry Acts 1:1-3- The Kingdom of God Which soil am I? Which one does Jesus want you to be?
The plan for a QT The Cornerstone Brief Overview of the Bible -66 books in the Bible -OT 39 Books The Law (Moses)/ History and Writings (Psalms)/ Prophets -Gospels 4 Jesus- His life/His ministry/His death/His resurrection -NT 23-Acts of the Apostles New Testament Old Testament Luke 24:44 Gospels 1 Cor. 11:1 Beginner plan: Start in Mark Read 1 chapter a day Heb. 1:1-3 Eph 2:20 Advance plan: 1 chapter in the Law/History 1 chapter in Prophets 1 section in the gospel 1 chapter in the NT Intermediate plan: 1 chapter in OT 1 section in the gospel 1 chapter in NT
Prayer What is the one thing the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to do? LUKE 11:1-PRAYER Adoration- 1 Chronicles 29:10-11 Confessing-1 John 1:9 Thanksgiving- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Supplication- Hebrews 5:7 This is a simple tool you can share with a new or young follower of Jesus to help them get established in their prayer life.
The Temple illustration Holy of Holies High priest (Jesus) Holy of Holies Ps. 32:8 Heb. 6:19-20 Holy Place Heb 13:7 Inner Courts Eccl. 4:9-12 Outer Courts 1 Cor. 15:33 Ps 1:1-3 Time=Influence Who are you letting influence You? Who needs to have the most influence in your life? Holy Place Priests (Godly Counsel) Inner Courts – Hebrews (Believers) Outer Courts – Gentiles (Non-believers) Influence people to Jesus
THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST Luke 6:46- Is Jesus Lord of your life? Every follower of Jesus must submit to His Lordship in their life. Peter’s example- 1.) John 1:40-42- First encounter with Jesus Peter’s 1st response= He followed Jesus 2.)Mt. 4:18-20- Second encounter with Jesus Peter’s 2nd response= Left his nets and followed Jesus 3.)Luke 5:1-11- Third encounter with Jesus Peter’s 3rd response (THE DECISIVE POINT)= Called Jesus Lord, left everything and followed Jesus Conclusion: John 21:1-3- Peter wasn’t following Jesus again! John 21:19-22, John 12:26- You MUST FOLLOW JESUS! It’s a process! Have you called Jesus Lord? Are you following Jesus?
TEMPTATION What is something that every person struggles with? TEMPTATION- Matthew 18:7- How did Jesus combat temptation? Matthew 4:1-11- By the Word 1.) Key verses-3-4 Deut. 8:3 2.) Key verses-5-7 Deut. 6:16 3.) Key verses-8-10 Deut. 6:13 Mark 14:38- By Prayer Point of temptation- You can choose Life or Death Gen. 4:7 The first teaching on sin LIFE Tempted/Desire/Sin= DEATH Application: 1.) Scripture Memory-Ps. 119:9, 11 2.) Accountability- Gal. 6:1 3.) Avoid an ambush- 2 Tim. 2:22 4.) Bank on the promises of God- 1 Cor. 10:13 James 1:13-15- The process of temptation
Survive and Thrive as a Follower of Jesus Mt. 22:36-40- It’s about relationships: God and People (Deut. 4:9-10) Teacher/Mentor (Parents) Gal. 4:19 (their view) Heb. 13:7 (your view) SURVIVE Me Peer (Brothers) Pro. 17:17 Pro. 27:17 THRIVE Pro. 23:26 Phi. 2:22 2 Timothy 2:1-2 Next Generation (Son/Heir) Future Generations (Grandchildren) “Be fruitful…” Gen. 1:28 “Multiply” What does God want you to do? Survive or Thrive?
THE CALL TO FOLLOW Big Picture- A world at war (Not conventional) Ephesians 6:12- Spiritual warfare 1.) Two Kingdoms- Luke 4:5-8 -Satan tests Jesus’ commitment to the Father -Already given to Jesus- Psalms 2:1-9 1.) Kingdom of God (Allies) 2.) Kingdom of Satan (Axis) What are wars generally fought over? Land This war is different… 2.) Spiritual Battle Field- Luke 11:21-22 1.) Strong= Satan 2.) Stronger= Son of God 3.) Spoils= Souls of men Jesus and Satan are fighting over the souls of men and women. 3.) The Key Battle- Matthew 4:18-20- “Follow Me” 1.) Spend time with Jesus= QT 2.) Learn from Jesus= Mentor, Fellowship 3.) Become like Jesus= Become a fisher of men Are you following Jesus in these 3 areas?
Introduction: Generally speaking, when the book of Revelation is brought up, what is the first thought? End times! I agree that Revelation does discuss the end times, but I think we overlook something very important in the first three chapters of the book. Offense > Defense Rev. 1:4, 11-Jesus rating the 7 churches in Asia Focus in on Ephesus: A case study (more on this NT church than any) Part 1: Latter Days (AD 90) Rev 2.1-7- Good, but failing Rev. 2:4-Problem-Abanded 1st love Rev. 2:5-Solution-Remember, repent, and do 1st works Rev. 2:5b-Remove Lamp stand (see Rev. 1:20=The church) What were their first works? Part 2: Early Days (AD 50) 1 Cor. 16.8-9- An open door Acts 19.1, 8-12 Key: vs. 10 = advance (All residents of Asia) Acts 19:18-19 Revival (3.5 million dollars) Acts 19.20- Continued to advance Acts 19.21-41, Key verses: 23,26- Riot/Influence in Ephesus and Asia Part 3: Transition (AD 60) Ac 20.25-32 Fear (focus) Fierce wolves…(Internal turmoil) 1 T 1.3-7 False teaching (focus = prevent) Point: Offense > Defense Goal: Advance the gospel; not just keep pure Highest value is not theology/doctrineHighest value is growth/progress Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26, Rev. 3:5, 12, 21- The one who conquers Rev. 3:21- Jesus also conquered Do you have an offensive mindset to conquer just like Jesus?
QT Why? Personal Relationship God Ex. 33:11 (Friendship) Mk. 1:35 (DWJD=QT) Jn. 17:3 (Eternal Life) Me What to look for in a QT? Sin to avoid Promise to claim Example to follow Command to obey Knowledge to gain Sin to confess Circumstances Internalize Apply WORD PRAY The Word Hand Deut. 6:6-9- Saturate your life with the Word of God How? Hearing – Rom 10.17 Reading – Rev 1.3 Study – Act 17.11 Memo – Ps 119.9,11 Meditate – Ps 1.2-3 Apply it- James 1:22 Jesus, a Man of the Word More important than food – Mat 4.4 His confidence in it – Mat 26.54 His obedience to it – Jn 19.28 His competence in it – Lk 24.27 He is the Word – Jn 1.1-2, 14
Why Your Quiet Time Stinks • Divorced from Prayer (Lk 11.9-13) • Failure to Obey (Jn 14.21, 1 Sam 3.10) • Desire for the Word (Mat 4.4, Jer 15.16, Ps 19.7-11) • Consistency (Heb 5.14) • Share your Relationship ( Is 50.4, Acts 8:26-35)
The Prayer Hand Confession – 1 Jn 1.9 Petition – Phil. 4:6 Intersession – Eph 6.18-19 Thanksgiving – 1 Thess. 5:17-18 Praise – Ps 146.1-2 Jesus, a Man of Prayer Priority – Mk 1.21-37, Lk 6.12-13, Lk 5.15-16, Lk 19.45-46 He modeled prayer – Lk 9.18, Lk 11.1 With and for His men – Lk 9.28, Lk 22.31-32, Jn 17.9 The Disciple’s Prayer – Mt 6.9-13 Methods of Prayer Prayer Lists Free Style Praying thru Scripture Praying thru your Schedule Pray Immediately Group Prayer Effective Fellowship Heb 10.24-25 Part 1: “Let us consider…” Part 2: “Let us… meet together” Part 3: “Let us encourage one another…” Fellowship starts before we meet!
1 – Too close: Burns in 1 John 2.15-16 2 – Too far: floats away 1 Cor. 5.9-11 3 – Perfectly balanced John 17.14-19
YOUR WINTESS- How to witness to different people. Plant your flag for Jesus-Matthew 5:16 Warning-Matthew 10:32-33 Motivation-James 5:19-20
The Kingdom of God- Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the Talents Who is the Master? Master= Jesus Who are the slaves? Slaves= Servants of God What are the talents? Talents= Gifts, abilities', resources… Are you investing your talent/talents in the Master business? If not, what do you think Jesus will do with you? Matthew 25:30
The Kingdom of God- Luke 19:11-27 Parable of the Ten Minas 1.) Nobleman= Jesus 2.) Slaves=People called to labor 3.) Minas= Resources, talents, gifting… 4.) His citizens = Did not want Him to reign over them What did the nobleman tell them to do? Engage in business Is Jesus reigning over your life? Are you engaging in His business, the Kingdom business? If not, what will Jesus do to you? Luke 19:27
Kingdom of God- Mt. 4:23- Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom. The good news of the Kingdom permeates throughout the gospels, in fact it was Jesus’ favorite topic. Catholic JW C Kingdom of God Wrong, Unnecessary, and Controlling Route Jesus Mt. 7:13-14 Jn. 14:6 Isaiah 53:5-7 Jesus is the entrance/straight path to enter the Kingdom of God I J B Acts 8:12, 14:22, 19:8-The early church preached the good news of the Kingdom We need not make people conform to a religious culture to enter the Kingdom-Acts 15:1, 5, 19-20 We must ensure people enter the Kingdom through Jesus, and not a religious culture-1 Cor. 1:10-13
3 Commitments and 1 Master My Master 1 Cor. 2:2
Our vision- Matthew 4:19 Our mission- Two Great Commandments: Matthew 28:18-20, and Matthew 22:37-40 How? John 21:15-17- We want to FEEED people for Jesus FISH- To Jesus Matthew 4:19 EVANGELIZE- To Jesus John 16:29-31 ESTABLISH- In Jesus Colossians 2:6-7 EQUIP- To work for Jesus Ephesians 4:12-13 DEPLOY- For Jesus Matthew 28:19-20 Will you join us at Ft. Sill in fulfilling Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations?
DYNAMICS OF FISHING- We are always fishing men to Jesus John 1:35-39 Matthew 9:9 John the Baptist 1.) John 2.) Andrew JESUS Matthew John 1:43-44 Philip Peter Tax collectors and sinners John 1:40-42 Nate Matthew 9:10-11 John 1:45-49
The Evangelism Hand Walking in Jesus -Help the new believer grow in their walk with Jesus Colossians 2:6-7 The New Birth -Only God can bring about the new birth John 3:3-8 Presentation -Look for an opening -Share testimony -Share Bridge illustration Romans 10:14-15 Cultivation -Build relationships Colossians 4:5-6 Pray -For a worthy man/ man of peace Matthew 10:11, Luke 10:6
The Wheel How to establish a follower of Jesus in the basics Christ- 2 Cor. 5:17 Gal. 2:20 Word- 2 Tim 3:16 Jos. 1:8 Prayer- Phil 4:6-7 Jn. 15:7 Fellowship- Heb 10:24-25 Mt 18:20 Witnessing- Rom 1:16 Mt 4:19 Obedience- Rom 12:1 Jn. 14:21
Master-Builder 1 C 3.9-11 Four major aspects that we build into the life of another: Foundation (Jesus), Character, Knowledge, and Skill Skill Eph. 4:12-13 C H A R A C T E R K N O W L E D G E Gal. 5:22-23 2 Pet. 1:3 The Foundation – Jesus Christ 1 C 3:10-11
Counterfeit Disciple 2 Cor. 13:5 Growing Disciple Col. 2:6-7 Laboring Disciple Lk 9:1-2 Mk 5:18-20 Immature Disciple 1 Cor. 3:1-2 W P F W Pipeline How we reach the world Acts 26:18 Colossians 1:13 Mature Disciple Heb 5:14 Jn. 1:12 Jn. 14:6 Enter through Jesus Disciple Maker To become like Jesus Lk. 6:40 Baby Disciple 1 Pet. 2:2 Mt. 28:19-20 Other Ministries Where are you in the diagram? Where do you want to be? What have you got to do to get there?
The Big Dipper-Road map for spiritual growth North Star= Jesus (True North) Jesus’ Vision Calling Rev. 22:13, 16 1.) Tools 2.) Skills 3.) Experience Spiritual Bermuda Triangle Acts 1:8 Mt. 4:19 New Babe 1 Pet. 2:2 Disciple Maker Mt. 28:19-20 Word People Ministering Disciple Luke 9:1-2 Lordship Established Disciple Growing Disciple Col. 2:6-7 2 Tim 2:15 -Firm grasp on the basics
THE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM 75 How old is Abraham? Gen. 12:4- How long had it been since God had given the promise to Abraham? Gen. 16:3- 10 years How old is Abraham? How old is Abraham? How old is Abraham? Gen. 12:1-3 1.) Blessings 2.) Physical Land 3.) Physical Descendants Gen. 15:1-6 1.) I am your shield, and great reward 2.) Abraham doubts- Why? Gen. 16:1-2, 15-16 1.) Sarah's idea 2.) Middle East problem born- Gen. 16:10-12 Gen. 17:1-2, 5-6, 8, 15-19, 21 1.) Follow Me 2.) I will make you fruitful and multiply you 3.) The promise is through Isaac, not Ishmael Gen. 21:1-3, 5- Isaac is born How long had it been since God gave the promise to Abraham? 25 YEARS! 86 99 100 Gal. 3:16 1.) Seed, not seeds 2.) The Seed- Jesus Christ Gal. 3:29 1.) We are Christ’s 2.) We are Abraham’s seed 3.) Heirs according to the promise What promise? God’s promise to Abraham Gen. 12:1-3 1.) Spiritual blessings- Eph. 1:3 2.) Spiritual land- Phil. 3:20 3.) Spiritual descendants- Jn. 17:8, 20 Do you have a spiritual Isaac? If not, you can ask God for an Isaac
Counsel for War Deut. 20:1-9 Vs. 1-2When, not if you go to war Vs. 3-4The job is too big for you (2 Cor. 3:5) Four Excluders (How to get sent to the rear) Vs. 5 New House – possessions (distraction)- Mk. 10:21-22 Vs.6 New Vineyard – career (distraction)- Mt. 4:18-20 Vs.7 New Wife – relationships (distraction)- Mt. 10:34-39 Vs. 8 Fear – apathy/no heart for the battle- Mt. 25:24-30 Are you one of the 4? If you are not of the 4, then you need training Vs. 9 Select leaders- Get trained Training 1.) Sign up- Mt. 4:18-20 Be FAT to Jesus 2.) Find a trainer and get trained Lk. 6:40- Become like Jesus 1 Cor. 11:1- Follow a trainer as they follow Jesus 3.) Move out, and find a man to train to become like Jesus Mt. 10:5-13- The King’s marching orders 1.) Vs. 5-6- Target 2.) Vs. 7-8- Help people 3.) Vs. 9-10- Travel light 4.) Vs. 11-13- Train a worthy man
Time Mk 3.14 Mt 20.17 4 FACTORS OF DISCIPLESHIP 1 3 5 His Leader Influence 1 Cor. 11.1 2 Cor. 1:24 Jesus Peer Has a man A leader Looking for a man Jesus is his Lord and Teacher Mission Curious Vision Amos 3.3 Phil 2.2 Jesus is his Savior Knowledge of Jesus Macro: Mt. 28:19-20 Micro: 2 Tim 2:2 View of Jesus Jn. 13:13 2 Pet. 3:18
THE PROMISE OF JESUS Mark 1:17 I. The promise of Jesus- Mark 1:17 1.) The promise- I will make you a fisher of men 2.) The condition- Follow Jesus What did Jesus not promise? Eternal life Is there a cost to following Jesus? II. The Cost- Luke 9:23 1.) Deny Self 2.) Take up your cross (daily) 3.) Follow Me Luke 14:25-33, Matthew 10:37-38 Is there a reward for following Jesus? III. The Reward- Mark 10:28-30 1.) A hundredfold 2.) houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children 3.) land, persecutions 4.) By the way= Eternal life Do you want to follow Jesus? Have you counted the cost? How do you follow Jesus?
Spiritual Generations • Gen 1:26-28 • Made in GOD’s image • Be fruitful & Multiply • (God’s image) 2 Tim 2:2 Psalm 78:5-6 John 17:1-21 Paul Spiritual Fathers vs. 1-2: Jesus Timothy Spiritual Children v6 Disciples Children yet to be born Faithful Men vs. 20 Others Others “Their” Children vs. 21 World Other Versus: Acts 1:8; John 15:16, Joel 1:3
Process Process Result Result Evangelizing (Mk 16:15) Establishing (Col 2:6-7) Convert Disciple Witness Follow-up Training objectives Man to Man Process Training objectives Equipping (Eph 4:11-12) Able to reproduce the whole process in someone else Result Process Personal Training (Mk 3:14) Leader Worker “With Him” Result Training objectives How to Multiply Spiritually
The 5 Requirements for our Life in Christ. 1. Accurate Target Location and Size (What is Jesus like? Where do can I locate Him?) John 7:7, 2 COR 4:4, Hebrews 1:13 2. Accurate Firing Unit Location (Where am I now in my faith?) Luke 9:23, John 8:31-32 3. Accurate Ammunition and Propellant Information (Am I equipped to have the same effects as Jesus?) 1) The Word: Hebrews 4:12 2) Prayer : 1 Chronicles 5:20 3) Fellowship: Hebrews 10:24-25 4. Accurate Meteorological Information (What will affect my growth in Christ?) 04-----------------------------------Careers: Matthew 4:18-20 03-----------------------------------Commrades: Proverbs 22:24 02-----------------------------------Cuties: Matthew 10:34-39 01-----------------------------------Cars: Mark 10:21-22 00-----------------------------------Cash: Matthew 6:24 5. Accurate Computational Procedures (How can I check to see if I am like Jesus?) John 13:34-35, John 14:15, John 15:8 The GOAL of the Christian life is to be like CHRIST 1 John2:6 The MISSION of the Christian life is to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit., and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you, always even to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
3 Plans of M2M God’s Plan (Divinity) Jer 29.1 His Plan (Individuality) Prov 16.9 My Plan (Intentionality) Heb 10.24-25. Mt 4.19, Mat 28.18-20 3 Questions that will make you an expert in M2M; How are you doing? What are you getting out of the Word? How’s your Man? (Spiritual reproduction) Levels of leadership 1.) Lead a man 2.) Lead a small group 3.) Lead a Bible study 4.) Lead a chapel 5.) Lead a ministry 6.) Oversee a ministry • Leading a Small Group • 1.) Purpose- Gal. 4:19- Become like Jesus • 2.) How you view?- Mt. 9:36- Compassion • 3.) Self discovery- Lk. 2:46- Listen and ask questions • 4.) Generate Hunger- Pro. 27:7 • 5.) Find a man- Mt. 4:19 • TTP’s • -You are the facillator • 80/20 rule • Open ended questions • Introduction (Hook’em) • Conclusion (Something they can apply) Mechanics for M2M Matthew 28:19-20 1.) How are you doing? (Relationship) 2.) Share your QT/ Scripture Memory (Model) 3.) How are your QT’s? (Intentionality) How’s your man? (Spiritual reproduction) 4.) Share your follow up plan (top ten). (Content)
Giving 1.) Should I give? 2.) How much should I give? 3.) Where should I give? (To whom or what?) Believers generally base giving on tradition or emotions. We should give Biblically. OT Giving: Tithe Lev. 27:30-32- Tithe is a legal requirement (nationhood). All 10% belongs to God. 11 tribes tithe 10% God Levites receive 110% (safety factor) Neh. 12:44-47- In action Neh. 13:10-11- In remission Deut. 14:27- Warning against neglect Neh. 13:10-12- Result of neglect Mal. 3:10- Challenge from God OT Giving: Offering Exodus 25:1-8- Distinct from tithe, optional used to build the tabernacle NT Giving Luke 6:38, Acts 20:35- Jesus’ thoughts 2 Corinthians 9:6-7- God loves a cheerful giver 1 Corinthians 9:3-14- Principle on giving
Purity Fight 1 Timothy 4:12- speech/conduct/love/faith/purity Purity…hidden life Jeremiah 17:9-10 Matthew 5:8 Proverbs 20:9 Focus Flee Fi l l Fal l Fight Focus- Hebrews 12:1-3, Job 31:1, Psalm 119:37 Flee- 2 Timothy 2:22- Example of Joseph-Genesis 39:7-12 Fill- Romans 12:2, Psalm 119:9, 11, Philippians 4:8 Fall- Proverbs 24:16, 1 John 1:9 Fight- Revelation 12:17, 1 Peter 5:8- But-2 Thessalonians 3:3 Satan will devour you IF you do not fight back How? James 4:7 Keep fighting until Satan gives up- Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:13
Man – Mission - Mate The Account - Gen 2.1-24 (Is there significance to the order?) Man - vs 7 oWhat goes into forming a man today? Luke 2:52 Mission – vs 15 oWhat was his mission? oWhat is your mission? Matthew 28:19-20 Mate – vs 18-24 oWhy God say man is alone? oWhy name the animals? oA suitable Helper
6 Critical Factors Of a multiplying ministry
1st Critical Factor-Laying Foundations 4 P’s 1.) Prayer- Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12 2.) Promises of God- Luke 4:16-21 3.) People- Matthew 16:18 4.) Planning- Mark 1:38-39 2nd Critical Factor-Going to the Lost How did Jesus go to the lost? Paul? The Gospels Acts Mk. 1:21 Acts 9:20 Mk. 1:39 Acts 13:5 Mk. 3:1 Acts 17:17 Mk. 6:2 Acts 18:4, 8 Jn. 4:7-26 Jn. 18:20 Jesus and Paul went to the Synagogues Jesus and Paul talked to who ever crossed their path Where should we go in order to reach out to the lost?
The Missional Community- Matthew 22:36-40/Matthew 28:18-20 1 Thessalonians 2:8 1.) Relational 2.) Intentional Needs-Acts 2:44-45 Jesus & Kingdom of God-Acts 28:30-31 Workers- Pray- Luke 10:2, Acts 4:23-31 Power of the Holy Spirit and Strategy- Acts 1:8 Go- Luke 10:3, Acts 8:1, 4 Equipping-Ephesians 4:11-13 -Personal testimony -Evangelism -Discipling The Church is not just a support group. We need to plant Jesus and His Kingdom. Serving-Mark 10:45, 2 Corinthians 4:5
Restoring the Image • The Original • Made in His image – Gen 1.26-27 • The Temptation – Gen 3.5 • Too Much of a good thing – Gen 3.22 • Reproducing the flaws – Gen 5.3 • God still acknowledges the Image – Gen 9.6 • A Better Model • Jesus, the image of God – 2 Cor 4.4, Col 1.15, Heb 1.3 • We are to copy that model – Phil 2.5-9, 1 Jn 2.6, Jn 13.15, Eph 5.1 • How to return to the original model • Repent/believe/receive Jesus- 2 Cor. 5:17 • Become like Jesus – Rom 8.29 • Two Images – 2 Cor 3.18 • Being transformed – 2 Cor 3.18 • Renovation – Col 3.10 • Aim – Heb 12.2 (Front sight post) The Compassion of Jesus What was Jesus compassionate about? -Mt. 9:35-36-The harassed and helpless -Mt. 14:13-14-Healed the sink -Mt. 15:32-Fed the crowd -Jesus was compassionate about PEOPLE What did Jesus’ compassion drive Him to do? -Mt. 14:15-21- Challenged His disciples to do something- You feed them -Mk. 6:34- Jesus taught -Mk. 9:21-23- Cast out demons & challenged people to believe -Mt. 9:37-38, Lk. 10:1-2-Jesus prayed, trained, and sent out laborers Application: Are you compassionate about people? Are you laboring and training someone else to labor for Jesus?
Two Anchors In the Christian life endurance is the key to living for Christ for the long haul. 1.) Matthew 24:13 2.) 2 Timothy 4:5-7 Storms of life 3 seasons of life: 1.) Going into a storm 2.) In a storm 3.) Coming out of a storm Proverbs 17:17, 18:24 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Hebrews 6:19-20 -Jesus, the anchor of our souls. -deep relationship with Christ Do you have your anchors deep in Christ and deep in fellowship?
What is Jesus like? -Mt. 4:19, Lk. 6:40, Rom. 8:28-29, Gal. 3:28, Eph. 4:12-13, Phil. 3:7-10, Col. 1:28 What do all these verses have in common? -A singular laser beam focus BECOME LIKE JESUS Two critical questions: 1.) If we are to be like Jesus, than what is He like? -Jn. 5:19-Follower -Mt. 11:28-30-Gentle and humble -Lk. 22:42, Heb. 5:8-Obedient -Mk. 10:45-Servant -Jn. 15:15-Learner -Jn. 13:34-35, Mt. 23:13, Mk. 10:21-22-Lover -Jn. 17:6-8, 20-21-Reproducer 2.) Are you like Jesus?